
Select from db, making icons from the items.

What I'm trying to do is basicly what this photo shows. When I select something from the treeview it passes a parameter to a linq command that selects some data from the database. For every item in the selection I want to make a Icon and a text that represents if the item is a folder or a file. When I push the Icon or the Link i want i...

Setting imageURL using a function in ASP.NET

Hi, I've done this task before within repeaters and it has worked. However I can't get the below to work for me in a normal webforms page. The images appear as broken links and breakpoints I put in the codebehind are not triggered. (in the aspx file) <asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton1" runat="server" ImageUrl='<%# GetImageDirectory()%...

ASP.NET No postback on asp:ImageButton

Hello, I have an ASP page with an asp:DropDownList (with AutoPostBack="true") so that when the user changes it, it reload the appropriate data. Under that control i have a list of UserControls, that includes a tinymce editor (tied to an asp:TextBox) and an asp:ImageButton to save the data. When clicking on the ImageButton, the applica...

Stacking Two ImageButtons

I have two ImageButtons, and I am trying to stack one on top of the other. I essentially want to make a screen with two big buttons that each take up 50% of the available space. The code is below. Here is a capture of the layout it yields I have played around with layout_gravity and gravity on the parent. Setti...

After canceling window.onbeforeunload alert ImageButtons don't postback

I have a FormView with some basic Cancel/Update/Insert/Edit ImageButtons, and I have a ListView inside the FormView. I need to warn the user whenever he inserts new items in the ListView and doesn't save the changes. So I have a flag (an hidden input) that I fill with "1" whenever I add/remove a new item in the ListView, I have a handl...

ImageButton in Android

Can anybody tell me how to resize the imageButton to fit the image exactly..This is the code that i tried, but the image is placed at the position that i am locating using android:scaleType but i can't able to reduce the size of imageButton, pls help me out in rectifying this issue...The code that i tried is ... <ImageButton> android:i...

First deployment, image buttons not showing when page is first loaded.

I finally got my site to work on my server, and it is now visible at but when you click on any of the categories on the top it loads a professional's profile, but the image buttons I'm using like tabs on the profile content don't load, and just display "Submit Query" until clicked on, then the images load. This is my fi...

Images do not display consistently between VS and debugging version

I have a GridView with three Button columns that are set up with images. When I select my path for the image, using the GUI tool that VS provides, the resulting path is something like ~/Images/myicon.png and the image displays fine (sometimes) in the VS Design mode. But the images do not display on the running version of the website (usi...

Spacing ImageButtons in Android

How do you space ImageButtons? With RelativeLayout, I can have them side by side but I want a gap between them. How do I place the buttons in the center and at the bottom of the screen? ...

How to have a transparent ImageButton: Android

<ImageButton android:id="@+id/previous" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:src="@drawable/media_skip_backward" android:background="@drawable/transparent"></ImageButton> This is what I tried to get a transparent ImageButton so as to place those buttons on a SurfaceView. But Eclipse, gives me...

Android: What is best layout to use when trying to get 2x2 image buttons, and more?

I am trying to make my layout look like so. I have tried gridviews, table layouts, and more but cant get it to look right. I want something like this. ImageButton ImageButton2 ImageButton3 ImageButton4 ImageView1 ImageButton5 ImageButton6 ImageButton6 ImageButton7 ImageButton8 (these are smaller icons) ImageButton9 (sma...

ASP image button onclick event does not fire in IE, works in Firefox and chrome

Onclick event of imagebutton (inside usercontrol) does not get fired in IE, it works in Firefox and chrome. The usercontrol contains some required field validations as well as a popup. Code below: <asp:ImageButton ID="btnSend" ImageUrl="~/images/send.gif" ValidationGroup="SiteFeedback" CausesValidation="true" runat="server" Ta...

ImageButton using Transitions in Android

I'm trying to create a transparent (no button background) ImageButton that has a custom selector. I have the selector working against the button but I now want the selector drawables to cross-fade into each other. I saw the TransitionDrawable object that can be represented in XML. Is there a way to connect this into my selector? Below i...

Android - Button Question

I finally got my image button to work within an ImageView, and after I press it, it works, but imnmediately after, it stops running and I get the error message to close it. I added the onClick and focused it in the XML so that it will work within an imageview, but that's all I got. The button in the /drawable folder is the imagebutton se...

ASP.NET Master page DefaultButton override

I have a master page with a form element and the defaultbutton attribute set to a server-side ImageButton. On one of my pages I want to "override" the masterpage defaultbutton attribute by setting the Forms DefaultButton in the Page_Load event. i.e On mater page: <form id="form1" runat="server" defaultbutton="btnSearch">....</from> ...

Android: Employing ImageButton with ListView

I’ve delved into the Android documentation that is somewhat nebulous regarding my question. Is it possible to overlay an ImageButton over a ListView employing a SimpleExpandableListAdapter? If so, pointing me in the right direction (code example or technical specs) would be most appreciative. Additional clarification: I’m designing/...

How to disable ImageButton that is wired to server event (so it can't get re-posted)

I have an ImageButton -- with an OnClick event that another developer originally coded. It looks like this: <asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButtonSaveAddress" runat="server" ImageUrl="btnSave.gif" OnClick="ImageButtonSaveAddress_Click" /> In the code behind, the event code looks like this ... protected void ImageButtonSaveAddr...

Placing an ASP.NET ImageButton inside a TableCell

I'm trying to put an imagebutton in a tablecell, but the only property to add anything to a tablecell I know of, is the Text property. And that's for text, only accepting Strings. How do I add the Imagebutton instance instead? ...

Android, remove custom button border

Hi, I used this selector code for my custom button (simple.xml) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android=""&gt; <item android:state_focused="true" android:state_pressed="false" android:drawable="@drawable/focused" /> <item android:state_focused="true" andr...

How to change my server side use of ASP:ImageButton to HTML img tag only

I am trying to wire some fancy Javascript (PopBox) to an ImageButton control and I am getting a very strange run-time (Compilation) error. <asp:imagebutton id="imgBtnPicture" runat="server" class="PopBoxImageSmall" pbshowcaption="true" title="Click to magnify/shrink" onclick="Pop(this,50,'PopBoxImageLarge');" ...