
img tag in RichTextEditor Adobe AIR

Hi, I wanted to insert an image into a RichTextEditor in AIR application. For my surprise I found this code working perfectly if the project was Web application but it doesn't work if I use it into AIR Desktop application. Here's the code <mx:RichTextEditor height="100%" width="100%"> <mx:htmlText> <![CDATA[ <p>Thi...

how to add xsl attribute

I have an xml with img tag <img> source </img> I want to generate: <img src="source.jpg"> I tried something like that: <img> <xsl:attribute name="src"> <xsl:text> <xsl:value-of select="node()" />.jpg </xsl:text> </xsl:attribute> </img> but it doesng work ...

Redirect PHP page to IMG

I have a blog background website. We provide some HTML code that the user can insert into his page, and it has something like this: <img src="" /> Unfortunately, I have had to relocate the images from time to time. Each time I have to relocate the image, the image no longer works for the people who have put the...

Which html elements should be wrapped with div? (<img>,<input>,<textarea>,<form>, <ul>, etc..)

Hi, A lot of times when I design I thinking about the question: Which html elements should be wrapped with div and in which cases? (<img>,<input>,<textarea>,<form>, <ul>, etc..) Example A- input text: option1 without div: <input class="input-wrapper" type="text" /> option2 with div around input: <div class="input-wrapper"><...

How to Find Img Tags Having src null. and deleting it

I need to delete or hide the Img tag or its parent when Img have src="". I have a script but it is not working.. window.onload=function(){ var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName("img"); for(var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) { var img = imgs[i]; if(img.src==""){ img.parentNode.removeChild(img); ...

Aligning images inside divs

I'm trying to fit three images inside a div, but I'm having trouble getting them to align properly. This is what I have in mind: But I can't for the life of me figure this one out. Can anyone please lend a hand? Thanks! ...

echo <img> tag...

Hello there, I getting crazy trying to echo an <img> tag I want to add this simple string "/uploads/" before $photo->name...Here is my echo: echo '<img src="'.$photo->name.'"/>'; thanks for any help... ...

Should images be referenced from CSS or from Content folders with <img/>

I ask because my buddy posted a question earlier on How to resolve issue with image path when testing HtmlHelper? and a few of us in the office got talking about how to resolve this. One of the guys suggested that he wouldn't have this issue (Test crashing because it has a dependency on functionality in IIS) if he was referencing the i...

Why getting image via PHP does not work ?

I'm working with WampServer Version 2.0 on Windows XP and FireFox 3.6.8. I'm trying to get image content via PHP script like this: HTML: <img src='temp_get_file.php' alt='picture not found' /> PHP: (temp_get_file.php) <?php header('Content-Type: image/png'); $img = imagecreatefromjpeg("1.png"); imagejpeg($img); imagedestroy($img); ...

HTML img has unwanted edges

See and look at World Series 2010 sponsorship logo on left. There is an edge along the top and left sides of the logo which is rendered in this markup: <div style="position: absolute; float: left; left: 0px;"> <img width="200" height="200" src="/themes/zen/atdwh_classic/images/2010 JLBB-30 year - sml.jpg"> </div...

Save Image from Servlet generated image src to HardDisk

I don't know how to automatically retrieve and save an image to my harddisk given this html source: <img src="https://someRemoteServer/servlet/GetItemServlet?ts=32352.3&amp;itemtype=blabla"&gt; I tried wget, but it only saves the request GetItemServlet itself to my harddisk. I want to iterate through 700 images on the remote Server ...

getting the absolute path of a <img/>

Using javascript, is there a standard way to get the absolute path of an image, as var src= img.getAttribute("src"); only returns the @src tag as it was declared in the HTML thanks, Pierre ...

javascript check if img src is valid?

I have something like: document.getElementById('MyPicture').src = 'attempted.png'; If the client cannot get that resource, I would like to replace it with: document.getElementById('MyPicture').src = 'error.png' I know I can put onError=function() in the image tag, but how can I pass the Id to onError, so that I can have one onError...

<img> tag fails in MVC2 application

In an MVC2 view, I can't get tags to work at all. They show up as broken pictures. The tag (created by an Html.ImageFor() extension method that I wrote) is a perfectly valid tag, such as this, which I copied from the page source in IE: <img alt="Picture Display" src="~/Content/Pictures/IMGP0164 (resized).JPG" /> Note that if I don'...

Images on server visible in Firefox/Chrome/Opera but not IE

I'm developing a website and certain images will not display when returned to IE browser. It will not display both within the returned html page it is contained in and when you link directly to the image. Here is the page the image is contained in: and here is a direct link to the image:

Drag'n'drop image inside link from IE to C#

Hello, I'm trying to get link to image file (src attribute) which I drag'n'drop from browser onto my desktop application. Image located inside an anchor (a-tag). My code works with Chrome & Fx - but not with IE :( if (e.Data.GetDataPresent("HTML Format")) { string data = (string)e.Data.GetData(DataF...

Can you request/get variables from img src?

This is a two part question, but I want to make sure the first is actually achievable. Firstly, can you get access variables set by img src? I am attempting jQuery, including MySQL UPDATE etc, but this I needed to make sure would work? <a href="#" class="chnge"><img src="filename.jpg?id=1&open=1" /></a> The jQuery would then have ...

What's the difference between img width&height property and CSS width&height?

The HTML tag img can have width and height property, while it can also have CSS style width and height. <img src="xxx.img" width="16" height="16" style="width: 16px; height: 16px"></img> What's the difference between the HTML property and CSS attributes? Should they have same effects? ...

Facebook failing to pick up the very first img tag as the main thumbnail I tried everything to get my logo image to be picked as the thumbnail, but this is eluding me! It keeps defaulting to either the Twitter or Facebook button when I try to share this link on Facebook. <meta property="og:image" content=""/&gt; <link rel=...

jquery gettings variables from img src rather than window.location.href

I found this snippet of code, which works a treat: $.urlParam = function(name){ var results = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)').exec(window.location.href); if (!results) { return 0; } return results[1] || 0;} } So if the url/query string was just call var langval = $.urlParam('lang'); an...