
Trying to position my image a little bit lower, but it drags everything down with it.

I'm trying to position my picture a little bit lower so the center of the image aligns with the vertical center of the header tag. Here is the both the HTML and the CSS. Thanks for the help! #articlesummary { border: 2px solid red; width: 750px; } #articlesummary h3 { border: 2px solid red; display:inline; co...

In coldfusion how can I find the filesize of a linked file and use that as an alt attribute

I have a large list with icons linking to pdf and msword files. I'd like to get the filesize in kb of the linked file then use that as the alt attribute on the image. The generated code would look something like this. Description of file <a href="file1.pdf"><img src="pdficon.gif" alt="27.6 kb" /></a> <a href="file1.doc"><img src="wordi...

Using select to switch images

I'm fairly new to jQuery and I am trying to switch image src attribute by getting the links from a select HTML tag. This is the select HTML that I'm using: <select id="pages"> <option value="Manga/Naruto/Friends/01.png">1</option> <option value="Manga/Naruto/Friends/02.png">2</option> <option value="Manga/Naruto/Friends/03.png"...

jQuery .html with variable

Hi. Currently I'm using Wordpress & creating my own metabox in the write post panel. I've got a script that adds a custom media upload button. When the user clicks 'insert into post' it inserts the image URL into a text box. However, I also want to display a live preview of this image & I would like the script to insert the URL also into...

Extract img src from first image in a wordpress post

Hi I am trying to create 2 functions for a wordpress site: One to extract the src from an image in a post and one to get the post slug. the goal is to place some code in an excerpt that looks like this: <a style="background: url( extracted img src using a function ) no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;" href=" post slug using a function ...

How to add image tag inside title attribute of an anchor tag?

I have added an img tag inside title attribute,but the img tag shows as text when hover over link(using hovertip js),and does not display an image.What needs to be done? <a title="4r23r 2342.00 &lt;img src=/m/productsmedia/IHALE.GIF&gt;" class="product_detail " href="/?product=6" id="0">4r23r</a> ...

When I generate the src of an img tag, using php, it strips the forward slash at the end of the tag. Anyone come across this before?

If I have the path to an image stored in $thumbPath and I put that as the img tag's src it strips the end "/" from the tag. Does anyone have any ideas about this? <img src="<?php echo $thumbPath; ?>" /> // <img src="path/to/file/foo.jpg"> Thanks ...

Image change triggered by time and click

I want an image, which is not clicked after 5 seconds, to turn into another image, which then returns to the original image when clicked. So image > (user not clicked on image after 5 secs) > image prompting user to click > (user clicks) > image back to original. Any ideas? ...

PHP HTML image output

In the PHP manual for base64_encode() I saw the following script for outputting an image. <?php $imgfile = "test.gif"; $handle = fopen($filename, "r"); $imgbinary = fread(fopen($imgfile, "r"), filesize($imgfile)); echo '<img src="data:image/gif;base64,' . base64_encode($imgbinary) . '" />'; ?> But how can you output an image dyna...

img problem in IE

This code below works perfectly for all browsers except IE 7 or 8. <img src="images/image1.png" usemap="#map1" width="669" height="300" border="0"> <map name="map1"> <area shape="rect" coords="80,120,182,226" href="XXXXX" target="_top" > </map> <div style="background : url(images/image2.png) repeat-y; height:auto; wid...

Caching dynamically loaded images

I'm using javascript to dynamically load any of a series of images into a single img tag, based on user interaction: function reassignImage(newSource) { img.src = newSource; } This works great, except that I when I inspect it with Chrome developer tools, I see that even if I reload an image I've already loaded, it makes another htt...

Applying CSS to image tag to show only bottom half

I have an image tag that is displaying an image of 18 pixels in width and 36 pixels in height. However, I only want to display the bottom 18 x 18 pixels of the image, and not the full 18 x 36 pixels. How do I go about applying a style to the tag in order to accomplish this? EDIT: Thanks all for your help! It was a combination of a coup...

How can I test if a URL is a valid image (in javascript)?

When submitting a form, I want to make sure a field is a valid image URL. I could make an AJAX endpoint on my server which CURLs the URL and parses the output with an image library, but that feels a bit of overkill. Could I get away with making an <img> element then synchronously check the response somehow? ...

jQuery get attr id of an active image

Hi all, Im stuck on some jquery, and I dont know why it isnt working... $('img').click(function() { $('img').removeClass('bob'); $(this).addClass('bob'); }); var test = $('img.bob').attr('src'); $('div.button').click(function() { alert(test); }); basically i need to get the attr ID of the image selected, but the alert on...

Why would a site ever use </img> in HTML markup

I encountered this page, a Google service login page that (beyond just omitting a doctype), contains 6 instances of </img> For example, <img src="" alt="Google"> </img> Why would they ever do that? What benefit/functional...

How to animate or slide when replacing image src

I'm creating a gallery where user can browse next previous and reading image name from array like imgNumber1++ if (imgNumber1 == NumberOfImages) imgNumber1 = 0 document.images[refimg].src = img[imgNumber1] It is working fine but I want to animate or slide when replacing image src. How can I do t...

can we add image through img tag in

Hello All, i want to add image through img tag in i tried the following logic but it's not work String img+="img src="abc.jpg" if you know plz reply me ...

How to force an <img> to take up width, even if the image is not loaded.

I'm loading a bunch of img's, and I'd like them to take up space on the document even if they are not loaded, or have not completed loading yet. I tried specifying width and height (both as attributes themselves, and within a style attribute), and find it frustrating that the images will not take up space if they don't load. Surely, th...

Applying hover image effect on inline images within divs

I have placed 6 images on a page, each within a div class displayed inline. I have also given each of images an ID. I want to know the best way to have each image change to a different image on hover. I'm thinking I may be violating some rule of hover or something or just be using the wrong syntax. All ideas are welcome. ...

Javascript not working IE 8 on Windows

Hi Everyone! I have 4 images that I use as a navigation menu, when I click on one it lights up (changes image) and the current goes out, and so on so forth. It works well in chrome and ff (no firebug errors) But in IE8 the functioning of the clicks (where it changes the view of a div) work it just doesn't change the img src here's the...