
Find location of a checkbox inside a table

I have a table that has checkboxes within tds. The checkboxes have ids that form an array (s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4], etc...) and I am trying to find out the numeric row location of the checkbox within the table>tbody (YES, this row location also matches the index inside the array. Here's the code I'm trying but the result is always "0": ...

Find the source files of Wordpress

hi guys, i mean i want to see the source file of the main page. when i click right click and choice the option view source, so i want to find the "body" of the file,and edit it physical, which folder can i find it ? thanks friends. ...

ORACLE Insert Performance On Indexed Tables

Why Insert Statemets Perform Slower on a Indexed Table? ...

Drupal Serial Number

I'm new to drupal, had a good start with basic functionality but I need to do some specific tasks and I'm starting to struggle. I want a form with a drop down list, that selects a string. I also want to create a serial number thats unique, and append it to the string. I was thinking that I'd create a document type "index", then as as d...

Rails - Multiple Index Key Association

There seem to be a number of ways to handle a multiple foreign key association. Each way I have approached this has their draw backs, and as I am new to Rails I am convinced others have come across a similar scenario and I am probably working on something solved long ago. My question is: What would be an efficient way of handling a mu...

Indexed Table DML Performance when you dont use index

Hi All, I am running some performance tests about indexes and DMLs. I could not understand some test result in the case of when you do not use indexes on an indexed table DMLs perform slower than the non-indexed tables. I was expecting to run the both in similar time intervals. The plsql block i used is below:(TINDEX_PERFORMANCE_TEST_1 ...

What to grant to user to use index of table while quering?

I want to know if oracle uses index when user queries data from table and that user has been granted just: grant select on table to user I want to know if it is needed some another grant to use index... ...

Can Sonatype Nexus publish indexes after a commit?

We have a Nexus repository, that holds our software (surprise ...). In our IDEs, we added the repositories, so we can navigate them in a visual manner. Problem: the IDE uses the .index folder (with it's gz file), which is currently updated every night. What I want is: if anyone adds an artifact, the .index should be updated automatical...

MYSQL alter table - add INDEX + FOREIGN KEY give error 1005

what is wrong with this alter table command : ALTER TABLE `lp` ADD COLUMN `RuleId` INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT -111 AFTER `Weight` , , ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`RuleId` ) REFERENCES `Rules` (`RuleId` ) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, ADD INDEX `fk_1` (`RuleId` ASC) ; if i drop the line ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_1` FORE...

simplest way to return a new list by remove index/value from another list? (order required)

All, o1 = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h"] index = [3,4] value = ["c","d"] [x for x in o1 if x not in value] [x for x in o1 if x not in [o1[y] for y in index]] any simpler solution for above lc? Thanks ...

How to: Manage multiple overlapping indexes in SQL Server 2005

For the sake of example, I have a table with columns A B C D E F G H. I have created two indexes on the table that correspond to the most used queries. The first is on columns B C D and E. The second is on B C D E and F. The queries that use these columns are called the same number of times and they are each optimized with respect to...

MySQL ignores my index

I'm running the following query in MYSQL select distinct straight_join cu.entryid entryid, t0.tokpos starting_position, t3.tokpos ending_position, t0.idxsent idxsent, 'TOKENS_44_340' tablename from TOKENS_44_340 t0, constraints_appraisal cu, TOKENS_44_340 t1, TOKENS_44_340 t2, TOKENS_44_340 t3 where t0.toke...

Negative array indexes in C?

I was just reading some code and found that the person was using arr[-2] to access the 2nd element before the arr, like so: |a|b|c|d|e|f|g| ^------------ arr[0] ^---------- arr[1] ^---------------- arr[-2] Is that allowed? I know that arr[x] is the same as *(arr + x). So arr[-2] is *(arr - 2), which seems ok. What ...

Using MySQL Index for foreign Keys with Hibernate

Hello everyone, Our current database (MySQL) already has Indexes for its foreign keys since these use InnoDB, which (afaik) automatically generates IndexTables for foreign keys. Hibernate wasnt used to create these tables. So my question is: Is MySQL using Indexes for their foreign keys automatically, when I use Hibernate to fetch Data ...

NHibernate and SQLite: will an IgnoreCase() query be an indexed lookup or not?

The Foo column is defined as "Foo TEXT unique". Will an Eq().IgnoreCase() query use the index or will it perform a complete column scan? The query: string foo = "foo"; IList<T> list = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(T)). Add(Expression.Eq("Foo", foo).IgnoreCase()).List<T>(); ...

Example Use of MySQL Indexes?

I was reading this question about the difference between these 4: However, it is all very abstract and vague to me after reading it. Maybe it would help me understand it more concretely if I had some examples of when I would use it. For ex...

Replacement for Index in .NET

Heya, I've been out of doing proper programming for sometime, so as an exercise in trying to get some practice, I'm trying to make a program to solve Sudoku in C# (VS 2010) My problem occurs when I'm trying to create some form of initial grid for the data out of text boxes. Back when I used to use VB6, I could call all text boxes as a ...

Error when inserting data in non-unique index

I have a batch job that synchronizes data between two identical databases using the MERGE statement. Sometimes, I get the following error: cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.MatchPlayerStatistics' with unique index 'IX_MatchPlayerStatistics_Player'. That does not make sense because IX_MatchPlayerStatistics_Player is not a uni...

Mysql::Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes

script/generate acts_as_taggable_on_migration rake db:migrate causes Mysql::Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes: CREATE INDEX `index_taggings_on_taggable_id_and_taggable_type_and_context` ON `taggings` (`taggable_id`, `taggable_type`, `context`) What should I do? Here is my database encoding: mysql> S...

Google crawling indexing algorithms

I am looking for some documents on how Google crawl and index content. I read many "light" papers and articles on what you need to do to improve your ranking and make sure your content is properly indexed but I am looking for some more advanced technical documents on how Google crawl and index content. The things I would like to know mo...