
Using String methods instead of Regex

hello as i am not very familiar with regex, is it possible (whether its hard to do or not) to extract certain text inbetween symbols? for example: <meta name="description" content="THIS IS THE TEXT I WANT TO EXTRACT" /> thank you :) ...

Developing an asset/node based CMS

I'd like to develop a CMS for fun/personal using asset-based architecture rather than page-based (why, is the purpose of this question), but I can't find much information on the subject. All I've found barely scrapes the surface (there's a good chance I'm searching with the wrong terms). An asset-based CMS stores information as blo...

How do you hide data from all but once class?

I'm trying to fix a design flaw that I recently ran across in some of our software without re-writing the entire thing. There is a .exe which has a message listener thread that is receiving data from some server, and then writing it to a class in a seperate DLL (we'll call it StaticDataClass) that is storing all of the data it receives ...

id or a serial that all windows computer have that cant be changed c#

I'm creating a program that authenticates from a before it runs. I also want to deny access. Is there an id or a serial that all windows computers have that cant be changed that I could put on a black list? and how would I access that in c#? ...

Getting information about a Facebook Page via API but without a session_key

I'm going to create a Facebook application which get informations (name and *page_url*) about Facebook page from his *page_id*. So i went to the Facebook Wiki and i found this API method which sounds good at first look : My only wish was that i wouldn't pass a session_key para...

Can someone give an example of cosine similarity, in very simple, graphical way? Can you show the vectors here (in a list or something) And then do the math, and let us see how it works? I'm a beginner. ...

Library getting information from any active windows into screen

Hi all, I am looking for a library to get some information from the active windows. By "information" I mean the absolute/relative position of the window, the size, the list of all the windows. There is a function in GTK+ called get_window_list_toplevels() or get_root_window() but I get only the windows information realized with GTK. I...

PowerShell: Links to interesting sites or blog posts

In this question Alan posted links to interesting pages about PowerShell. I found also some interesting pages: (cheatsheet) (core reference)

Coming to grips with a large number of sites and huge amounts of content

I've just been offered a fantastic but intimidating job opportunity and I wanted to know if anyone out there had any suggestions for handling the situation. The issues are these: Trying to bring together large numbers of disparate sites maintained and updated by different people while nominally remaining under a single umbrella compan...

Entitlement Web Service Authentication

I was tasked with implementing either a SAML authentication service, or a EWS (Entitlement Web Service Authentication) service, and I was wondering if anyone has any samples or documentation on such options. I am almost 100% sure that SAML is out of the question due to the time frame of the project. EWS has been difficult to find online...

How can I learn to create beautiful infographics (with connection to my R knowledge)?

Hello all. I am a devoted R ( user, and love infographics. I just came across this article: Giving a long list of resources for information designers. And it raised in me the desire to do more beautiful (not just informative) R plots. Do you have...

How can a personal-wiki be used for personal information management ?

I am considering using mediawiki for managing my personal information (code, and other "real life" data). And I would love any tips on how best to do so. Thanks! ...

Send information to another form c#

Hey, I have an application that uploads files to a server, but when I press upload it freezes until it is done, so I was thinking to make another form pop up that says uploading and does all of the uploading on that form nested of freezing that main form. But to do this I need to be able to send the selected information to that other for...

What is non-serializable schedule? in transaction database

Can anyone explain me what is non-serializable in transaction DB. please give me an example. r1(x) r2(x)w1(y) c2 c1 is this non-serializable? ...

File version information

How can I add version information to a file? The files will typically be executables, .so and .a files. Note: I'm using C++, dpkg-build and Ubuntu 8.10 if any of those have support for this. ...

Does joomla have search for content?

I am trying to find a search feature that searches all contents, including articles, links, posts, etc. in Joomla. Where is it located? I am talking about search feature in administration page, not home page. I want to be able to figure out where the content is coming from and its location. ...

Web Apps: Closeable Announcements/Info/Tooltip boxes

I want to understand how to implement an announcement/info box system that displays a box for the user with information. The user can do nothing or close the box, but then it will never be seen again. E.g. Facebook home page. Box asking for Translators. if you leave it then its always there. But if you close it, it never appears again....

Is information a subset of data?

I apologize as I don't know whether this is more of a math question that belongs on mathoverflow or if it's a computer science question that belongs here. That said, I believe I understand the fundamental difference between data, information, and knowledge. My understanding is that information carries both data and meaning. One thin...

The best way to display data in a table view?

Hey guys, I'm trying to display nutritional information in a table view but am struggling about the best way to show the info. I don't want to create unique views for each page as that would take up a lot of space. My ideal avenue would be like a website having links to data pages instead of individual views for each page. How would I b...

Blogs / books with advise, tips and information from developers

Good Morning. I've been reading Joel Spolsky's (joelonsoftware) articles and they are full of good information and tips. He's a good writer and well worth reading. I am wondering what other good blogs/articles/books are out there written by similar people - really after leaders/managers/biz owners who are/were developers. Hope that ma...