
cancel a read from an InputStream

Currently I am using an ObjecInputStream to read from a Socket, and everything works fine using this simple code: ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); Object response = input.readObject(); Now I want to somehow cancel the read, without closing the stream, so that I can later read from it again. Is ...

Can we convert a byte array into an InputStream in Java?

Can we convert a byte array into an InputStream in Java? I have been looking on the internet but couldn't find it. I have a method that has an InputStream as argument. The InputStream cph I have is base64 encoded so I had to decode it using BASE64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder(); byte[] decodedBytes = decoder.decodeBuffer(cph); ...

Best way to detect if a stream is zipped in Java

What is the best way to find out i contains zipped data? ...

What is InputStream & Output Stream? Why do we use them and when do we use each of them?

It sounds like a very silly question but can anyone explain me about Input stream and output stream. I remain confused about when do we need input stream and when we need output stream? An explanation with some code snippet will be great. I just need to figure out their difference and usage. ...

How to specify a physical path on disc to a file, but acces a memory location??

Hello Everyone, I'm trying to integrate several components to build a custom reporting solution. One of these components is a template-based report generator. It reads a template consisting on a RTF file with placeholders and perform the substitution. This works great, and generates an RTF report. Although it can generate the results a...

JBOSS hanging on org.apache.jk.common.JkInputStream.receive() - IOException reading the http request inputstream

I have a problem that causes all threads in JBOSS to block while reading the input stream. It does not happen predictably and the system can run for days (or longer) before it starts to suffer. The problem looks similar to question 1624159 but I have yet to try setting -Dhttp.keepAlive=false as recommended in the answer because I wondere...

How to implement a circular buffer in Blackberry or java me?

How can we program a circular buffer for Blackberry? ...

How can I access a txt file in a jar with FileInputStream?

I am aware of the getResourceAsStream() method but there is an issue with the parser that reads the file, the whole structure was implemented to expect a FileInputStream() and the getResourceAsStream() returns an input stream which cannot be casted. Is there any easy "fix" for this situation? ...

How to find if InputStream is empty (contains only headers)

I'm getting InputStream of attached file by web service. When the user attaches an empty file, the input stream is not empty, but contains the header of the file (taht can be image, video, zip and others). When I read inputStream.available() I get 11 - the size of the header. I believe that for every type of file there is different heade...

Optimization of Neural Network input data.

Im trying to build an app to detect images which are advertisements from the webpages. Once I detect those Ill not be allowing those to be displayed on the client side. Basically I`m using Back-propagation algorithm to train the neural network using the dataset given here. ...

Java InputStream != Readable

I am using java.util.Scanner for things such as nextInt(), and all was working fine as long as I was using a java.lang.Readable (one and only constructor argument). However, when I changed to using an InputStream instead, Scanner.nextInt() never returns. Do you know why? My implementation of the InputStream looks like this: private sta...

How do I read a given number of lines from the end of the file using streams in C++?

For my implementation of tail shell command in Linux, I need to read certain amount of lines/bytes from the end of the file using stream input/output. Does anyone have suggestions how to do that? I suspect I need to open a file and pass some parameter to the ifstream constructor, but I don't know what exactly. Googling didn't find anythi...

How to get Inpustream from ImageView ?

i create a GridView to show images from more than one source, so i do not want to do complex if&else,i want to get Inputstream from ImageView directly to execute. -- sorry : platform:Google Android 2.1(Nexus One) language:Java ...

Process.waitFor(), threads, and InputStreams

In pseudocode, here's what I'm doing: Process proc = runtime.exec(command); processOutputStreamInThread(proc.getInputStream()); processOutputStreamInThread(proc.getErrorStream()); proc.waitFor() However, sometimes processOutputStreamInThread doesn't see any output and sometimes it does. Roughly, the method creates a BufferedInputStre...

Buffered Background InputStream Implementations

I've written background InputStream (and OutputStream) implementations that wrap other streams, and read ahead on a background thread, primarily allowing for decompression/compression to happen in different threads from the processing of the decompressed stream. It's a fairly standard producer/consumer model. This seems like an easy wa...

Non-Deprecated StringBufferInputStream equivalent

I'm working with LogManager.readConfiguration() which requires an InputStream whose contents I'd like to come from a string. Is there an equivalent of StringBufferInputStream that's not deprecated, such as a ReaderToInputStreamAdaptor? ...

In Java, how can I convert an InputStream into a byte array (byte[])?

My background is .net, I'm fairly new to Java. I'm doing some work for our company's java team and the architect needs me to implement a method that takes an InputStream ( object. In order to fulfill the method's purpose I need to convert that into a byte array. Is there an easy way to do this? ...

How can I convert an uncompressed InputStream into a gzip'ed InputStream efficiently?

A user uploads a large file to my website and I want to gzip the file and store it in a blob. So I have an uncompressed InputStream and the blob wants an InputStream. I know how to compress an InputStream to an Outputstream using GZIPOutputStream, but how do I go from the gzip'ed OutputStream back to the InputStream needed by the blob....

Why does the Integer.parseInt throw NumberFormatException on input that seems valid ?

I'm doing a simple exercise from a book and I'm a little bit confused with how the java function parseInt works. I have read a line from an input file, used the StringTokenizer to split it and now I want to parse each part as an integer. I have checked in the watch window that the input of the parseInt function is indeed a string which ...

On Android/Java, how many bytes has a connection downloaded?

An Android app I'm writing involves quite a lot of downloading of content (think podcatcher/RSS). I would like to be able to give the user an indication of how many bytes they've downloaded, so they can make the decision whether they want to use Wifi or not. To this end, I have found a way of counting the number of bytes read by the a...