
Ruby On Rails: pluralize for other languages

I am building apps for a non-english audience. Right now, I use english nouns to name my models, yet I prefer to use native dutch ones. As the convention uses the plural of the class name for tables, I assume it is the pluralize method inside Rails (where it resides, I wouldn't know). How can I change the pluralize method and where is it...

How do you convert posted "english" characters from international PC's in ASP.NET? (ex 2205)

I have a WebForm search page that gets occasional hits from international visitors. When they enter in text, it appears to be plain ASCII a-z, 0-9 but they are printed in bold and my "is this text" logic can't handle the input. Is there any easy way in ASP.NET to convert unicode characters that equate to A-Z, 0-9 into plain old text? Th...

How good I need to know english to work for international IT company?

English isn't my native language but my dream is to work for international company as a PHP (ZF) programmer. Please tell me, how good I need to know English to work without any communication problems? ...

Strategy for supporting international keyboards in Flash/Flex

I have an Flash/Flex application that is showing weird behavior when used in conjunction with international keyboards. For example, I have extended TextInput in this app to allow for special behavior when the user presses the hyphen ('-') key. When this happens I want the text of the input to be padded with zeros in addition to the typ...

Javascript regex alphabetic with few international characters

I need a javascript function for validating alphabetic input with a few extra characters from the Italian languages, namely: àèéìòóù I saw a regex before with something like: [\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF] What are those codes named and where can I find the right values? I would like to use these into following function: ...

International Industry Classification

I am looking for an international industry classification system for use in an application. So far, the material from the United Nations Statistics Division looks most comprehensive. Are there any other systems out there in common use? ...

Why are non-ascii characters still disliked in function / var names?

When I see a small program which is written for some students, I often see something like this: (haskell, german): ueber = "What the haeck!" instead of über = "What the häck!" As many modern languages are specified to allow non-standard charactes in declaration names via UTF-8, is there a special reason for avoiding these in a proj...

jQuery event.keyCode 0 when Swedish keys å, ä and ö are pressed

Hi! I have an html form with a lot of text fields that all take only one character (think crossword puzzle). When a letter is entered in an input field, I use jQuery to jump to the next one. This works fine, except for the Swedish characters åäö (other international characters are probably affected too). I bind an event listener to the...

Content-Disposition Special Characters

I have encountered an issue when trying to serve files with spanish tildes, related to the Content-Disposition encoding. The file name is "qué hacés ahora.docx" So far, the ASP.NET MVC way of serving files adds this header, which works fine only in Firefox: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*=UTF-8''qu%C3%A9%20hac%C3%A9s%20ahor...

International merchant account rate conversions...

I'm not sure if this is where to post this but I couldn't find any answers. Hoping some developers have run accross this before. I am building a subscription based product that can be used internationally. I would like to offer the subscription in the foreign currency of the customer. I have contacted a couple of merchant account ser...

gVim + US-International: Not combining dead keys with space

Hi, I am using "United States-International" on Windows 7, which courses problems in combination with gVim 7.3. In the US-International keyboard layout the keys " and ' are dead keys, that means, you can combine them with another key. For example pressing "+a results in ä and the keys '+a in á. In order to insert one double quote you s...