
What window.postMessage emulation options are there for IE7?

I'm aware of the hacks using hash tags, however, I need bi-directional communication with larger payloads and higher throughput. Are there any Flash/ActiveX/etc options that make this possible? ...

Problem with PNG transparent + Opacity on ie7 and ie8

Hello everybody, I am developing a project that uses the PNG transparent and Opacity but, the area has a surplus in IE7 and IE8 instead of being transparent, it is black, can someone help me? print of area [] Thanks ...

<span> tag breaking row in IE7

Hi! My code is as follows: <table> <tr> <td><div id='lunch'><a href='Lunchplace.aspx?c=1&id=110'><img style='margin-top: 3px;' src='./images/115x52_Brasseriet.jpg'class='imagealign'/><b>Brasseriet</b><br />Köttbullar med gräddsås & kokt pota...&nbsp;<span style='color:#f29400;font-size:small;float:right;'>80 Kr<span style='float:right;'...

Why would IE7 ask my approval( the user) when there is a window.prompt?

I have in my code a window.prompt, which should stop the flow of the code until user put in some value. Of course IE7 try to protect me from myself and instead of showing the prompt it shows the security tab (top of the page where it alerts to the users that a script wants to open a window). What is even worse is that the prompt is ignor...

jQuery & IE7 render bug with slideToggle()

Hello all, I have worked quite a bit with jQuery and slidetoggle effects without coming across this bug before. The page is, and the bug is when a user clicks the "What's This?" tag at the top of the page in IE7. Also, when one clicks the "Contribute Yours" link (right hand column, bottom-ish of white box) to ...

Menu doesn't display in IE7

Can you check this page and let me know why the menu doesn't work on IE7? It shows up all the way on the right, almost out of view: The page works okay in other browsers (including IE8 and IE9). Thanks. ...

'GOverlay is undefined' javascript error in IE 7, in spite of having loaded the Google Maps API

Despite loading the Google Maps API, via this url: I'm getting the above error. Why is it that when I download that URL in my browser and do a find for 'GOverlay' I'm getting zero matches? Have Google removed this from their API or something, causing all my code to b...

Z-INDEX Problem in IE7

If you click the orange ORDER button at the top the #dimmer should cover the whole background and the form should appear at the top. (lightbox-like effect) The problem is that in IE7 the #dimmer would appear at the top regardless of it's z-index. In other browsers everything works nicely. Link:

Internet Explorer 7.0 CSS Hack

Good day, I'm in need of inserting a Hack to a web page, so it works well on IE7.0 But I'm having issues with the way I'm doing things. It should be simple. The actual CSS code is the following: <style type="text/css"> body { margin:0;} #home_splash { background-image:url(homeimages/image-background.jpg);background-repeat:repeat-x; ba...

Div position changing on IE7 zoom (IE7 zoom Issue)

I am having a div positioned as a menu drop down.The div is positioned absolute and given left, right, top and bottom positioning to keep it in the exact position. On zooming the browser, the div is moved away from the actual position. Can anyone help me out to solve this issue? <script> var leftSubMenuHolder = ''; ...

List Bullet Disappear in IE7

About So this question has been asked time and time again, but I noticed something a little different; see below. Standard Info: Bullet displays in FF Bullet does not appear in IE Finding The bullet disappears when setting a hasLayout on the <ul> element, not the <li>; this is often accomplished when doing *{zoom:1} Firebug in ...

Javascript file download not working on IE6 and IE7

I have the following code Response.TransmitFile(filePath); Opens the new window using the following line of code this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Download", string.Format("'{0}', target = 'new');", downloadURL), true); This works on IE8 however doesn't work on IE6 and IE7 anyidea what might...

IE7 randomly deletes <li> opening and closing tags

IE7 deletes a tag and randomly places another one a few lines after the tag. This makes zero sense to me haha. Hopefully someone understands the workings of old IE better than me. Thanks for helping! Here is the actual code: <LI><LABEL>Comments (extra card readers, other questions, etc.) </LABEL><TEXTAREA></TEXTAREA></LI> </UL> <TABL...

IE7 regex issue - Regex that work in every browser does not work in ie7

I have a regex validating a password value to be > 6 < 25 characters with at least one number. var passwordRegEx = /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-zA-Z]).{6,25}$/; if(!#quickRegister_Password').val().test(pass)) { errorMgs += 'Your password must be at least 6 characters and have at least 1 number and 1 letter.\r\n'; } It works in Firefox, Chrome...

Why are statically positioned children of a fixed position element gaining width?

UPDATE: This seem to only be an issue with ul/li if i replace the ul with a div and remove the li and apply the relevant style to the a's instead its fine. ID' still liek to know why the ul/li structure presents a problem since margin/padding have been reset explicitly. Im having soem trouble with the children of a fixed position ele...

Dynamic css on a parent window in Internet Explorer

Hello, I like to add a dynamic css file to a Parent window. I build this code for it: function LoadJSCSSFile(filePath,fileType,parentBOO){ //- var fileRef; // Get the file reference //- //Set external JavaScript/CSS file switch(fileType){ case "js": fileRef = document.createElement('s...

Saving margin settings in IE7

Is it possible to save the margin settings (reached via dialog "Page Setup") in Internet Explorer 7? ...

Problem with onreadystatechange function, it 'freezes'.

Hi all, I have a bit of a strange problem. For one of my clients I've added some ajax functionality to their website. To get the context; it's a website for a travelagency and pricetables are generates by ajax-calls to reduce serverload and improve user experience. Only now I received an email where they say it is not working in IE7. ...

IE7 - <button> does not submit form

hello, How can I make a tag in IE7 submit the form, while doing all the form validation that is setup on the form? if I just do a document.forms[0].submit(); it submits, but ignores form validation. Edit: Everybody likes telling me to use the input tag... That will sumbit the form but wont work in my situation which is why i asked ab...

Optimize image dragging in IE7/8

Hi, If you display an image within a div in FireFox, it can be dragged about very fast. Doing the same thing is slow in IE 8 and very slow in IE 7. Is there a way to improve this by tweaking some settings or changing DOC type signatures? Thank you ...