
Gridlines in excel through interop

Any idea where the setting is hiding for turning gridlines off while using excel 2003 from interop? ...

unmanaged/managed interop - trouble passing int[]

Hello, I am working on my phd in chemistry and for that reason I need to write a software application to help me with the imaging of samples under a microscope. This microscope is fitted with an x-y-z nanopositioning stage. The stage is controlled using an unmanaged DLL written in VC++ by the hardware vendor. I could provide you with mo...

How to force process isolation for an out of process COM server?

I'm writing managed code that has to interact with a vendor's COM automation server that runs out of process. I have found that this server becomes unstable if more than one client connects to it. For example, if I have managed code in process A and managed code in process B both connecting to this COM server, a single process will be ...

Launching and controlling a new application instance via COM

I'm using C#.NET to launch and control a Delphi-written executable. The Delphi application has a COM interface. I've imported the Delphi executable -- we'll call it DelphiApp.exe -- into Visual Studio as a resource. The following C# code works -- if no other instance of DelphiApp.exe is running: DelphiApp.DelphiAppClass da = new Delp...

Java and MSMQ

Hi everyone, I was curious if anyone had any suggestions on a Java library that provides access to MSMQ? I've downloaded the trial of the J-Integra Java-COM library and have built and run their MSMQ example app, but I was curious if there were any good (free :)) alternatives. I've run across a few JNI implementations like jMSMQ and a f...

Overhead for native interop using only primitive types

I am considering porting a small portion of the code in a C# project of mine to C/ASM for performance benefits. (This section of code uses many bitwise operations and is one of the few places where there may exist a real performance increase by using native code.) I then plan to simply call the native function in the separate DLL via P/I...

How would a php or java client authenticate if I'm using WCF w/ forms auth?

I have a generic proof of concept WCF service that is using forms authentication to secure access. All works great when my client is .NET (vb code below) Dim client As SupplierServiceClient = New SupplierServiceClient() client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "[email protected]" client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "password"...

cygwin interop questions

A quick couple of Cygwin questions that I am not quite sure how to search in order to find the answer myself: Question: When I run which perl on my cygwin installation, it doesn't point to my pre-installed windows installation, it points to the cygwin one. How can i change it so it points to my windows based perl installation: /cygd...

IntPtr, SafeHandle and HandleRef - Explained

Without pointing me to MSDN, could someone give a concise, clear explanation of the purpose of each of these and when to use them. (IntPtr, SafeHandle and HandleRef) ...

P/Invoke, Pinning, and KeepAlive Best Practices

At work we have a native C code responsible for reading and writing to a proprietary flat file database. I have a wrapper written in C# that encapsulates the P/Invoke calls into an OO model. The managed wrappers for the P/Invoke calls have grown in complexity considerably since the project was started. Anecdotally the current wrapper is ...

Removing CompilerOptions directive for an interop

I've created an interop for a COM dll via tlbimp and added it to the assembly cache. To use this in an page i need to include the following <%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="true" CompilerOptions='/R:"C:\Program Files\blah\blah\LIBRARY.dll"'%> <%@ Import Namespace=LIBRARY %> Why do i need the CompilerOptions directive if it's in t...

What is the difference between an Interop and a RCW (Runtime Callable Wrapper)?

Is it just terminology? ...

Migrating to VSTO / Excel Interop Options

Hi We currently have an Excel spreadsheet containing a large amount of VBA code. The VBA code is responsible for: Manipulating, transforming and formatting sheet data. Making calls to C# and C++ COM exposed functionality. In doing so marshalling the sheet data into the C#/C++ methods, getting the results and updating the sheet with ...

File Permissions Dialog via .NET

How can I launch the standard file permissions dialog from a .NET application? Can't seem to find any example of this anywhere. I don't want to programmatically set file permissions, I want to let a user set them via the dialog. ...

Write Array to Excel Range

Hi All, I'm currently trying to write data from an array of objects to a range in Excel using the following code, where objData is just an array of strings: private object m = System.Type.Missing; object[] objData = getDataIWantToWrite(); Range rn_Temp; rn_Temp = (Range)XlApp.get_Range(RangeName, m); rn_Temp = rn_Temp.get_Resize(objDa...

Using D programming language in a .NET context

I'm curious: has anyone used D together with .NET languages? Is that even possible? What kind of stuff is easier/makes sense to do in D that's hard to do in, say, C++/CLI? ...

Can a Crystal Report be edited in a .Net Windows interface?

Please could you provide some guidance for me? I am currently evaluating Crystal Reports 2008 for use within a major enterprise project. I have successfully used Crystal Reports Basic within Visual Studio, but we want a bit more functionality this time. Reports will be produced based on ADO.NET Xml datasets and will be saved to a SQL S...

Tracking actions in a browser component

Hi Guys, Im a c# developer and I believe that what I want to achieve is going to move out of the realms of some drop in .NET component so I am looking for advise on what I use externally which .NET can inter op with. My requirements are to have an embedded web browser control in a WPF/Winforms applciation BUT I will also need to keep...

process tree

I'm looking for an easy way to find the process tree (as shown by tools like Process Explorer), in C# or other .Net language. It would also be useful to find the command-line arguments of another process (the StartInfo on System.Diagnostics.Process seems invalid for process other than the current process). I think these things can only ...

Using a C# class library as a COM+ server application

I created a .NET class library in C# and exposed it to COM. It works fine as an in-proc COM server. However I want to use it as an out-proc COM server to have it in a separate process. To do so I try to create a COM+ application. I created an empty COM+ application and added the classes implemented in the class library into it. When I c...