
How can I create a complete NSDate object that represents the next specified day time?

I probably didn't word that title clearly enough, but if the user specifies a time of 2:30pm and it's currently 2:00pm, then I need an NSDate object that represents the current day with a time of 2:30pm. If the user specifies a time of 2:30pm and it's currently 3:00pm, then I need an NSDate object that represents tomorrow with a time of...

Comunication between iOS Application and .NET Application?

I have 2 application, one is iOS app and one is .NET app. I want my iOS app send an message (call a method of .NET app, send some string to .NET app to save to database). So, how can my iOS app can comunicate with .NET app? Anybody can help me. Thanks :) ...

How can I view the values inside an object in the Xcode debugger?

I know that might sound like a stupid question since it's a trivial feature in most modern IDEs, but I'm diving into iOS development and am getting familiar with the platform and SDK and I can't figure this out. I have a ton of experience with MS Visual Studio and I see that Xcode works very much the same, tho it's still lacking quite a...

iPhone youtube video z-index

I have an embedded youtube video in a page. I also have a menu (when opened) is on top of that video. I have set the z-index value of the menu to higher than that of the video. I have also set the wmode of the video to transparent to allow for content on top of it. I am experiencing no issues at all in safari, ie, chrome, or firefox on...

If I add a UISwitch control to each of my table view cells, how can I tell which cell it belongs to?

Hi. I have a UITableView with cells that contain a UISwitch control. It's similar to the table view in the iPhone's Clock app shown below... In my app's cellForRowAtIndexPath method, I create and attach the UISwitch control like so... CGRect frameSwitch = CGRectMake(215.0, 10.0, 94.0, 27.0); UISwitch *switchEnabled = [[UISwitch a...

Is NSURL supposed to parse invalid URLs?

I could not really find this in the documentation ... I'm writing some unit tests and one of the tests that is supposed to fail is [NSURL URLWithString: @"cow"]. Because cow is not a valid URL. However, it is happily parsed by NSURL with no errors at all. It does not return nil and it does not throw an exception. Calling [url absoluteS...

Installing iOS 4.0.2 SDK over 4.0.0

You know how installing iOS SDK 4 meant that you lost the ability to set the Base SDK to 3.1.x and lower (You have to use the deployment target etc). Does the same happen when installing 4.0.2 over the top of 4.0? Will I have to set my Base SDK to 4.0.2 and use the Deployment Target for a lower version (4.x or lower)? Or can I still set...

Stockapp kind of interaction - UIView x CALayer

I'm implementing some charts with some user interactions, like long-pressing to view the full data under the finger, two fingers to draw a line, and other stuff. For a start, how would I implement the kind of interaction the iphone stocks app does in the landscape mode of the price chart? Manipulate a CALayer for the yellow vertical li...

Is it possible to use Cocoa Touch gesture recognizers with layers / CALayer objects?

Is it possible to use gesture recognizers with layers? Let's say I want to add several sublayers to my view and implement drag&drop as well as tapping on single element. Is it possible at all ? What is the best pattern? ...

What's the simplest way to make all my controls in my root UIView scroll?

Hello. I have a ViewController that manages a view full of controls, including UITextViews, UIButtons, and a drawing view. It's far more than I can fit on the screen, but I'd like my design to have it all in one place and make the root view scrollable. I've become very spoiled with Interface Builder automating much of the coding work ...

When using a view with a webView in, the shake gesture is not always detected

Hi all, this is my first post and i have looked all over for a week or so now so i'm not sure if there is an answer out there or not. I have an iPhone application (my first one) that has a view that includes a UIWebView. The view responds to the shake gesture and then loads a modal view controller that includes navigation buttons for...

How do I compose a subview of the root view in Interface Builder?

Hello. I'm trying to create a view that's full of controls (buttons, text views, labels, etc.) that can scroll, since I don't have enough screen space for all the controls. I understand that I need the root view in my application to be a UIScrollView and I need to attach to that a UIView with all my controls in it. The problem is, aft...

iOS/iPhone style question for handling events

I am just starting out with iOS programming. I'm currently looking through the MoveMe example and had a question about event handlers. In the example, they have the MoveMeView (subclass of UIView) handle events (touchesBegan:withEvent:, etc.). It seems like this belongs on a controller though, not the view. Is there a standard way of doi...

Type of iPhone/iPad/iOS application - modal view, tabbed, other?

Hi - I'm making my first iOS application to be run specifically on an iPad as part of my final year project at University. I've been experimenting with the different types of applications and I'm stuck wondering what would be the best type for my application - the application is to quote for a service offered by a local business, they ...

Application failed codesign verification

I'm getting the following error when trying to submit my app to the app store. I went through the initial provisioning process and am able to run the app on my phone so not sure what's wrong. Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate. EDIT: I tried do...

50% Transparent background of Navigation Buttons, Segment buttons in iPad and iPhone

Is there a way to customize navigation button, segment button background like iBooks? Check out iBooks shelf top left corner. the button background is about 50% transparent. What a pretty! Any one konw how to emplement it? All Regards ...

Preventing multiple buttons from being touched at the same time

In iOS is there anyway to prevent a UIView containing multiple buttons (siblings) from being simultaneously from being touched? For instance, two non-overlapping buttons that are side by side can be tapped at the same time with two touches. ...

How can I convert a Universal iOS app to a stand-alone iPhone app?

Hello. I started building a Universal app and it turned out the design doesn't work well with the iPad, so I've decided to make it a stand-alone iPhone app instead. By that, I mean I'd like the app store to see my app as an iPhone app, not a Universal app. I was just about to create a new project and move my existing iPhone code over ...

How to base64url Encode Strings in Cocoa Touch

Is there a library function/method/class in Cocoa Touch for base64url encoding strings? ...

Post-processing on audio from the iPhone user's music library?

I want to apply post-processing to audio from an iPhone user's music library (i.e. the iPod app). This could happen in a number of ways: Piping the media player's output through an Audio Unit. Writing a custom audio output device, and having the media player send audio to it. Getting direct access to the files in the user's music libra...