
iOS YouTube and Safari-like movie player

This is probably a dumb post but I've Googled it for about an hour now and can't find anything about it anywhere... I'd like to know how I can have a little movie "square" similar to the ones presented in Safari to play Quicktime Movies or YouTube movies. I'm talking about that :). Is that an Apple private API or can we use the API? ...

Presenting UINavigationController+UITableView modally

This problem has been the dragging factor of my project for weeks now. Somebody please help me out. I want to modally present UINavigationController that has UITableView as its rootviewcontroller. I want UITableView to be the rootview, which I can drill into other views from. I tried this: SettingsViewController *addController = [[S...

Shadow doubling in custom UITableView - how to remove?

I'm trying to build a custom UITableView with custom cells and headers. I have a subtle problem - when the table view's Cell scrolls underneath the Header, the shadow gets doubled. The header and the cell are both PNGs with transparency, and behind the table is a gradient that I want to show thru. See the edge of the table in this scre...

Possible to move UITableView's index?

I'm using the sectionIndexTitlesForTableView method for my custom UITableView, to display A-Z on the side of my table. However, the standard view of this doesn't match the style of the table. Is there a way to change this, or at least move the index a little? Here's how it overlaps: ...

Localizing iPad Software - What is the convention for saying "HD" in different languages?

I have an iPhone program which I have localized into several different languages. I am now in the process of converting it over to an iPad application. The program, "MemoVault" is appropriately called "MemoVault HD" for the iPad. My question is, what is the convention for using the term "HD" in other languages? I.E. How do I "HD-ify" ...

Best platform for Bluetooth Applications

Which Mobile Application platform do developers prefer for Bluetooth Based application development ? What do developers think on the current available API's on these platforms ? Does it meet most of your needs ? What kinds of APIs / capabilities for applications would you like to see. ...

Tint all UIBarButtonItems in my App (MFMailComposer, etc)

I created a custom Navbar for my application using a protocoll: @implementation UINavigationBar (CustomImage) - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed: @"navbar.png"]; [image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height)]; } @end this works fine. all toolbars in my app...

presentModalViewController does nothing

I have a UIViewController (parent) that calls presentModalViewController with another UIViewController (child) on viewDidLoad. If parent doesn't have a UINavigationController, then presentModalViewController does nothing. If it has a UINavigationController, then presentModalViewController shows child as expected. Is this the standard b...

Memory Management with UINavigationController inside Modal View Controller

Hi all, I am trying to display a modal view controller containing a NavigationController. I can't figure out where to release the controllers, though. Normally, I would just release the controller after displaying it, but that won't work here; presumably that has something to do with the navigation controller. Any help would be great...

Common LISP on iPhone/iOS

Is it possible to call a Common Lisp function in iOS? (e.g. create it in a dynamic library?) ...

Server setup for basic forum-style app on iPhone?

I'm not really a server-side person – I generally do iPhone apps, though I've hacked together a few Wordpress sites. I'm curious as to what web technologies people would use for the back-end of an iPhone app whose front end presents as a basic forum. In other words, people can create new threads, and respond to them - with plain text on...

How can I convert the coordinates of a touch event on a subview to the coordinates in its parent view?

Hello. I'm diving into iOS development and I'm playing with touch events. I have a class named UIPuzzlePiece that's a subclass of UIImageView and it represents the puzzle piece objects that you can move around on the screen. My goal is to be able to move the puzzle pieces around on the screen with my finger. Currently, I have the t...

Suitable Advanced iPhone/iOS development course material?

There seem to be a lot of introductory books, courses and bootcamps for iPhone development, covering the basics of Xcode, Objective C, Foundation, UIControls, UITableViews, etc. What would be the most appropriate course material set for the next more advanced iPhone development class, suitable for and of interest to the widest percent...

Custom UITableViewCell doesn't appear in the table

Hi, I have created a UITableViewCell and I am trying to display it in one of my table, but for some reason it doesn't come, the table is coming empty. And when I click on the one of cell in the table it takes me down to next level, which means the custom UITableViewCell is not getting rendered properly. Here is my custom UITableViewCel...

UIImageView from a url is not appearing

Hi, I have declared an UIImageView as an IBOutlet and I am setting the image of the imageView as follows in viewDidLoad method imageView.image = [UIImage imageWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: [NSURL URLWithString: [productProperties objectForKey:@"image"]]]]; But this image doesn't show up at all. productProperties is a ...

How to build a framework or library for other developers, the secure way?

We have an idea for an framework or library that will be very helpful for any iOS developer. So we're seriously thinking about switching from app development to framework/library development. But when we want to charge for the library/framework, we must protect the code somehow. How can we build a framework in such a way that the user o...

iPhone app like Twitter design structure

I'm new to iOS development and am working on this app that has a similar interface to the official Twitter app. However, I'm not sure how to organize the view controllers and the hierarchy, especially for UITabBar and UINavigationBar (which one is the parent controller?). Can you guys point me to the right direction? I started from a b...

Which iOS frameworks most useful to learn and in what order?

I've just started learning Obj-C and the Cocoa-Touch framework for developing iPhone and iPad applications. When you add a framework to an XCode project I can't help notice there are an enormous number to get familiar e.g. AddressBook, CoreData, Foundation, Security etc. Which frameworks are common to most projects and the most importa...