
Optimize loading of many images on iPad

I'm working on a project for the iPad where I'm trying to simulate the rotation of a 3D-body with touch by switching pre-rendered images. I'm not the sharpest man when it comes to memory management so I wonder if anyone has any tips on how to optimize this. My solution now looks something like this: - (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touch...

iOS core data corruption?

Hi guys, This is a rather general question, as I don't have any solid evidence atm. I have an iPhone app with about 20,000 users. It allows users to message each other, and saves those messages in core data. The only other thing it saves in core data is the users profile, a copy locally and a copy on the server. I have a small perce...

window.orientation is not working in UIWebView

Hi, I am using 3.2 and 4.0 iOs and I am trying to run html file in UIWebView. the html file contains to following lines: var pwint = function(text) { var output = document.getElementById('output'); output.innerHTML = output.innerHTML + text + '\n'; }; var reorient = function(e) { pwint('Window Orientation: ' + window.orientation); ...

How can I get the ISO language code in IOS?

How can I get the current ISO language code in IOS? ...

stringWithContentsOfFile and initWithContentsOfFile return null after several runs

I am creating an iOS app which reads in a text file and displays the contents in a UIText field. For the 1st three consecutive runs of thee app (Restarting a new session without exiting), the data is read in fine. However on the fourth attempt, the data returned from the file is all nulls. I've verified the file integrity. The issue e...

How can I center a UIMapView around an array of MKAnnotation?

How can I center a UIMapView around an array of MKAnnotation? ...

Any suggestions on where to learn C online in preparation of learning Objective-C

I've been programming PHP & mySQL for about 8 years now. I understand and make use of modern software architectures and OOP in my projects on a daily basis. I decided I want to learn something new. I finally decided yesterday that I want to learn C and eventually Objective-C so I can begin creating Mac / iOS applications. (Would you rec...

How do you make an iOS app launch a captive portal (hotspot login)?

When using Safari at a place with a captive portal like Starbucks, iOS devices will launch a special modal webview to authenticate with the portal. I've seen third party apps trigger this so it's possible to do outside of Safari but I don't know how. It doesn't seem to come for free just by using Reachability or making a network request....

Sharing Data Between Apps on an iDevice

Is it possible to share on-disk data between iOS applications, or are they truly sandboxed? In other words if I wanted to make a shared repository of data to be accessed (and/or modified) by one or more of my apps, could it be done? One of the listings on the iOS features page is "Share Data Among Apps", but is this what I'm looking for...

iPad Catalog app with 1000s of images

I am building an apparel catalog on the iPad. The app will contain over 2000 jpg product images at 2048 x 1536 @ 72ppi, plus 2 sizes of thumbnails for each image. The large size of the primary images is to allow for zooming in on the products at reasonable resolution. The larger thumbnails will be displayed on each page to show alternate...

iOS: Selecting through UITextView on custom UITableViewCell.

I have a custom UITableViewCell with an image and UITextView property. The textview spans to the edge of the cell. My problem is tapping the textview does not register in didSelectRowAtIndexPath. How can I make it so that I can "click through" my textview? ...

UIView animations completion block firing when an other animation begins

I use the block base API for my animations on iOS. One animation has a completion block and that block is called at the end of the animation, nice. However, that animation can be fired multiple times when the user scrolls (the animation is on a UITableViewCell). When that happens the the completion block is called multiple times. The ...

Possible risk with asynchronous request and delegation

Hi, I would like to add to UIImageView the capacity to set an image with an url. As result I would like to do something like. [anImageView setImageWithContentAtUrl:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]]; So I created a category (code below). NSString *kUserInfoImageViewKey = @"imageView"; NSString *kUserInfoActivit...

NSURLConnection redirected on iOS device, but not on simulator

When I make a request to a particular website, I get the XML response as desired on the simulator but I get a redirect page on the device. I think this is because it is detecting that I am using a mobile browser (similar results occur through Mobile Safari), but I'm setting the user agent string of the request to my laptop browser's UA ...

iOS - setting outlets on a ViewController being used as a UITableView header

Hey all, I'm using custom headers for my tableview... - (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section { CustomHeaderController *header = [[CustomHeaderController alloc] initWithNibName:@"TableHeader" bundle:nil]; header.title.text = @"Test"; return header.view; } The title label ...

iPhone App in suspended state, launched by URL, showing Default.png

The app responds to a custom URL, and correctly launches when in a suspended state. The question is, can I disable showing the Default.png when launched this way? A use case for clarity: app is started normally a home button press puts app in standby a url of the scheme the app recognizes is tapped in mobile safari users sees Default....

iOS UITableViews - moving header of a section off screen

Hey all, I have a UITableView with a header. When I scroll in the section that does not fit all its elements on the screen, I'd like the header to move off screen instead of the normal behavior of staying on top until it is replaced by another section. Is this doable? I would like to avoid making the header a UITableView row like the e...

iOS image comparison algorithm to find the differences in two very similar but different photos

My use case is that I have two images (photos) that are almost identical but do have some differences throughout. They won't be perfectly aligned, but they will be pretty darn close to each other. As a rough estimate, I'd expect to find a half dozen or less differences scattered randomly throughout a pair of 640x480 photos. The size o...

How can I convert the characters in an NSString object to UILabel objects?

Hello. I'm trying to figure out how to take the individual characters in an NSString object and create UILabels from them, with the UILabel text set to the individual character. I'm new to Cocoa, but so far I have this... NSString *myString = @"This is a string object"; for(int i = 0; i < [myString length]; i++) { //Store the cha...

Convert caf file to m4r programatically on ios4

Is there a way to convert a .caf file to a .m4r (ringtone) file programatically on the iphone? I've tried a bunch of stuff and nothing seems to work. Importing into garageband and then sharing as ringtone works but I want to do it in my app. Much appreciated. ...