
[iOS] How to preserve touch event after new view is added by long press

Hello, When I add a new view after detecting user's long press, I get touchesCancelled event. However, I want to preserve the long press event to newly added view. What I want to implement is user touch & hold the screen, then new view added, and user can move touch around in the newly added view without touch up and touch down again. ...

How to make "dismiss keyboard" on iPhone?

Anybody can tell me how to add "dismiss key" to iPhone's virtual keyboard? ...

How to do a curve/arc animation with CAAnimation?

Hi I have an user interface where an item get deleted, I would like to mimic the "move to folder" effect in iOS mail. The effect where the little letter icon is "thrown" into the folder. Mine will get dumped in a bin instead. I tried implementing it using a CAAnimation on the layer. As far as I can read in the documentations I should b...

What is the difference between CAStreamBasicDescription and AudioStreamBasicDescription ?

What is the difference between CAStreamBasicDescription and AudioStreamBasicDescription? Thanks. ...

Custom content redraw on UIScrollView zoom/unzoom?

I have a parent UIScrollView and inside it, there are several UITableViews. Horizontal scrolling should be handled by parent, vertical scrolling and taps - by children. As far as I know, that's feasible, I've seen some sample from Apple. By I also want to intercept pinch-to-zoom events and do a total redraw of parent scrollView's content...

Format array items for string output.

I'm trying to display the items in an array using the following: NSString *alertString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", path]; Which works fine, but when I display the string it gets displayed in the following way: ( A, B, C, D ) Is there a way to get it to display in a different way, such as all on one line and without brackets,...

Memory crashes in iOS with real memory usage only at 5megs

I have been hunting down memory leaks for some time in my app. As of right now, as I flip back and forth between two views while watching the memory monitor instrument, the real memory fluctuates between 5 and 6 megs. This is all fine -- as far as I can tell everything is getting released properly when I pop back off a view. However, the...

iOS Navigation Breadcrumb Trail

Basically, I have a client that wants a breadcrumb trail implemented in the navigation bar. I realize Apple doesn't recommend this behavior, but the app I'm building is for internal use only and won't be submitted to the App Store. I need something along the lines of what AirVideo uses in their iPad App. Are there any navigation control...

iOS: How can one use custom fonts in UIWebView?

How can one use custom fonts via @font-face in a UIWebView? I know that it's possible to use CGFonts to render custom fonts on the iOS, but in my specific case I need the font to render inside a HTML document within a UIWebView. Is this possible in any way? ...

How do I create a UINavigationController with a default "back" state?

I have a UINavigationController, complete with table view and associated magic. The data I'm populating that table view from may have items from multiple categories, but the default view for the user will be one in which they are viewing all of the items, and then they have the ability to move backwards to a different table view that wo...

Getting TTPickerTextField to work?

Hello I am crossposting this in the because I find it so very difficult to get answers on Three20 I can see from other posts that it is hard getting some newbie/starter help on Three20, but it is really hard to get started with Three20 with the lack of documentation and examples, so I will try :) Bear with me, I am just t...

Why does status bar rotation happen "behind" my modal UIImagePickerController?

In my application I have a UIViewController that opens a UIImagePickerController using presentModalViewController. The image picker appears to disallow orientations other than UIDeviceOrientationPortrait, which is fine. However, it appears that if I rotate the device to landscape, the status bar rotates despite the fact that the UIIm...

Changing Icon per Day

Just like the Calendar app on the iphones and ipods, how do I make the Icon change per day? ...

How to create and draw a visual swipe gesture...

I'd like to try implementing a visual swipe for an iPhone project, like they do in some games, like Fruit Ninja. As you drag your finger around the screen, it leaves a trail that disappears after a while. I would think that you could have a fixed number of points in the "chain" and as new points are added to the front, old ones are rem...

Moving object graph between a new iPhone app and a new Rails 3 backend

I know this question has been answered a million times over the years... but times, and technologies, change looking for "fresh" data ;-) I'm seeking advice on a robust, and relatively straight forward, approach toward moving fairly complex objects from a Rails 3 back-end to an iPhone 3(4) app. There is no pre-existing API ...

UITableViewCell cellForRowAtIndexPath calling large number of rows when first scrolling

I have been working on a problem relating to UITableView and cellForRowAtIndexPath. I want to give the user the ability to have a very large number of rows much like a large list of email on iPhone. I discovered this problem when I began to create a class that would queue and dequeue groups of records from the database, as needed, in ...

How can I control which files are included in the application bundle?

If I include files in my Xcode project, how can I control or specify which files are included as a part of the application's bundle? For example, all the PNG files I add to the project always wind up in the bundle. Conversely, the .m and .h files are not. How can I control or specify which are or are not included? If I through in some...

Strange Core Data Crash

I am experiencing a strange crash that is related to setting properties (typically bools) for a NSManagedObject. The method that this code is being run on is on a background thread. It is being called from a [NSURLConnection connectionDidFinishLoading] delegate method. Here is the code. { // Create a new MOC because we are working on...

Does calling a protocol method pass program flow control?

I know this is quite possibly a lame question, but I've pulled three consecutive all-nighters and I'm very blurry. And I'm new to Objective C and Cocoa Touch. I've created a class that provides a delegate method. I'll use simplified example code since the specifics aren't important. The header file looks like this: #import <Foundation/...

[ios.cocos2d+box2d]how to disable auto-rotation?

I have created a project with cocos2d 0.99.5 + box2d. When I rotate my iphone, Screen automatically rotated too. So the boxes Flew up into the ceiling. How to disable auto-rotation? plz ...