
iPhone App compatibility between different OS versions

Currently, I have an iPhone app published in AppStore. I've developed it using XCode 3.1.4 and compiled it under the iPhone SKD 3.0. At AppStore the application shows 3.0 as the minimum OS required. Everything is fine. Now, I have downloaded the XCode 3.2.3 and I want to send an update of my app with compatibility for iOS 4. My questio...

iPhone - App Rejected again, HTTP Live Streaming 64kbps baseline feed

Thank you for submitting APPNAME_HERE. We have reviewed your application and have determined that it cannot be posted to the App Store at this time because it is not using a baseline stream of 64 kbps for the HTTP Live Streaming protocol to broadcast streaming video. HTTP Live Streaming is required when streaming vide...

What does the "Power Logging" setting in iOS4 do

I noticed a new setting screeen on the iPhone since iOS4: Settings -> Developer (just below iPod, Photos, Store) -> Power -> Logging. Does anyone know what this does? I could not find anything about it in the documentation or on the net. ...

iPad (iOS4) - Opening word document using UIWebview

Error I get from console: 2010-07-02 12:08:17.179 myApp[15509:6507] Cannot find data converter callback for uti 2010-07-02 12:08:17.182 myApp[15509:6507] Failed to generate preview iPhone simulator work fine without any problem but iPad doesn't. That's strange. Thanks for helping me. Tung Do ...

CoreData save does no persist over app lifestyle

Hi, I got a strange issue. I am inserting a new object into my Core Data database. I can make request over all my datas but when I close the application and launch it again all my datas are gone ... With iPhone 0S 3 I haven't got this problem, but now with iOS 4 ... Someone have an idea? ...

Save current state while fast context switching - iOS4

Hey All, While going through the iOS-4 Multitasking for fast context switching, I have a doubt regarding save last state of application. Do applications have to manually save the last state in "- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application"? Or iOS-4 will take care of it? In the video it's mentioned as follows: -...

Hidden, un-cancellable local notifications on iPhone?

During app development, I created 2 local notifications that repeat every day (one in the morning and one in the evening). I am trying to cancel them (and all others) via a call to [[UIApplication sharedInstance] cancelAllLocalNotifications] but they are still occurring at the scheduled times. When I query for the list of scheduled no...

iOS4, wifi connection notification

Hi Everyone, Using iOS 4, is there a way for a notification to be generated when the devices comes into a wifi zone, and is connected? My application would like to sit and wait for a notification to be generated that indicates that it is now in a wifi zone and has connected. When the notification is generated, my application would the...

iOS4 accessing the DCIM folder

Hi Everyone, I would like to read/write to the DCIM folder. I was able to perform this operation under 3.1.3, but it fails under 4.0 The question is... Has the actual location been moved within the iPod directory tree? Previously it was located at... /var/mobile/Media/DCIM But i do not have a jailbroken 4.0 machine, i cannot find ...

How to reload view when application becomes active after suspended?

When the user changes NsuserDefaults in settings on the iPhone and activates my app after it being suspended, i want to reload the active view. How can i do this? ...

iPhone View Shifted When Run

Hi all, I'm very new to iPhone development so please bear with me. I'm following the tutorial from Apple for creating a "Hello World" application (found here). The problem is (and this is a problem I've had with all tutorials I've attempted to follow) that when I create the application with a subview inside the window, the subview its...

New ios4 Format not a string literal...

Hi all ! I need to create a string using results of a textfield. I use : > NSString *username = [NSString stringWithFormat:myTextField.txt]; but i get the warning : Format not a string literal and no format arguments. Everything works but like i use more than 10 times this syntax i would like to erase this warning. thanks...

Function deprecated in ios 4

Hi all i update to ios 4 but in my app i use : NSString *connected = [NSString string withContentofURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"]]; but now i get the following : StringWithContentsofURL is deprecated ! I use this to test if connection is available. What can i do ?? thanks ...

Can the full 326 ppi of iOS 4 be used for openGL?

While testing my openGL ES app on the new iPhone 4, it seemed as if the openGL wasn't using all 326 ppi, rather the 163 ppi found on the 3G, because of noticeable pixelation. I realize there are 4 times more pixels to calculate, but shouldn't the A4 chip compensate for this? I'm sure there is a way to take advantage of the stunning res...

App hangs on restart with latest Flurry SDK and ios4

Hi, I have a frustrating problem with the latest version of Flurry (Flurry iPhone SDK v2.5). When I start my app, quickly exit, then restart the App, the app briefly loads, flickers a black screen, then stays on the black screen. The black screen stays there until I press the home button, at which point I can restart the app normally....

How can I switch the iPhone's screen/backlight on/off in my App

My app needs to go to sleep and wake up after a user specified time interval. Using [UIApplication sharedApplication].idleTimerDisabled = YES; I'm ignoring the idle timer. For the "sleep-mode" I'm turning the view to all black and hide the status bar. Still there's the device's background-light. Is there a way to turn it off or hit a ...

how do I play fullscreen landscape movie on iOS4 in a portrait application?

Hi The problem is the following: I have an application in which all viewcontrollers are portrait only 9typical tabbar/navigation app), but I would like to play a move in fullscreen landscape mode. This seems impossible in iOS4 ... The best I could come up with was to add the mpmoviecontroller view to my parent view and rotate it by ha...

how to update MKPolyline / MKPolylineView?

I am trying to create a polyline (MKPolyline) overlay that updates periodically, to simulate the movement of an object. I can achieve this by removing the old overlay, updating the polyline and adding the overlay again, but this leads to flickering. For a point annotation (MKPointAnnotation) you can simply change its coordinate, and the...

UIImageView animation with stop on final frame

I'm using UIImageView's animationImages to show some frames over a second. I want to show the animation then have it rest on the final frame. In OS 3.1.3, this worked fine for that: [self setAnimationRepeatCount:1]; [self setAnimationDuration:1]; [self startAnimating]; // auto set the last image in the frame [self setImage:[UIImage imag...

iphone/ipad html search

The iphone app im writing displays an html page, i would like to add a search feature where the user can search for instances for the keyword and highlight them (like in firefox using ctrl+F) what's the best way to do this? in objective-c? would this be even possible with javascript? Please point me to the right direction ...