
Animate an image view in Cocoa Touch

Hello, I need to make an image view animate it's self on and off of the screen. I want it to be when the user taps the screen the image slides up. Is there a relatively easy way to smoothly move the image view? Thanks for any help ...

Have an object fade in and out of existance

Hello, I have a view that sets its hidden when the user taps the main view. I need the view to fade in and out of existence so it looks smoother than just disappearing. Heres my code so far (It's inside a touches event): if (!isShowing) { isShowing = YES; myView.hidden = YES; //Needs to fade out...

Is there an equivalent apple-touch-startup-image for the IPAD?

For web apps you can set the startup screen with apple-touch-startup-image What about for iPads? ...

How to quickly determine whether a file is an image file using iPhone/iPad SDK

If I have a (potentially largish) file on disk, and I want to determine quickly whether UIImage will be able to load it. I don't necessarily trust the file extension to be reliable; I need to look at the actual data. I can (of course) load it into a UIImage, but that's relatively slow and rather memory intensive. I'd rather just peek a...

Add BarButtonItem to Navigation Controller in Popover

Hi everyone, I'm trying to add UIBarButtonItems to a Navigation Controller that is displayed as a popup. I can't seem to add the buttons, and I'm wondering if someone can help me out. Here is the code I have so far: UINavigationController* navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:aStudentsViewC...

Adding subViews to UISplitViewController

I have this button on the leftside of my UISplitViewController (RootViewController) that has a "Add New" button. I want the user to be able to click the button a new view come pop up so the user can add a new RSS feed to their subscription. So far I have the button and the "Add New" button correctly calling a method in the controller, bu...

Landscape Mode ONLY for iPhone or iPad

I want to create an application that doesn't use Portrait mode. I am not sure if I need to edit the plist or have code in addition to the plist ...

Landscape Mode: Flip image when you flip your iPad

Apple demonstrated Photo's for the iPad. In their demo, they said you can Flip the iPad and it flips the image. How is this result achieved? I've been reading about UIInterfaceOrientation all day and I'm lost Any help would be appreciated. - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation { U...

Draw underlined / strikethrough text ( MULTILINE STRING ) ?

Hi, I have to draw underlined-multiline text with all types of text alignment. I have searched on forums and got some results like: http://davidjhinson.wordpress.com/2009/11/26/underline-text-on-the-iphone/ http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=561572 But all draw text for single line only. while i have multi-line text. The si...

iPhone OS 3.2 - How to register for notifcations that may not be available

So I'm trying to register for the MPMoviePlayerDidExitFullscreenNotification notification in my universal app (iPhone and iPad). Problem is, OS 3.1.3 doesn't support this notification, and just crashes. I've tried version checking, like so: if ([MPMoviePlayerController instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(setShouldAutoplay:)]) {//Chec...

How do I animate the simultaneous rotation and scaling of a view?

I have this view and I do some rotation transformation to it using something like myView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(degreesToRadian(90)); //The view was originally at 0 degrees. at some other point of my code, I would like to scale the view animating it, so I do [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAni...

iPad UIWebView PDF rendering is giving me weird visual artifacts

I am having some difficulty using a UIWebView to render PDF files on the iPad. Everything works fine in portrait mode, but turning the device to landscape produces strange visual quirkiness. Zooming in (but not out) even the slightest will correct it, but obviously that's not an ideal workaround. The issue occurs with any PDF file (I ha...

iPad VGA Connector - Mirror screen in own Application?

Is it possible to mirror the Screen over the VGA Connector? Can't find anything about this. ...

How to get input text from keyboard and format it via Core Text?

I have custom UIView for text formatting. But I don't know how to get text from keyboard into my custom UIView. That's because I'm trying to understand iPad programming and oficial documentation doesn't looks like great method. Help me, please. ...

Problems with video playback in iPad.

I'm trying to implement a MPMoviePlayerView but I can't play the video files, I don't have a device yet to try it on, now I'm testing with simulator, I don't know if this is the cause. So far I've been able to present the view and it shows the first frame of the video, but if I click play, it doesn't play I can move the progress bar and...

Removing Divider Line from UISplitViewController

Guys, I know a similar question exists but the thread seems to be inactive, and I really would like this question to be answered. It's been annoying me for a few days now. I'm wondering how to remove the divider line between the Master and Detail view in the UISplitViewController. I know its possible to remove/hide/cover it up because I...

Font Anti-Aliasing on iPad SDK

I'm using a custom pixel font on the iPad SDK, and I'm trying to find a way to disable font anti-aliasing for UIFont. Pixel fonts usually work best when they don't have Anti-aliasing. I disable it easily in Photoshop when I create static resources, but this time I need a dynamic output with the custom font. Any ideas if this is even pos...

iPad "draggable window"

When you load a view on the iPad it tends to fill the whole screen. Is there a way to create a "draggable windowed view" on the iPad? ...

What is the format of iPad magazine file created by InDesign

Does anyone know what is the format of the digital magazine content created by InDesign? And how we can render it in iPad? The digital content for the famous Time iPad mag is created using InDesign. Any information or head start here is well appriciated. Thanks AJ ...

What are the video formats supported by MPMoviePlayerController on the iPad?

When you use iTunes to sync your videos with the iPhone the videos are always saved with no more than 640 pixels wide, if I am not wrong. What about the iPad? What is the size of videos iTunes syncs with iPad? 1024x768? and what if the video has a dimension below 1024x768? Will it scale up? or will it keep the video at low res and scale...