
Can one autogenerate a protocols stubs

Still waiting on my MacBook. When an interface that I create references a protocol e.g. CCLocationManagerDelegate does the various methods get autogenerated or does intellisense pop up with all the available methods to implement? ...

How to change the SplitView from left,right to top,bottom on iPad?

I know that the SplitView is new to iPad, it split the screen with left and right. But I want to split the screen with top and bottom. How can I do so? thank u. ...

What is the UI element on iPad Photos App?

Please see the youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FC95ARd96wI notice that the 0:35 , the iPad bottom have a thin photo bar. Is it a private API or I need to create my own or Which UI Element will it be? Thz. ...

Implement drag and drop in an iPad split view app?

I'm quite a n00b at iPhone and iPad development, so any advice would be gratefully received. I want to create a split-view iPad app, where users can drag an image out of the root view controller and place it in the detail view. Once that's been done, ideally the user would be able to manipulate the image by moving it about and resizing...

What does an MKAnnotation and MKAnnotationView represent?

What does an MKAnnotation represent? Is it like notes on the map - like if you open up google map and click on little icons? ...

How do I create a UISplitView manually?

I have an app that is going to navigate to a UISplitView (inside another view altogether) like so: - (void) switchToMyDayView { NSLog(@"Show My Day Screen"); if (self.myDayController.view.superview == nil) { if (self.myDayController == nil) { MyDayController *myController = [[MyDayController alloc] initWithN...

iPhones OS: how to programmatically differentiate iPad 3G from iPad Wi-Fi?

Is there any property or other mechanism in iPhone OS to check during runtime whether application is running on iPad 3G or iPad Wi-Fi? Seems like UIDevice class does not provide anything like that. My application is using internet access extensively and I would like to explicitly warn user that on 3G delays or additional costs can be ex...

Conditional interface programming for iPad?

Hi everyone! I'm working on an app for the iPad and am a little over my head with one issue. Is it possible to build an app for iPad that uses a function to control which interface layout is displayed? Something like "if these parameters are met, use XIB file "a" else use XIB file "b". I know that's not in any kind of legitimate format, ...

Best way to programmatically detect iPad/iPhone hardware

The reason I need to find out is that on an iPad, a UIPickerView has the same height in landscape orientation as it does in portrait. On an iPhone it is different. The iPad programming guide introduces an "idiom" value to UIDevice: UIDevice* thisDevice = [UIDevice currentDevice]; if(thisDevice.userInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfa...

Problem while loading the application on iPad?

Hi, I developed a simple application for iPad. I want to test the app how it works on the device. I have paid developer licence, and i have added the device id and created the app id and i have downloaded the provisioning profile using both. The same way how we will build the app for iphone i have done for ipad. i have sent the provis...

How do I load all my location based content into google maps

I am writing an iPad application that uses the MapKit control. How do I get all my content into Google Maps. i.e. I have a bunch of locations along with photos, video, audio and various other information. So when the iPad user loads my App and zooms into a certain place in the world I want my Annotations to be visible and when they tou...

How to write to an XML file from the iPad OS?

I am developing an app for IPad, and I need to modify several attributes in a XML file at runtime. I found the class NSXMLDocument, http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/cocoa/reference/foundation/Classes/NSXMLDocument_Class/Reference/Reference.html But I haven't been able to import it to my project. Is this class not a...

CoreText: Space between lines

Hi, How I can know what is the size between two lines? I'm using CoreText API. ...

Horizontal UITableView

I want implement a layout in my ipad application that has a uitable view that scrolls left and right rather then up and down : So rather than row 1 row 2 row 3 ( scrolling vertically ) It would be : row 1, row2, row 3 (scrolling horizontally ) I've seen that UItableView is designed to only do vertical scrolling so doing a transfo...

Nike + iPod app like customisation ?

Hi, I am very much curious about Nike + iPod app look and feel. They have selected uitabbar buttons red in color The tableviewcell selection style as red in color. The disclosure indicator is also red in color. The solution in my mind for two of these is: I can use a red colored arrow image to use it as accessory view. I can flip...

What are the pros and cons of using AppCelerator versus Objective-C

What are the pros and cons of using AppCelerator versus Objective-C ...

UIButton does not respond to touches in lower part of popover

I got a very strange problem. I got a viewcontroller that is displayed in a popover. within the popover the initial subview gets transitioned to another subview and the popover height changes. The issue is in the second subview the two buttons lowest on the screen do not respond to touches. If I move them up in the interface builder th...

Can I use more than one ads api ( sdk ) in my application ?

Hi all, I am developing a game in which I have some game play screens, game info screens and game finish screens. I want to show the ads from admob on info/playing screen and from greystripe or mobclix before the results screen comes. I am curious for knowing, if it can be done (The app will not be rejected by apple ?) Thanks, Madh...

iPad translucent status bar?

Is there no way to make the status bar translucent for the iPad. I get this error when trying to do this: UIStatusBarStyleBlackTranslucent is not available on this device. ...

Best practice to pass a value from pop over control on iPad.

It is an iPad app based on SDK 3.2. I have a MainUIView, that is subclass from UIView, it have a UIButton and a UILabel. When user press the UIButton, the pop over control will be appeared with a table view. When the user select a cell from the table view, the UILabel changes content base on the user click, and the pop up table view wil...