
How to modify XML on Objective-C?

Hi, I'm working on a project for the iPad, I need to read and write to an xml file, which is also used by the counter part of the application in windows. The problem that I have is that I've been looking around but I haven't found a way to modify an element or attribute in an xml, without having to build the whole xml again. I saw thi...

NavigationBar from UINavigationController not positioned correctly

So, my iPad program has a pseudo-split view controller (one that I implemented, not base SDK one), and was working correctly a while ago. It has the basic layout (UINavController for master, content view controller for detail on right), but I have it so the master view doesn't disappear when rotated into portrait view. Recently, I added...

iPhone OS 3.2; PDF rendering; User Interaction

Hello! I'd need to create a iPad-app which would be rendering multiple PDF-Files (one file contains one page). Each page should be scrollable, zoomable and if the user taps on a part of the PDF a website or photo gallery should popup. Currently i think i could do that either with: A. UIWebView Displays the pdf's nicely, scrolling and...

Its there a way to put a margin top to a rightBarButtonItem ?

I'm trying to possition a rightBarButtonItem in my toolbar, is there a way to do this? Im using a pretty standard navigationBar, this is the code: [[self.navigationController navigationBar] setTintColor:[UIColor blackColor]]; self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = [[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:TTLocalizedString(@"Cerrar", @"...

iPhone/iPad rotation

Hello guys! How can I detect the start of a rotation and the end of the rotation on these devices? EDIT: So after your answers, how can I detect the begining and ending of the orientation change. ...

How to Open quicktime player on iPad

Hello All, I am programming an iPad app. In this app I want to open a movie URL in default Quicktime player. When I tried to open the URL in the browser the movie starts playing in the browser. How can I open the movie in the default player (so i can get play pause controls..) Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Saurabh ...

iPad receiving memory warning with low memory use

I have an UIWebKit with a HTML, this HTML have several images and text, but just displaying it gives me the memory warning. So I did some tests: The same HTML with different images, fullsize, and after the same images but reduced 50% from it's original size, for the 50% reduced images, I went to preview and reduced all images in 50% The...

iphone bring up address book contact

I am having some trouble accessing the iphone addressbook. I have contacts with a home address, work address, etc. I want to be able to programmatically determine which contacts have an address on their record. then determine what type of address it is (home, office, work, mail, etc) Any help would be nice. I'm stuck! ...

iPhone OS 3.2 File Sharing Path

Currently I have this for my file path and file... NSURL *storeUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: [[self applicationDocumentsDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"Shared\PartyPlanner.sqlite"]]; This allows me to share the file with iTunes, but instead of just having 'PartyPlanner.sqlite' in the 'applicationDocumentsDirectory\Shared'...

Trying to debug a 'Assertion failure in -[UIActionSheet showInView:]' error....

I am working through "Beginning iPad Application Development" and am getting hung up in Chapter 3 where I have created a project that works with an Action Sheet. As it stands now, my application loads into the simulator just fine with no errors that I am aware of, but as it runs, it crashes with the following errors showing up in the de...

How to update Root view based on selection in detail view in split view based ipad App?

I have used Split view controller in which root view as well detail view both inherits table view. I want to update Root view based on selection in detail view how to do that? I dont want to add new navigation view in root view. Please help as early as possible. ...

when setting a property does the property name always change to camelcase?

So if a have this property: @property (nonatomic, retain) MKReverseGeocoder *reverseGeocoder; and i want to set it, does the case always change: [self setReverseGeocoder: ... Seems a bit weird to get used to! I mean the property name is lower case! ...

UIWebView rotation and memory problem

Hi. I have an UIWebView that loads a embedded XHTML like this: body = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height)]; body.scalesPageToFit = YES; body.backgroundColor = [UIColor scrollViewTexturedBackgroundColor]; body.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin...

Where do I set my company name?

When creating new source files xcode adds comments with your name and company name. Where do I set my company name for xcode (not the project). ...

iPad Modal View Dismiss Animation Issue

When I present a modal view in iPad, the view comes up from the bottom. But when I dismiss it, it slides of the screen to the left. I'm in landscape mode and using UIModalPresentationStylePageSheet. How do I make the dismiss animation slide the view back down? ...

How should I load a xib into a detail view for a split view iPad objective app?

I've got a split view iPad app with table view in the master pane. After drilling down several levels, each time loading a new .xib, I'd like one of the cells to trigger a web page load in the detail pane. Right now I can only get the web page .xib to load in the master pane side -- which is a master pain in my side. The basic load cal...

add sub view in center - iPad

Hello All, I want to add a sub view in current view, this sub view is 300x300. When I add subview using [self.view addSubview:md.view]; the md.view will appear at position (0,0) is there any way to add subview in center? Thanks ...

Apple iPad and PDF support

Hi, I have few questions related to the PDF and its use on the Apple iPad: 1) Does the iPad support all Quartz PDF functions (i.e. all CGPDFxxx functions/classes)? 2) Does the iPad support the PDF Kit? 3) Is it possible with any of one of both APIs, based on the coordinates of the finger touch to detect the underlying PDF item (e.g. ...

Three20 for iPad

Hi, I have a requirement of using Three20 in my iPad project. I was wondering if the Three20 project of iPhone version is directly usable in iPad or should we wait for the this timeline to complete: http://three20.info/timeline/roadmap Are there any alternatives for Three20 in OS 3.2? Thanks, Raj ...

Generate a random number within range?

Possible Duplicate: Generating Random Numbers in Objective-C How do I generate a random number which is within a range? ...