
ipad simulator - sandbox area

Every iPhone/iPad application has its sandbox area, where I can store files. When I use the simulator this area will be somewhere in the hard disk. Is it possible to see this directory and its contents for a given application? I am debugging an iPad app and it will be a lot easier if I can see the sandbox area contents in real time, as ...

iphone: view index

I have a view between other views, the order may vary. For example: viewA on top of viewB, on top of viewC, or in another order. Suppose I have viewA, viewB, viewC, viewD and viewE A is on the top and E on the bottom. I need to replace viewC with viewZ, but I need to insert viewZ in the same index of viewC. How do I know, before rem...

Remove PDF Margins with Quartz 2D PDF Functions

In the "Crop Pages" feature of Acrobat there is a option to "Remove White Margins" from the pages of a PDF, which basically crops all the margins out of the pages. How could one go about doing that with the Quartz 2D PDF functions in an iPad app? I have the basic code for opening a PDF and displaying the pages. I am just wondering ab...

Response time for a UIButton for an iPad application

hi guys, i have a simple UIButton that, once clicked, plays a 1 second sound. i want to be able to click that button really fast and produce that sound as many times as i humanly can. i currently have this up and running by including the and maybe that is where the culprit is... also, i am digging into apple's references and cannot fi...

iphone - will the retain property propagate on an array?

I have a mutable array that has been retained. This array contain dictionaries with lots of keys. Each dictionary contains objects. Do I have to retain the dictionaries before adding them to the mutable array or will the array itself retain everything that is added to it (because it is already retained), including the sub objects of it...

What is the name of the component used in the app store to show the new and noteworthy apps?

I want to use this component to develop an application and I can't find it anywhere. ...

How do I put images on the iPad Simulator

Is there anyway of placing images on the iPad simulator? ...

How to recreate the 'Cut Copy' Popover on the iPad?

The 'Cut Copy ...' interface popover that displays on the iPad -- I want to create my own popover that is displayed similarly, but I can't determine how theirs was implemented. It looks like a UISegmentedControl with some styling, which should be easy to implement, but whenever I create a popover and put a view inside it, I can't seem t...

iPhone - UITableView datasource?

I have a UITableView that was created from data coming from a mutable array. This is an array of dictionaries. So, in order to populate my table, I did something like - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { ... NSDictionary *umObject = (NSDictionary*)[listaDeObjectos ob...

Can we set splitsview with tabbar?

Can we set splitsview with tabbar? In detailview i want the tabbarcontroller. is it possible? ...

UITableView in Popover scrolls out of bounds when keyboard is opened

Hi, I have a popover that contains a UITableView. This UITableView has a cell with a text field in it: When the popover opens near the bottom of the screen, and I tap the text field to edit it, the keyboard comes up, and the popover moves up to avoid being covered by the keyboard. But as it moves up, the table view in the popover scr...

Associating sqlite3 db to an iPhone app

Hi I'm trying to associate an SQLite3 database file with our app so that it's easy to open backed up database from an email. The following however does not seem to work as Mail still doesn't recognizes the file (on an iPad and iPhone 4): <key>UTExportedTypeDeclarations</key> <array> <dict> <key>UTTypeConformsTo</key> ...

UITabBar in iPad - Won’t go into landscape mode

UITabBar in iPad - Won’t go into landscape mode.. ...

How to call [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale] in a universal app for the iphone and ipad

I'm making a universal app that will run on both the ipad and the iphone. So far so good, but I have just updated my SDK to ios4 and am wanting to call [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale] (scale is not in the 3.2 sdk and the ipad doesn't have ios4 yet). I know that I can call [[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector:@selector(scale)] to fin...

Passing argument makes pointer from integer without a cast

Does anyone know why I am getting the following error: - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath; { id result = (Possession *)[possessions objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]]; [result setRowSwapped:TRUE]; //Passing argument makes pointer from integer without a cast } //Th...

iPad Mapkit and Conical Projections

I read in the iPad mapkit is designed to use Mercator projection maps. It is possible to use this interface with Lambert Conical Projection maps? ...

NSUserDefaults won't save NSDictionary

I'm writing an application which uses NSUserDefaults as the data storage mechanism, and am hitting a problem when trying to save data (that conforms to the Property List protocols): + (BOOL)storeAlbum:(Album *)album { NSUserDefaults *prefs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; NSMutableDictionary *albums = (NSMutableDictionar...

Cannot find UILabelAdditions.h

I've been struggling with this for a few hours now. I have included a newer version of Three20 in an iPad app, and can compile just fine with my debug build. Whenever I switch to another build, even a duplicate of debug, I get about 78 errors stating that UILabelAdditions.h could not be found. It is in the Three20/src/Three20 dire...

iphone - how to extend a button touch area?

I have 5 round buttons in a row, each one, 40x40 pixels. Between each one, I have 20 pixels. 40x40 pixels is too small to touch, but as I have 20 pixels of space between each button I can extend the button touch area to 60x60 pixels, making it easy to touch. I could simply using the dirty solution of creating a square 60x60 pixels trans...

MBProgressHUD causes application to crash

It seems that using MBProgressHUD is causing my application to crash. Without the HUD code, the following runs just fine, but with it, it crashes: { ... HUD = [[MBProgressHUD alloc] initWithView:self.view]; // Add HUD to screen [self.view addSubview:HUD]; // Register for HUD callbacks so we can remove it from the...