
low memory rescale of huge image loaded from disk iPhone/iPad

Hello, I would like to ask if someone has some cue. I load a big image from webserver using ASIHTTP framework directly to the disk. Images about 4096x4096 px. I need to present this image to user on screen, so I would need to rescale the big image from disk to some considerable resolution lets say 1024x1024 px. The problem for now is ...

Can't get the iPad to vibrate

AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(kSystemSoundID_Vibrate); This line of code does not seem to work on the iPad - does the iPad have the hardware required to vibrate? ...

CoreText Page view example (CTPageViewer)

I was watching "Advance Text Handling for iPhone OS" video from WWDC. I really like the demo and want to play with it, but once i download source code from WWDC and try to look for the example. I could not find it. Is there any one who knows from where i can download it? ...

Dismissing Alert View of controller or app whose object refference is not available..!

How to dismiss the alert view (and execute its cancellation handler) when my application moves back to the foreground or my refference object is not available? If any one knows please reply. Thanks in advance..! ...

How to put 605 custom fonts in iPad application

Hello I put some custom fonts in the resources and add some entries to the plist file so I can use them... and everything is working fine... But my app needs to use 605 custom fonts and when I add more than 240 or 245 fonts the application won't respond to the fonts.. i.e. when I write some text using any of those fonts, nothing appears...

Can I import .obj files for use on the iPad

Is it possible to create 3D models in other applications (e.g. Vue Esprit) and then export these models as .obj files for use in iPad applications? ...

Can I load custom fonts from the documents folder instead of the resources in iPhone/iPad aaplication?

Hello everyone I am writing an iPad application and I have some custom fonts that I put into the resources and add some plist entries for them under UIAppFonts and I can build UIFont objects from them and everything is OK... Now what I want to ask, let's assume that I have this font file in my app documents folder, is there any chance ...

How to extend UIImagePickerController with a custom view controller?

Because the default cropping frame of an UIImagePickerController (when using the setting setAllowsEditing:YES) isn't the right size for me I've created a custom view controller, like suggested here. When a thumbnail is selected from the UIImagePickerController I open this custom view controller (navigationController) from - (void)imageP...

self.view addSubview:view problem..!!

Hi Guys, newbie in ipad apps here n stucked on a very strange condition. I have one view based application. In view of Viewcontroller I have added two buttons to draw to shapes. One is cube and one is piramid. Shapes are drawn with openGL code. Both shapes have different view classes. Now on clicking on the buttons of cube and pyrami...

Releasing modal view content controller causes: CALayer release - message sent to deallocated instance

I'm trying to present a viewcontroller modally: - (IBAction)addReference { ReferenceAddViewController *referenceAddViewController = [[ReferenceAddViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ReferenceAddViewController" bundle:nil]; [referenceAddViewController setDelegate:self]; [self presentModalViewController:referenceAddViewC...

Cross Disolve working on iPhone but not iPad.

I have the following code that gets called after the view loads. It works perfectly on the iPhone, but appears to do nothing at all on the iPad. I have confirmed the frame/bounds of my UIImageView is set to the size of the iPad's screen. Recommendations please? - (void)startNextAnimation { CABasicAnimation *crossFade = [CABasicAnimat...

Are there developer APIs to hook into the camera connection kit for the iPad?

Does Apple offer any developer APIs for reading data from the camera connection kit? (either via USB or on a card thats plugged in?) ...

iOS4 SDK and iPad and @2x images

If I provide an image in both the standard size and now a new one with @2x for iPhone 4, which one with the iPad use? If the user chooses the 2X feature to run the iPhone app in full screen on the iPad, do they seem the lower quality images stretched or will they see the higher quality images? ...

how to get trajectory of an object1 when we swipe an object2 ?

Hi, I am writing an game app in iPad using cocos2d. And the game is in landscape mode. It have a sprite gun that shoots, and the sprite is the middle (512,10). The targets appear along the x-axis. By swiping on the sprite gun I have to generate a trajectory of the bullet according to the angle I have swiped. So, I have initial and final ...

Binary of IPhone in iPad?

hi, I am new to iPad,I am having iPhone distribution build, can i upload to apple for iPad Device?Will it run? will it be accepted by Apple?otherwise i have to create new Ipad application for existing iphone application? ...

How to restrict user to take data back up of our application data through itunes sync process? through coding

Hi, how do i restrict taking an application data backup using itunes sync.. its a requirement from my client that ....from application should not allow taking a backup of any files. Can you please suggest me whether this is possible or not.... if yes can you please suggest me ways to do it.. ...

can i add progress into a UISlider?

This picture shows what i want , i just making a custom movieplay controller. I know how to make a custom uislider as code below playSlider.backgroundColor=[UIColor clearColor]; [playSlider setThumbImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"sliderButton.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal]; [playSlider setMaximumTrackImage:[UIImage ima...

How can I resize a sprite image programmatically according to the position of the image.

Hi I have 10 images a ball of same size. I need to show the ball animation. The ball animation should start image1 and should end with image10. I want to show that the ball is travelled far from the throwing position. So, I need to show that the images at the end of animation are small. For this I manually resized the images of the ball...

_CGAffineTransformScale error on xcode

Hello guys, Can anyone help me to solved this xcode error? error : "_CGAffineTransformScale", referenced from: Is Xcode missing any library for CGAffineTransformScale ? Thanks in advance and help appreciated. ...

iPad page sheet rendered with no background (bug?)

Hi, In my iPad app, I am presenting a modal view controller with the UIModalPresentationPageSheet style. Today, randomly, when I presented the modal view controller, the page sheet was rendered without the white background, leaving just the shadow: I have not made any changes to the view controller that is being presented, or the vie...