
iphone - Search button on a UISearchBar

I have a search functionality using UISearchBar that occurs on-the-fly, so I think it would be more obvious to replace that "Search" button on the keyboard with "Done". Is there a way to do that? thanks ...

Does MPMoviePlayerController fragment memory?

I've been struggling with this for weeks now. On the iPad so 3.2. Using UIWebView (so internal YTYoutubeView which I assume is an MPMoviePlayer instance) to show Youtube videos embedded. Whenever I play multiple videos, the app eventually crashes with low memory, even though every time I run this thru Instruments it crashes around 6...

How much needs to be changed in an iphone app to make in ipad compatible?

What needs to be changed to make an iphone app compatible on the ipad? I know the icons etc must be different etc. but in terms of code? ...

how to control the volume of ipad without MPvolumeView?

In a movie player, i can use mpVolumeView to control the volume.Is there any other way to control it ? ...

How to recognise a specific gesture

Please bear with me because my query is difficult to explain. Is it possible to recognise a specific touch action or gesture on the iPad and then raise an event when this action occurs? Imagine the user wrote the letter 'i' on the touch screen. So that would involve first recognising that the user tapped the screen once (for the dot o...

UIGestureRecognizer blocking table view scrolling

I'm using a custom UIGestureRecognizer subclass to track gestures on my InfoView class. The InfoView class is a subview of a custom UITableViewCell subclass called InfoCell. I've added my gesture recognizer to my root view (the parent view of everything else on screen, because the purpose of my custom gesture recognizer is to allow dra...

color array handling with openGL

Hi guys I am developing an ipad app with openGL. In my app basically I am drawing a basic shape i.e 3d cube, which can rotate according to user's finger motion. Now I am stuck on coloring part of this cube. I want user to choose surfaces of his choice to color this shape. So what I am trying to do is...I am changing the array for glCol...

identify the surface of 3d cube

Hi guys I am developing an iPad application which just drawing a 3d cube. User can rotate it with finger motion and can zoom in/out with pinching it. Right now I am coloring whole cube (every surface) at same time. Now if I want user to color each surface of cube separately, means user will tap one surface and it will color that surfa...

app running on simulator but not in ipad..!!!

Hi guys, A'm stucked with a very strange problem.....really cant get how to come out with that..!! I am developing iPad application in which I am drawing a 3d cube with openGL programming for ipad....Everything is fine....I drawn the cube and also colored it with different colors....This all things I have tested on simulator, everythin...

what's the differences between [event allTouches] &[touches allObject]?

in uiresponder , - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event; what's the difference between [event allTouches] and [touches allObject]? ...

how to Set the popupview in the center of the view?

how to Set the popupview in the center of the view? i have problem when i turn ipad in landscape mode its not coming in to the center of view ...

Application crashes while adding photo adding new contact.

I am using ABNewPersonViewController to add new contact to the address book. Every thing is fine if I do not add any photo from photo albums. It crashes if I add any photo and here is the log:- NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: attempt to insert nil value (key: UIImagePickerControllerOriginal...

Dismiss keyboard on IPAD

Hi, The ResignFirstResponder for an UITextField on the Iphone semms to not working for the Ipad. How can I dismiss my keyboard programmatically? Thanks, ...

Advanced iPad programming

I finished learning the Big Nerd Ranch Guide to iPhone programming but now I need a more advanced book for advanced concepts particularly for iPad App Dev. Could you please recommend one? ...

Table View not displaying properly

I'm trying to use a table view inside a modalView and for some reason, despite doing this in IB: http://mike-pulsifer.org/images/IBissue1.png and (same location as above) IBissue3.png I get this instead: (same location as above) IBissue2.png Any thoughts as to what I did wrong? Thanks ...

How can I use the Apple SDK on the PC?

I have a need to build apps for an iPad but I do not have a Mac, is it possible to run the Apple SDK on a PC, through an emulator or some other method? ...

iPad SDK: How to play a series of videos with MPMoviePlayerViewController

I am wondering how to most efficiently play a series of video with MPMoviePlayerViewController? For example, I would like to play in a series the following: Video1.mp4 Video2.mp4 Video3.mp4 and so on... Any suggestions appreciated. ...

iPad SDK: How to hook into done button of MPMoviePlayerViewController?

I am creating an iPad add and I am using a MPMoviePlayerViewController to playback a video. The video is occupying the entire iPad screen like this. playerViewController.view.frame = self.view.frame; I need a way for the user to be able to press a button to go to a different screen. I notice that automagically a done button appear...

record live streaming audio

Hi guys I'm actually making an app which has to play and record streaming audio from internet on ipad. The streaming of the audio is done, I will have to come to the recording part very soon and I don't have any idea on how to proceed. Could you give me a hint??? Idea? It will have to play while simultaneously recording into AAC or MP3...

DebugBreak for iPad

Hello, I want to make DebugBreak for iPad and found that asm{trap} should work, but there is a problem: if I use asm{trap} I have error: asm blocks not enabled, use `-fasm-blocks'. If I enable -fasm-blocks I have another error: -fasm-blocks option not supported for ARM. Do you know another way to implement DebugBreak or to make asm co...