
iPad SDK: What size should videos be saved at in order for them to be full screen on an iPad?

I am putting together an iPad add to playback a video. The video the client supplied is not filling up the entire iPad. Rather, the video size looks about that of an iPhone. Can anyone add some insight? Why is the video not displaying full screen? Is there something I need to do programmatically or do they need to save the videos at a d...

iPadSDK: Problems trying to play multiple files in MPMoviePlayerView????

I am trying to play a series of videos. In order to do this, I thought I would keep track of the sequence number for the next video to play. The problem is that I can't seem to access the array names from inside the callback. It seems like it might be a memory issue because the same code put in loadView works fine. Here is the code I ...

Can i use Base SDK 4.0 for iPad only app?

We are developing an iPad app for which I am trying to use sharekit http://getsharekit.com I am getting this error if I use the Base SDK 3.2 Cannot find protocol declaration for NSXMLParserDelegate But if I change Base SDK to 4.0 it works fine. I think its possible to use Base SDK 4.0 when creating Universal apps. Does anyone kno...

how to generate html to pdf file in iphone

how to generate html to pdf file in iphone i need this for iBook applicaion i got html file but here problem is that i can't do paging in webview so i convert html file into pdf then it is working. if any body knows the send sample code or link thanks... ...

How can I present an UIPopoverController from an UITableViewCell?

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { if (indexPath.row == 5) { [tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:YES]; [enginesPopoverController presentPopoverFromRect:[tableView bounds] inView:self.view permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny anima...

How to control screen brightness programatically in i-pad

How do you control the screen brightness programatically on an i-pad? I need this for an iBook application, the same as an Apple iBook. Does anyone know about this, and can you give me some guidance? thanks. ...

need Brightness controler on my i-pad application

hell All i am trying to add Brightness controler in my i-pad application if anybody have idea about this questation please send me a link and code... thank you ...

Universal Build in iphone & ipaddoubt ?

I want to run My iphone App in iPad without Pressing 2X Button. When I follow the following steps, I could not run My App in iPad simulator without using 2x... Open the Xcode project for your existing iPhone application. Select the target for your iPhone application. Select Project > Upgrade Current Target for iPad and follow the promp...

API's for supporting .epub format.

Hi All, I have read that iPad supports .epub format. So are there any API's which makes it easy to read and display .epub format files? Thanks ...

How can i make my iPhone Application to iPad Compatible without using Jailbreak?

Hi!i have made iPhone Application and i want to make it iPad Compatible without using Jailbreak mainly i have used ImageView,UITableView,UIScrollView that's it. ...

How to display labels on a Pie Chart

Hi, I am developing an application that has a Pie Chart in it. I want to display the values(used for making the pie chart) to be displayed in the center corresponding area. I am using this code to draw the PieChart: CGContextSetRGBFillColor(ctx, 0.52, 0.63, 0.31, 1.0); CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, posX, posY); CGContextAddArc(ctx,...

Adding a Half screen Navigation controller to iPad

Dear all, In my iPad application i need to implement a navigation controller behavior to the right half of the screen( I can't use split view controller because i need more space in left-side - around 600px). Is there any way to create a NavigationController with a fixed frame size ? thanks in Advance. ...

Is there any way to present an UIPopover from an UITableView index?

Hi, I would like to present an UIPopover from an UITableView specific index. Here's my code: if (indexPath.row == 5) { [tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:YES]; EnginesPopoverController *enginesPopoverController = [[EnginesPopoverController alloc] initWithNibName:@"EnginesPopoverController" bundle:nil]; U...

Detecting wifi network change in iPad

Hi I have an iPad application which requires me to stream a video to a user only if he is connected to a particular wifi network. If his wifi network changes, I need to stop streaming. Is there any way to know that the wifi network that the user is connected to has changed? Are there any public APIs that can give me the SSID of the wifi ...

View Unicode characters in xcode console

Hi all, I need to see some String with unicode characters in the xcode console when I do NSLog(@"some unicode characters.."). Eg: abc\u0001xyz\u0002pqr... Biut xcode console only shows the abcxyzpqr. It doesn't show the intermediate unicode characters. Does anyone know how to view this? ...

Match look and feel of default keyboard with a custom keyboard on the iPad

I have an iPad app that needs a custom number keyboard on a view that also has a text field using the default keyboard. I have attempted to match the look of the default keyboard by drawing a gradient on a layer of the input view and using custom images on the UIButtons. Is there a better way to create a custom keyboard that matches the...

UIScrollView with multiple pages visible or smaller page sizes

I'm trying to make a paging UIScrollView display multiple pages at the same time, in effect, making the page size smaller than the scrollview's bounds. I've been googling for hours, but nobody seems to have a good solution. I'm able to get the right effect visually by sizing the scrollview to the size I want one page to be, turning off...

App freezing without warning

My iPad app is freezing at this line of code: self.view.frame = [[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame]; There are no errors, warnings and the app doesn't crash, it just freezes. This is obviously standard code and I use the same line in a very similar view controller with no problems. Any ideas? ...

iPad, 3.2.1 update causes app to display black screen

I recently accidentally updated my iPad to version 3.2.1 and had to update Xcode and SDK to continue development. However all of my apps that ran perfectly fine before, don't display anything when ran in the new versions. There are no error messages and the apps seem to be running just fine, except that all that is displayed is a black...

How to control treble, bass, volume on Iphone/ipad

Hello I need some help/hints on how to control the ipad's volume, how to control the bass and treble in xcode for an iphone app. Thanks ...