
Access objects from a popcontroller

Hi everyone I will explain my problem briefly summarizing as much as I can. I have a label lets say "Hello" which is found on my RootViewController. I have a popover which appears when I press on a button on my RootViewController. On that popover, I have another button on it and when I press on it, I want it to change the label on the...

UITextView key pad becomes disabled

Using the following method in xcode im trying to generate some text once the user presses the return key on the key pad. However for some reason the key pad is disabled and I cannot get it to work again without removing the code: (BOOL)textView:(UITextView *)textView shouldChangeTextInRange:(NSRange)range replacementText:(NSString *)te...

ipad: how to know editing done in UITextView?

I've a textview. I want to know whether the changes done in textview while pressing back button in UINavigationBackbutton. how to compare old and new text entered in UItextview? If there is any changes, i'll ask Do u want to save the changes?. ...

iPad - how should I distribute offline web content for use by a UIWebView in application?

I'm building an application that needs to download web content for offline viewing on an iPad. At present I'm loading some web content from the web for test purposes and displaying this with a UIWebView. Implementing that was simple enough. Now I need to make some modifications to support offline content. Eventually that offline content ...

iPad app strange memory behavior

I have a quite a big iPad application with about 20 xib's about 50 images. It has a login view and until its login page it loads only the images and language resources in to memory. When I load the application and after login view loaded it consumes about 40 MB's. Only the login view is in memory at that time. I noticed this memory from ...

Could not instantiate class named MKMapView

I may be doing something really stupid here as I've done it before and it worked and now... Created a new iPad project, in the details view I added a MKMapView, added the MapKit.framework to the project, added the property / etc. to the header. Go to run the project and get a SIGABRT with **Terminating app due to uncaught exception '...

iPad/iPhone interesting memory observation

I have a quite a big iPad app and when I run the app in xcode debug mode, it shows about 50 MB in the Activity Monitor and memory grows slowly. (About 0.1 MB per 30 seconds approximately.) But when I run the app directly from the simulator(which is already installed in the simulator) , it shows about 10 MB in the activity monitor and mem...

UISearchDisplayController Without Dimming?

Hi everyone. I am writing a SplitView iPad app. Inside the DetailViewController, there's a little view that contains a UITableView and a UISearchBar and its controller. This view does not represent the whole screen space reserved for the DetailViewController. Actually, it uses just half of it. There's an UIImageView on the other half. ...

MAC OS Activity Monitor Information

Hi all, I'm using Activity monitor to measure performance in my iPad app, in addition to Instruments. There are 4 columns which I cant understand. Real Memory,Private memory,Shared Memory and Virtual Memory. Do you know the meaning of these 4 terms and which one I should use? ...

Invert typing letters on custom keyboard

Hi , every one i create persian custom keyboard. I am using this code : NSString *text = textPad.text; NSRange selectedRange = textPad.selectedRange; text = [text stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:selectedRange withString:@"A"]; textPad.text = text; textPad.selectedRange = selectedRange; but the problem is when user type a word for...

detect iPad keyboard Hiding button

Hi is there any way to detect iPad keyboard hiding button ? i mean when user press this button : something going to happen ! ...

iPad Movie Player Problem

I am playing mp4 files in iPad using MPMoviePlayerController. I have a view connected in IB to play the video files. The problem is that if one of the files is audio-only, it plays fine, but then videos that play after the audio file do not show the play/pause/seek controls. I am doing this to initialize the view: self.theMovie = ...

Javascript Orientation Change doesn't work with PhoneGap on iPad

I'm adapting a small HTML/CSS/Javascript driven web magazine as an iApp for the iPad with the great mobile framework PhoneGap. Everything works great, except the orientation change from portrait to landscape mode. I use the following Javascript code in the header of the index.html (portrait): var isiPad = navigator.userAgent.match(/i...

Where to add a loading view in an iphone/ipad app?

I have a view made in Interface Builder and I want to show it every time I need time to get some data from a server. I need to add it on top of everything, I mean, modals can be presenting when this view is visible, and this view has to be always on top. Any help? Thanks in Advance ...

iPad Calendar Style Flip?

Hi All, Can anyone give me any advice on setting up the ability for a user to flip from screen to screen on the iPad. Similar to how you can flip from day to day in the default Calendar application. Can I take advantage of anything that is built in? or does this need to be custom built. Any advice or starting tips/hints would be appre...

How to build user interaface close to the iBooks one?

hi, I'm new in iPad applications and I want to build an application that has a user interface close to the one that has been used for iBooks, or the one that Apple uses for the iPhone and iPad operating systems, so is there any component in Cocoa that makes it easy for me, in fact I thought about the UIImagPickerController but I'm sure y...

TabBarController within the RootViewController of a SplitViewController

Hi all ! I'd like to develop an iPad app which would be composed of a SplitViewController. I'd like to add a TabBarController in the RootViewController. I'm at the very beginning of the development. So I've started to simply create a new project, add a SplitViewController via Interface Builder and test the app, no problem of course. Th...

Is there any difference between iPad 2x mode and iPhone4 Retina display (for developer)?

Graphics development for iPhone4 and old iPhones was changed in several ways: The concept of point was introduced to replace pixel. Methods of UIImage will load high resolution resource files with @2x in the file name. Scale factor was added to UIScreen, UIView, UIImage, and CALayer classes. So if we handle CGImage carefully, it's no...

How do you get UIWebView to rotate correctly?

How can I get a UIWebView to rotate correctly in the iPad SDK? The only code I have regarding rotation is: - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation { return YES; } And when I look at my view in InterfaceBuilder, the UIWebView seems to stretch and fit nicely when in landscape orientat...

Animating a UILabel background color when text change

Hi all, I have a UITableView and I have layout some labels for its rows. When the values change in the table (means text values changes inside the labels), I need to animate the UILabel's backgroundcolor( eg. Background color from red --> its original background color). Then users can clearly notice the values changed. As far as I und...