
How do I get my 3ds Max models into an iPhone 3D game?

I've written a couple apps that are currently published in the app store. However, I'd like to start writing games that use OpenGL ES. I know how to model objects in 3D Studio Max but what I don't know is how to get my models into an OpenGL ES application on the iPhone/iPad and then manipulate those objects to create gameplay. Can anyon...

Truncate text in TTStyledTextLabel

Hi, I am using a TTStyledTextLabel in my project to parse the hyperlinks, it all works fine. The only problem I am facing is to truncate a long text - show ellipses if the text does not fit in the bounds of TTStyledTextLabel. In other terms, I need the same behavior as a UILabel which adds ellipses to indicate that some text is clipped...

UIPinchGestureRecognizer problem

I am using UIPinchGestureRecognizer.can i write two action for pinch in and pinch out..is there any specific Method(delegate)?I have written only one it is called when i pinched in... UIPinchGestureRecognizer *pinchGesture = [[UIPinchGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handlePinchGesture:)]; [self.view addGes...

What is a “weak framework reference”?

What does it mean to have a weak reference to a framework in iphone sdk? ...

UIview hittest problem?

I am using in one parentview - (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event to findout hit when the user touches the view.it works fine.it returns childview correctly.I move those views in the parent view.but I added UIGestureRecogniser to the subview for dragging inside subview .but when i drag inside the subview , it tak...

(UIView *)hitTest in viewcontroller?

is it possible to use - (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event; in viewcontroller.m file? any tutorial pls? ...

mpmovieplayercontroller fullscreen problem?

I develop an application that plays video iPad. the problem is that I am in full-screen video and I rotated the splitviewcontroller shift here is a screenshot: http://a.imageshack.us/img9/7660/capturedcran20100907150.png ...

mpmovieplayercontroller fullscreen problem?

The problem is when I am in full screen MPMovieplayercontroller and I rotated in landscape mode I see that the splitviewcontroller and navigationbar is shifted preview image: http://a.imageshack.us/img9/7660/capturedcran20100907150.png ...

Use ipad sdk background on a web page

How can I use the textured backgrounds that came with the ipad sdk in a web app? ...

Convert ipad application to iphone. Universal app.

Convert ipad application to iphone. Universal app. means i have already one ipad application. now i want make universal app of that ipad application. how to convert? ...

awakeFromNib (loadNibNamed) not called on iPad device - works fine on simulator

I made an universal app for iPhone and iPad with this code (from an Apple Sample-Code): - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application { if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) { // load the content controller object for iPhone-based devices [[NSBundle mainBundl...

Icon shows up in the simulator and not when I simulate it on the iPad

I have a 72X72 png picture called Icon.png in the Resources folder. It shows up nicely when I run the app on the Iphone Simulator but not when I run it on the iPad. The Icon is assigned in the -info.plist. I tried Run and Clean, Run and Clean ALL. i get the following error: Icon specified in the Info.plist not found under the top leve...

UIWebView inserting new <script> into head using stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString

I am loading an existing html document in a UIWebView with iOS 3.2 on an iPad. After the HTML loads I run the following code to insert jQuery into this document: - (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView { NSLog(@"load complete"); if (webView == self.contentView) { [self.contentView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: ...

UIView not displaying in landscape

Hi, I have a window with a UIView and a transition to another UIView. But when I do the transition, the window to transition to is displayed in portrait, and after the transition is finished, it goes to landscape.. But I want the UIView to be in landscape BEFORE the transition because otherwise the screen looks f*cked up because the bac...

iPhone locked Portrait, iPad locked Landscape

Hi, I'm trying to convert an iPhone app to iPad. The tricky things is that the iPhone app has to be locked to portrait view and the iPad app has to be locked to landscape view. I'm kind-of a noob at interface builder so I'm a little lost. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks! ...

Sub-classed View Controller gets error 'not key value coding-compliant'

I have been trying to solve this bug for 2 days straight and can't seem to find the problem. I sub-classed a standard ViewController like so: @interface ToolbarVC : UIViewController { IBOutlet UIButton* button1; IBOutlet UIButton* button2; IBOutlet UIButton* button3; IBOutlet UIButton* button4; } @property(nonatomic, retain) IBOutl...

How to set leading in CoreText?

You can get it with CTFontGetLeading(aCTFont), but how do you SET it? Can anyone please explain? Is there another way around this? Do you have to set the space between the lines manually, perhaps? ...

How to enable swipe gesture for a UITextView

How do I enable the swipe gesture recognition for a UITextView? This is my code and the event attach to it is not firing. It works for taps just not for swipes. // Add swipe support for easy textview content clean up UISwipeGestureRecognizer *swipe = [[UISwipeGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(eraseTextWithSw...

iPhone/iPad sound playback with setCurrentTimeFunction. Non AVAudioPlayer.

Hello, I've recently been trying to incorporate an intensive sound management class, where sound playback precision is a must. What I'm looking for is the option to load a sound, set the playback starting position (or playhead), play for a certain time, pause the sound, set the 'playhead' position to a new interval and resume playback a...

Part of the uiview doesn't call touchesBegan for view on top of uisplitview

I'm writting an ipad app with a uisplitview. Once a user taps on a button, I display another view in full screen by removing the uisplitview from the stack and pushing the new view. The problem I have is that the new uiview only gets touchesBegan for 3/4 of the screen. It seems like that is the same area used up for the uidetailview in...