
Replace multiple groups of characters in an NSString

I want to replace several different groups of characters in one NSString. Currently I am doing it with several repeating methods, however I am hoping there is a way of doing this in one method: NSString *result = [html stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"<B&" withString:@" "]; NSString *result2 = [result stringByReplacingOccurren...

iPad/iOS modalView jumps left on dismiss

Hi, I added a modalView to my App, everything working fine, but on closing the modal, the whole modalView jumps about 1-2 centimeters to left while it disappears. I did not find any reason for it yet, so here is the code regarding modal: AppController: - (void) showNameModal:(Player *)player { namesModal = [[PlayerModalView allo...

Display images in both portait and landscape mode

I currently have a fairly straight forward UI which displays three 250 x 180 images in UIImageView's but I want to be able to show them in a more interesting way and also when the ipad is rotated to landscape mode the images overlap the text etc. It just looks a bit cheap. What are my options for displaying this three images more creat...

UIWebview memory problem

Hi, In my App I have a large memory issue I add UIScrollview with a viewController views dynamically when I need and I properly remove the viewController while scrolling. and in that viewController I placed a UIWebiew in IBOutlet and load webview as [m_objWebView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL: [NSURL URLWit...

Best practices for using coding convention in companies

Hi (Objective-C and others) guys, I've a question, and I don't know if this is the best place to ask for it. Few days ago, dannywartnaby helped me with a problem I had and gave me an interesting advice, which can be considered as a coding convention, which is to prefix yout class files with your initials. I wonder if you know other bes...

Add navigationcontroller to detail view in splitview

Hi, I am following this example: http://doronkatz.com/ipad-programming-tutorial-hello-world. This example works great. Now i want 3 tabs in the splitview and for each tab a new navigationcontroller. But i don't know how to implement it. I go to this code: - (void)setDetailItem:(id)newDetailItem { if (detailItem != newDetailItem) { ...

iphoto style album stack for ipad application ipoto

Hello, I am looking to develop a video and image gallery in my app. The thing I found useful to be used for the videos is the FLOW COVER option available at http://www.chaosinmotion.com/flowcover.m. However, I would also like to show albums in the iPAD style Stacked albums A video representation is at Youtube (43 second onwards). I ...

UITableView scrolling problem

Hi all, I have a UITableView which reloads every 3 seconds. I reload it only if my Boolean variable is true. In some conditions that variable is always true and that time table is difficult to scroll. (performance is not very good). Other times its ok. What should I do? Note: I have coded my table according to apple's recommended way(U...

UITableview not reloading after UIAlertview

Hi after entering with a new item, in the delegate method from UIAlertview, I calling reloadData from Tableview and it is not being updated: - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView commitEditingStyle:(UITableViewCellEditingStyle)editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { ...

Get iTunes user mail ?

Hi, I would like to use the iTunes user mail account in order to synchronise some informations (with a server) accross different devices. This mail would be a convenient way to identify one user. I didn't find a way to access it, is it possible to get it ? How can I do that ? Thanks in advance for your answers. ...

Making the Blue Editing Box in iPad

Hi guys, I am wondering if any developer have attempted to make the box that appears when you resize an image in Pages for iPad, it has 8 handles at the sides that allows you to drag to resize. Regards, Calvin ...

UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification not firing?

Hi, I simply can not get the UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification to fire. I have my AppDelegate, here I add a PolyOrientationViewController, which has a UInavigationController that can push a VerticalNavigationController and a HorizontalViewController depending on the orientation of the iPad. - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)a...

Ipad - actionsheet not showing all buttons in landscape mode when keyboard is present

I am developing an Ipad application. It supports both landscape and portrait mode. The app has keyboard.It also shows an action sheet with 4 buttons when required. In portrait mode it works perfectly. But in landscape mode action sheet only show 2 buttons when keyboard is there .Without keyboard it show all 4 buttons. any solution? ...

iAd banner content Size .. (iAd Support with iOs 4.2 for iPad)

We have an application that support iAds. Apparently iOs 4.2 for iPad will support this, but doing some tests with the beta SDK, there is no way to resize de banner to make it fit on the DetailView of a SplitViewController. in Iphone you set the required content size identifiers for an ad banner, which are ADBannerContentSizeIdentifier3...

Universal iPhone/iPad AppDelegate

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me, starting a new app from scratch, how would I organise having a universal (iPhone/iPad) iOS app. I noticed using the default template with the xCode Beta, it gives you both a shared AppDelegate and subclassed appdelegates for iPhone and iPad. Now, how do you put in the log...

Trouble dismissing popover when deep inside nested tableview

I have an iPad program that has the following structure: Viewcontroller VC1 VC 1 declares UIPopover controller inside Popover controller I call a Nav controller which calls a TableView Controller TC1 TC1 pushes to a second Tableviewer Controller TC2 When the user selects a row in the table I want to dismiss the Popup. He...

How to create iPad Application in cocos2d

Hi, I am new to iphone game development, i have recently install cocoas2d. But the problem i whenever i search it always result in iPhone game tutorials. I want my game to use iPad screen resolution. Thanks Inam ...

iPhone App crashes on iPad (only)

Hi! I am making an app where the user gets daily book recommendations from an online database. This all works just fine on iPhone and iPod Touch, but crashes (SIGABRT) on iPad on launch (default.png is shown first). The error that is traced in the console is "Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '* -[NS...

iPad - More than one UITableView in the same screen

I coding app from iPad and I have to put two separate UITableView in the same screen. For this app I can´t put the UITableView and divid in two sections for requisits reason. It must be two separated. Well, in this case how I can fill the rows of UITableView. Can I have create a DataSource and Delegate in separate classes, one for a firs...

UIDatePicker in PopoverView in iPad

I have an iPad specific application running iOS 3.2.2 which displays a settings view in a ui popover. This all renders great, but now I'm trying to get a date picker to render inside the view and not sure what the best approach is for displaying it. Right now it has a button which toggles visibility of the date picker within the modal,...