
Creating multiple relationships between objects

I have a core data model with 2 entities: Collection and Image. There's a one to many relationship between Colletion and Image, reflected by an 'images' accessor on the Collection side and a 'collection' accessor on the Image side. There's an additional relationship called keyImage, which is a 1:1 relationship between Collection and Ima...

willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation not called on popViewControllerAnimated

In the MainViewController I have to adjust some images on orientation change. Easy - just add the code to the willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation: callback - (void) willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)orientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration { NSLog(@"orientation: %@", name(orientation)); .. ...

how to play video on external ouput using MPMoviePlayerController??

Hello All, I want to play video on iPad + external output (both at same time as youtube does). Currently I am using MPMoviePlayerController class to play videos, but when I create two instances of it only one works. Here is the code - MPMoviePlayerController * playerViewController = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithConte...

more UIwindow is possible in iphone sdk?

hi, My UIWindow has twoviewcontroller in pad .(for example ,tableview and imageviewcontrller ) I have done flipanimation when user presses the tableview, i called the method which is in appdeleagte from didSelectRowAtIndexPath ..(LIKE SPLITVIEWCONTROLLER) the method in t didSelectRowAtIndexPath iPadButtonsAppDelegate *mainDelega...

Create Album and Upload Photo in my facebook account using iphone application

Hello all Thanks for the help. In my application i want to add facebook feature. After Changes in my Picture i want to upload that image in my facebook account. Is there any code is available related this operation? Please help me on this. Pankaj Gadhiya ...

touch on window in iphone sdk?

is it possible to handle touchbegin, moved, and ended in UIWindow as it is done in UIView? Is there a tutorial I could review? ...

How to add a login view before a UISplitViewController iPad

I would like to show a login view before a UISplitViewController in my app. I am not sure how to do that as Apple docs regarding iPad says that UISplitViewController should be a root view controller of the app. ...

rotation based on center of UIView is not working?

hi i have coded in applicationdidfinish method as [m_tabViewController view].frame = CGRectMake(0,15, 768, 90); [m_tabViewController view].center = CGPointMake(670, 0); [m_tabViewController view].transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(degreesToRadians(315)); [window addSubview:viewController.view]; [window addSubview:[m_tabViewCont...

viewWillAppear not getting called for detailView of UISplitViewController

Hi All, I am experimenting with the splitViewController, introduced for iPads and am stuck at a point. I have a button on my detail view of the splitViewController, clicking on which a modal view opens. Now I want to change the positoning of UI controls on the detail view when the modal view gets dissmissed. A pretty obvious way of doi...

CAEAGLLAYER renderbuffer and UIView animation conflicting

I have a CAEAGLLAYER in a normal UIView created using: + (Class)layerClass { return [CAEAGLLayer class]; } I have a method - (void)renderExistingPointsFromModel That gets points from a database and renders it by presenting the renderbuffer at the end. A parent controller calls this method by: [drawingCanvasView renderExistingPoi...

touch on UIwindow?

i have four viewcontroller in my UIwindow.i want to interchange my viewcontroller's view among four through UItouch in UIWindow?is it possible to handle touchmoved in appdelegate.m file to change the frame origins of those viewcontrollers? ...

Can't push view onto stack

I have a view controller: @interface DetailViewController : UIViewController It displays a map and pins are dropped onto this map. When the user tap's the accessory button one of the annotation views I want another view to be pushed in front of the user. For some or other reason the navigation controller is always null when I run ...

How to make UIsplitview's popover visible in portrait mode iPad

I would like to make popover view visible whenever user switches from landscape view to portrait view in UIsplitView of iPad. Although user can make it visible by clicking on bar button but I want this to be automated for portrait mode. ...

IBAction is not shown in IB?

hi, i have done like @interface tabViewController : UIViewController { IBOutlet UIButton* button_first; IBOutlet UIButton* button_second; IBOutlet UIButton* button_third; IBOutlet UIButton* home; } but i could not in file owner those button? what i have to do? any help please? i have set everything correctly (viewcon...

How to present keyboard inside popover?, ipad passcode lock style...

Is it posible to present a keyboard the way is shown when you set a passcode for your ipad? ...

How can I use structured files in objective-C?

Hello I am developing for iPhone/iPad. I already know how to read/write text files from/to the documents folder and now I need to write structured files, e.g. let's say I have a class in my application that is called A which contains an integer i and integer j and an instance of another class B, let's call it b, now I want to write A t...

Can I run iPad with 200 thousand record with sqlite ?

Current database have 200 thousand record. I want to make iPad application , can I run 200 thousand record with sqlite ? I don't want to use sqlite because searching is too slow over 32000. Any search engine like lucene for iPhone SDK ? if we can run lucene in iPad that will be awesome because current project is base on lucene. Can you g...

Set focus on mail message when composing mail on iPad

Hey all, in an application I am building I implemented a function to let users send email back as feedback. The default mail compose screen shows up on my iPad, but I would like to replicate native Mail.app feature, so that the keyboard will show up and it will be focused on the message when the modal mail view appears. This will enabl...

iPad Partial Curl modal transition always curls to full screen!

I'm using UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl to show a modal view in iPad. modalViewController.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl; [[self parentViewController] presentModalViewController:modalViewController animated:YES]; 'self' is the right side view controller of my SplitViewController. When I do this, the pag...

i*-sdk: Placing a bubble on top of all controls

I've got a problem thats been perplexing me for a while. I have a custom control for the iPhone sdk. When the user touches the control I want to draw a small bubble above the users touch position with some information in it. A bit like a thought bubble in a cartoon. Initially I've done it by adding a UIView subview to the control. Howe...