
Is there a way to open my application on a specific tab upon receiving a push notification?

Title says it all ^^ Thanks in advance, Lewion ...

iPad: Image Animation , Image Flickering problem

hi all, I am making an iPad application. In that for moving image from left to right and vice-a-versa. I am using following code for making the animation animation = [CATransition animation]; [animation setDelegate:self]; [animation setDuration:AnimationDuration]; [animation setType:kCATransitionPush]; [animation setSubtype:kCATrans...

UIView Animation Misbehaves when iPad orientation is changed

I am using this code for UIView transition effect [UIView beginAnimations: nil context: nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0]; [UIView setAnimationBeginsFromCurrentState:YES]; [UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp forView:self.view cache:YES]; [UIView commitAnimations]; Now the problem is that when i rotated...

Custom activity indicator popup

Hi, This may be a simple question but i would like some help to find out how to make it. I want to make a custom "loading" popup for my ipad app. Just like this app: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY31Bn5slv0 you see the black loading popup at +- 30sec,40sec,56sec,... I remember that i had a sample of this, but can't find it back. C...

Downloading files in ipad

Hi I m working on app in which i need to download pdf,video files from server and have to store them locally in Document Directory.The problem which i m facing is that after downloading some of files app is closed automatically.can any one suggest how can i overcome this problem.I think there is some restriction from apple for idle ...

EventKit in Universal app (OS3.2)

I made iPhone app with eventkit framework. However, i upgrade to universal app, app can't run in ipad. I got error message dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/EventKit.framework/EventKit Yes, event kit only work for iOS 4.0 or later. So, how to make it for universal. I want to make , if iPad app, don't use event kit ...

NSInvocationOperation Question

Hello all, I would like to know how to remove duplicate nsoperations, i.e is there a way to check the nsoperation queue and see if I am making a duplicate request? Basically, I am requesting images depending on the iphone screen rotation. When the view is loaded the shouldautorate is called twice. If(rotation==portrait){ request ...

Possible to transfer PDF from iPad to Computer

Hi, I am working on a enterprise level application for the iPad which has a number of functions that have already been implemented into it. Currently the application is able to generate a PDF using Quartz 2d and send that PDF to a given email without problem. I have come to a part of the application (feature request) that I am currently...

Frame width has strange behaviour

I want to add a footer view to my gouped table view for now i have this: NSLog(@"width:%f",self.view.frame.size.width); UILabel *lblInfo = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(50, 30,self.view.frame.size.width - 100, 70)]; lblInfo.text = @"Hellow"; [footerView addSubview:lblInfo]; [lblInfo release]; ...

Application Crashes due to Low memory

My app crashes after playing for more than 30 min on some screen due to low memory will my app get reject due to this? actually i tried a lot to solve but it shows no trace in instrument i even did all permutation combination of code by commenting checking what causing the problem but i was not successful to solve it yet. its an ipad ap...

Let the iPhone talk to a Windows Service

Hi, I was wondering how I can let my iPhone talk to a windows service, so for example when I press a button on the iPhone, a messagebox is shown on the windows machine. Hope somebody has some good tutorials or sample code that will get me going... Thanks in advance! ...

Where's +alloc defined?

Hi all, This may be a silly question. I need to know where is the +alloc method is defined for any Objective-C class? If it is a class method in NSObject how it is inherited? Because class methods cant be inherited. Thanks. ...

IPad videos don't play after multiple runs

I'm working on an IPad application (iOS 3.2) that plays a couple of videos using the MediaPlayer framework. After running the app for a while videos don't play anymore. The video is loaded, meaning i can buffer through it but it's started in pause mode and cannot be set to played. Each time i press play it pauses again. After restarting ...

Push to iPhone with c#

Hi, I want to send push notifications to iPhones using c#. I currently use apns-sharp but I'm not really satisfied with that... Does somebody knows a good way to do this? Keep in mind we have to send many push notifications to many iphones in a short period. So the method has to be quick. Thanks in advance! ...

UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl with mkmapview

HI I am bit new to the IPAD app developement. we have a requirement in our project, to display the google map exactly look like the goolge map application in IPAD. Could any one give me an example if you come across..? i have been searching for this from yesterday. could not fine any. PLease give me any links or ideas which has an e...

Is it possible to target the iPad with the iOS 4.0 SDK?

Using the iOS 4.0 SDK, can I build an application for the iPad? ...

iPad - dataWithContentsOfURL throws NSRangeException when I load a URL that has data

Hi all... my corporate overlords want me to display image ads for our upcoming iPad application. I'm currently trying to show the image by using the following code: - (UIImage *)getAdImage:(NSString *)adName { NSString *adID = [self getPrivateConfigSettings:adName]; NSString *adUrl = [NSString stringWithFormat:[self getPrivateConf...

UISplitViewController Barstyle changes when orientation changes

In my iPad app, I have the barStyle property set to UIBarStyleBlack by this code: // in viewDidLoad self.navigationController.toolbar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlack; Strangely, when I rotate my iPad, the barStyle will sometimes reset to the gray / grey color. Any ideas on why this might be happening? ...