
iphone - upgrading an application... what happens to customers?

I have an application that supports iOS 2.x. I am about to revamp this app, but I need to make it at least 3.x. What will happen to old customers? I mean, suppose a guy is using an old 2.x device and I release a 3.x app. Will this guy receive an alert on his iphone that a update is available? I know that iTunes is blind and allows one...

Adding UINavigationController to a Custom ViewController who is a sub view itself

Hi all, I'm writing an iPad app, and I have the following screen situation: MainAppWindow MainView & MainViewController (Full Screen) SubView1 & SubView1Controller (250x300) inside of MainView DetailsView1 (Root View) <-- Managed by UINavigationController DetailsView2 (Next View) <-- Managed by UINavigat...

Can you have two Navigation Controllers in subviews of a Main UIViewController?

The following image explains what I'm trying to do: http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/1475/multinav.png This is for an iPad app. Is it possible? And if so, can someone post the skeleton code to do it? Thanks in advance ...

iPhone - How do I detect the iPhone version?

How do I detect if a user is running the application on an iPhone 4 or 3G/3GS? I need to detect the hardware, not the iOS version. thanks for any help. ...

iphone 4 - loading images x old devices

Apple says you must have @2x versions of your images and use a stuff like UIImage* anImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"Button"]; // without the extension That will select the lowres and hires versions of Button image, depending on the iPhone version (3G/3GS or 4). But what if the app is for iPad too? Will the iPad load the Button image e...

How much fps does iPad support 1/60.0 or 1/30.0 ?

Hi, How much fps does iPad support 1.0/60 or 1.0/30 ? I looked in to apple site and iPad specifications. The fps is given as 1.0/30. But some are saying that it supports more than iPhone. In my game for iPad which I am writing using cocos2d frameworks I am using CCDirector *director = [CCDirector sharedDirector]; [director setAnima...

iPhone 4 detection... on simulator

I need to detect if the user is using an iPhone 4, but I need this to work on the simulator (cause Apple forgot my country and there's no sign of iPhone 4 here soon). I found this http://www.clintharris.net/2009/iphone-model-via-sysctlbyname/ but running this on the simulator it does not detect the correct version. I mean, Xcode 3.2.3 ...

iPad app navigation bar with multiple buttons on the same side

how can I have a back button and another button both on the left side of the nav bar? since this is an ipad app there's space for multiple buttons. but I can only get it to show one button per side on the navigationitem... ...

iphone - not loading ~ipad image

I have 3 images on the same place on my app's bundle: "image~iphone.png", "image@2x~iphone.png" and "image~ipad.png". when I do UIImage *imageU = [UIImage imageNamed:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"image" ofType:@"png"]]; BOth, the iPhone and iPhone 4 hires versions load fine, but not the ipad image. When I run on iPad, I ...

iPhone/iPad Custom menu on selection in UIWebView

I want to modify the default options to just Copy and Highlight. I looked through the documentation for UIMenuController but still couldn't figure out. I'm new and learning. Please point me to the right path. ...

How can I display mail composer in landscape mode by using MFMailComposeViewController in cocos2d ?

hi, I am writing a game in cocos2d. I want to add MFMailComposeViewController to the scene. So, when I touch a CcLabel in the scene the mail sheet is opened. @interface EmailScene : CCScene <MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate> { MFMailComposeViewController *picker; } -(void)displayComposerSheet; @end @implementation EmailSce...

How can I use multiple colors in a Label (Xcode/iPad)

For an application I'm building, I dynamically add text to a label. The first part of the label's text has to be black so I choose that color in Interface Builder. However the second part (the first part is a title second part a description) has to be darkgray. Oh and note: 2 labels is not an option because of positioning. ...

iphone 4 - hires image loading with twice the size

I have 3 versions of an image: "myImage~ipad.png", "myImage~iphone.png" and "myImage@2x~iphone.png". Obviously, the last one has twice the size of the second. I am loading them using UIImage *imageU = [UIImage imageNamed:@"myImage.png"]; UIImageView *myView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:imageU]; [self.view addSubview:myView];...

UISplitViewController not as the main window

Hi, I trying to do something like this : AppDelegate -> View -> View -> SplitView The documentation states that the SplitView must be called from the delegate object. I can make my views talk switch back and forth. But no success with the SplitView. How can I get this to work ? Please Help ConfusedLemon ...

Possible to embed multiple MoviePlayer instances on a iPad-screen?

Hi, is there a way to play multiple movieplayer-view at the same time? I´ve tested that with 3 different buttons which loads a video in there own view. But only one instance is playing at the same time. The other videos stops playing. Is that true or did i something wrong? Is that possible? Thanks ...

iPhone/iPad SDK: Touch-spinning an object seemingly in 3D by a series of images

Can anyone kindly put me on the right path as to how to go about animating an object as though it's being rotated by touch+drag? We took images of an object sitting on a rotating tray at 10-degree intervals. I was tinkering with Titanium and had a demo running whereby I simply changed the image to the next (or previous) image in an arr...

amount of video on iPad and iPhone

If I am not wrong, Apple imposes a limit of 200 mb on the size applications can have. I am planning to include some videos in one of my apps and the videos include several large segments of 10 or 20 minutes. If I encode these videos for ipad (720p) and for iPhone 4 (1024x768) do you guys have an idea of how much space a minute using one...

how to see current wallpaper as a background for iPad application

There are some iPad applications that show a current wallpaper through their windows. How do they do it? Thanks ...

Blank black screen when running my iPad App

I've run into a sort of roadblock with my iPad app. I apparently made some unrecoverable change to my code recently and now it will only launch with a black screen. It displays the LoadingImage for a split second and goes right to black. In an effort to streamline what sort of problem I'm looking for, I'd like some advice on where shoul...

Twitter API Problem iPad .

Hi , iam using TwitterRequest API for my ipad app's twitter client ! but i don't know why application going to crash after user tap the tweet button and debugger doesn't detect any bug !!!! i use this tutorial : http://icodeblog.com/2009/07/09/integrating-twitter-into-your-applications/ but it seems doesn't work on SDK 4.0! any solu...