
Doubt regarding the Xcode Leaks Instrument

Hi all, I have written an app and was testing it for mem leaks when I noticed that that 'all allocations' category in the leaks simulator keeps increasing its size whenever I open and close a sub-view. I intially thought it was a mem leak . But it does not show up as a leak in the leaks tab. Is this normal?? I am attaching a screensh...

Navigation Bar is not positioned corrected.

I have a Navigation Controller in my main view. And I use the following code to add the navigation view when needed. [self.view addSubview:navController.view]; However, the the navigation bar is not positioned correctly. I have posted a pic below. Anyone knows what is the potential problem? ...

iPhone simulator screen problem

Well, this may be silly (i am a noob mac user). But looks like, I have messed my simulator up by pressing some (yet) unknown keyboard shortcut. My iPhone simulator now looks like this: The problem is the outer window. I don't want that. It really bugs me while taking screenshot. How to make this outer-window-less? Any idea? Thanks in ...

NSMutableArray - App runs in simulator but not on device

My app runs fine in the simulator, but when running on the device, it terminates with SIGABRT. I have narrowed it down to the following code: - (void)loadImage { int imageNumber = currentImageNumber; // check to see if the image has already been downloaded. // if not, get it and add it to an array if ([imageData count] < totalNumberOfIm...

Admob with ios4 error occurs....... Iphone os4

My code was successfully run into the ios 3.1.3 now i update the sdk to 4.1 and code is not woking i got the error. Undefined symbols: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_AdMobView", referenced from: objc-class-ref-to-AdMobView in supportViewController.o objc-class-ref-to-AdMobView in FindViewController.o objc-class-ref-to-AdMobView in InformationD...

UIScreen scale factor is 1.0 in iPhone Simulator 4.0.2 ?

Am I missing something about the @2x graphics on the iPhone 4? I'm running the 4.0.2 SDK in the iPhone Simulator, but UIScreen has a scale of 1.0, isn't it supposed to be 2.0 and load high res images automatically? here's what's I'm testing: NSLog(@"system version: %@", [[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion]); NSLog(@"scale factor...

Home button doesn't exit app in iPhone simulator 4.0

I noticed that when building then running viewDidLoad only gets called once. If you press the home button and re-enter the application, viewDidLoad does not execute again. Another thing I noticed is that when you re-enter an application it starts off right where you left off. Is this the same behavior as in older SDKs? Does this mean t...

Persistence unnecessary in iOS 4.0?

I noticed that when the home button is pressed on the iPhone simulator to exit an app and then the app is re-entered it starts off right where it left off. Does this mean that programming persistence is no longer necessary? What if the user presses the power button on their ipod touch? ...

Loading screen won't appear on device - Cocoa OS

Hey all, I've created a loading/splash screen that loads at the beginning of my app, just simply showing the company name. It works great on the simulator, but for some reason I just get a black screen when I load the game on my itouch. Any Ideas? I use the sleep(5); method of creating a loading screen. ...

WebService not working in iphone simulator

Hi, I have developed a web service application for ios 3.1.3, it was working properly. But now I brought a new mac and installed Xcode 4.1. But the same code is not working in simulator. Could someone help Please? Thanks, Nikil ...

parsing date works on simulator not iphone??

I have the following code to parse a date from string: NSString * str = @"8/13/2010 1:59:00 PM"; NSDateFormatter * dateFormat2 = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [dateFormat2 setDateFormat:@"MM/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss a"]; NSDate * orderDate = [dateFormat2 dateFromString:str ]; but orderDate is always coming up null, what am i doing wrong ? Wh...

iphone: (audio) posting message to kill mediaserverd

Hi guys, i'm playing several sounds using AudioServices AudioServicesPlaySystemSound ( aSystemSoundID ); when i test the project on the iphone (3g) attached to the machine i got this message: 2010-09-16 17:29:29.672 myProject[6528:6def] [17:29:29.672 <0x85d400>] PlaySound posting message to kill mediaserverd (5958) [Swi...

save videos in iphone simulator & upload it to the web services

hi Friends i just want to know that how i can save the videos to the iphone simulator & how i can upload it to the web services. Anks ...

regarding iTunes & iPhone simulator

I want to know how I can synchronize images, music & videos through iTunes to the iPhone simulator. ...

Title in header in UITableView not shown?

I m using this code for setting title and background color with UITableView but title is not shown? (NSString *)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView titleForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section { return @"Contents"; } (UIView *) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section { UIView *headerView = [[[UIView ...

hi i have included JSON framework in my xcode project in os 4. getting Strange warning.

hi i have included JSON framework in my xcode project in os 4. getting Strange warning. ld: warning: directory '-ObjC' following -L not found ld: warning: directory '-ljson' following -L not found ...

NSFetchRequest not fetching any data for the following code ...

NSFetchRequest *request = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init]; NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescription entityForName: @"Data" inManagedObjectContext:managedObjectContext]; [request setEntity:entity]; NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"prospectId=%d", 123]; [request setPredicate:predicate]; NSError *error; ...

Internationalization: Only key name is displayed instead of localized string in Simulator

Localization is working for other languages except of English pretty well. Every time I compile my app I see the key name instead of the localized string. Example: NSLocalizedString(@"WelcomeKey", @"") In Localizable.strings I have the corresponding entry: "WelcomeKey" = "Welcome"; In the simulator I always get the key name Welcome...

forgot to put regular image but it has Retina @2x image

I have submitted my app which support both regular and retina display edition. I forgot to put one of regular image file (a.png) but it has ([email protected]) Retina image. Is it going to be regular iPhone able to show ([email protected]) image or not? I have no clue since I don't have 3GS or iPod Touch, but on iPhone regular simulator came out to be s...

button does not click

I want to add view for tableviewcell. click the button on the view. however. why it responsed is didselected event. not click event. please help me! thanks very much! ...