
UIImagePickerController Crash after 5 to 7 pictures - again

OK, I know this one has been beaten to death on this forum, but I'm still having the memory problem and I have tried all the techniques on the web to get around this. I have an application that uses the UIImagePickerController to capture an image from the camera. I've tried both creating and destroying the controller for each picture, a...

secure iPhone to server communication so that only my app can post data?

Hi, I am working on an iPhone app that has to post some data to a server e.g. say user's votes for on a topic. Here's the problem: I want to implement some form of encryption so that only my iPhone clients can post votes to the server, no other devices/sources may post data. I am not using usernames/passwords, and the server has REST ...

Why is manually moving a UIImageView slow?

I am trying to write a head-to-head iPhone Air Hockey (like) game. When the user touches the screen I move the "puck" by placing the UIImageView center where the touch center is. Also I move the puck (another UIImageView) using a timer. This method is slow and shaky. I know I can get performance out of OpenGL ES but I do not want it to...

iPhone Interface Builder and Delegates

When I make a sample app (ie, start out with a tab bar application or something), in my MainWindow.xib file, I see 5 items listed -- File's Owner, First Responder, App Delegate, Window, and Tab Bar Controller. If I make another .xib file, and make a delegate for it, and set that File's Owner to my new delegate that I just made, I do NO...

Graphics, UIKit, Core Animation, Quartz, Core Graphics on the iPhone. SO confusing!

My problem is this: I have a simple block image that I want to make a grid out of. I have created an array of CGPoints in my UIView. Then I used blackImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"black.png"]; and then - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { for (int j = 0 ; j <= 11; j++) { for (int i = 0 ; i <= 7; i++) { [blac...

AVAudioPlayer, Audio Session Categories and lock

I'm using AVAudioPlayer to play sounds on a game. When the user locks the device, I pause the game (and send it to a resume view) and want all the sounds to stop playing. However, since the resume view is the same I use when loading a saved game, that view triggers a sound using an AVAudioPlayer. When it does so with the screen locked, ...

How do I push grouped tables down in the view on the Iphone?

Below shows the default position when you add a grouped table to a view? How do I push the entire grouped table down in the view? ...

Allocating a NSUInteger IndexBuffer

New to Objective C so pardon my stupidity,.. I am trying to retrieve my NSIndexSet by calling GetIndexes:MaxCount:IndexRange Here is my code const NSUInteger arrayCount = picturesArray.count; NSUInteger theIndexBuffer[arrayCount]; [picturesArray getIndexes:theIndexBuffer maxCount:arrayCount inIndexRange:nil]; However, in the ...

iPhone and GPL

Is it legal to publish iPhone applications under the GPL v3? Obviously, you can't use other people's GPL source, but is it okay if I hold the copyright to the entire source? If GPL is not okay, is MIT/BSD/etc. okay? ...

Twitpic API from iPhone - pic posted but no URL returned?

This is a weird one... With the help of people here, I've got my iPhone app posting to TwitPic successfully - and when I first got it working, I could see an XML result being returned too... But for some reason over the past two days, the API call seems to succeed - the pic appears on TwitPic - but... the response seems to be empty... ...

GDB: Getting a symbol name from a memory address

I'm not sure if the following is possible, but can one retrieve the name of a symbol that a memory address points to in GDB? For instance, I know that 0x46767f0 belongs to an NSString*, is there any way I can find out what NSString it is to help me find some bugs I'm after? Thanks! ...

iPhone internet connectivity

Hi, I'm developing a game for the iPhone at the moment and I'd like to offer the player the option to submit their high scores to my server. The gameplay itself does not require internet connectivity. What's the best way to handle this, just make the request and fail gracefully if there's no internet connection, or is there an API to r...

Searching for web links in an NSString

I have an NSString with web links in it. I need to find all web links in the string starting with http://. What is the best way to do this? ...

Getting float value from integers

How can I get a float or real value from integer division? For example: double result = 30/233; yields zero. I'd like the value with decimal places. How can I then format so only two decimal places display when used with a string? ...

cocos2d help find points on a circle

I am trying to solve a tricky math problem, in a cocos2d for iphone context. Basically I have a roullette wheel which is rotating over time. I want to have a Sprite latch onto the wheel at certain points (like compass ordinal points N, S, E, W) and bounce off at all other points. I have the image of the wheel rotating, and just need t...

scrolling background

Hi, in my app I am adding a background to UITextView. But when the text view scrolls down the image goes together with the text and the background for new lines of text appears to be white. Is there an easy way to cope with it? Here is my code: textView = [ [UITextView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(10, 100, 270, 130)]; UIImageView *...

Is UITextView empty?

Hi, To know if an UITextView is empty I used the following code: if ( [ [textField text] isEqualToString:@""] ) But unfortunately it somehow fails to tell if the text field is empty. What are the other ways? When [textField text] is empty, it equals to nil. Thank you. ...

Is it possible to do a nice bloom filter on the iPhone?

I'm working on an iPhone game with simple vector graphics and though it would look extra nice if the objects on screen glowed (i.e. had a bloom filter applied to the render). I'm fairly new to post-processing techniques and most of the tutorials I'm reading utilize shaders on the GPU. I'm just wondering if this is possible on the iPh...

Catching back button navigation event

I have a nav based app. Once a row is clicked in a tableview, I push a UIWebView. The UIWebView has web links in it. The user clicks a link, which renders the external webpage. This all happens within my app. The top nav bar hasn't changed with the clicking of a link that renders and external webpage. However, once the user clicks ...

iPhone SDK: How Do You Store a Coordinate Pair generated during a touch event?

I'm trying to create a rotating object for the iPhone. I have it calculating all the trig. The problem is that for my project I have need to have the program reset the x and y every time a finger is dragged more over then 30 degrees around the center point. Whenever I link a variable to the x and y of the current location within the touc...