I get a crazy error and I am unable to see why it happens.
I have made a simple app that uses a TabBar to navigate 3 views. I created everything and added one UIImageView to each of the 3 ViewControllers that the TabBar manages. Everything works fine. In the app you are able to navigate the 3 views and see the 3 images.
Now I add one UI...
This happens like once every 100 times I open my app.
Normally all the UILabel work fine and have a white background.
But every once in a while, the app opens and they all have a black background.
Then it's black on black text and you can't read anything.
I've tried setting the backgroundColor to white or clearColor. Doesn't seem to...
I dabbled in some iPhone development and there seems to be two strategies:
use the iPhone specific libraries with ObjectiveC & XCode
use cross-platform libraries like OpenGL, OpenAL with C/C++ and an editor of your choice
Coming from the Windows/Linux C/C++ world, I took the second strategy and used Emacs and C/C++ for my app. I used...
I have created a UITableView and would like a specific UITableViewCell to appear selected (blue) when the view is loaded.
I have an NSString and want to fit it into a rectangle. The rectangle has a specified size, lets say width=150 and height=30. When the String is short and has only one character, it can be as high as the rectangle. More specific: It can have a big font size. But if the string has too much characters and would exceed the bounds of the rec...
Fonts are like a coin lost in the forrest: You're never sure where to look first. Had to say that ;-)
Ok, so the problem: I come from the web dev world and my mind is screwed up completely regarding fonts. There is a UIFont class that can be used to specify how text in a label should look like. Unfortunately it seems I have to know a lo...
I'm learning iPhone programming and I'd like to know if there is some big, most-use, general purpose custom framework that extends functionality and makes it easier to develop apps, like jQuery does in the web realm, but for native apps.
In UIFont, I couldn't find a color property. What's the trick to make a font appear green, for example?
Basically I want to set
Content-Type: application/json;
in order to call a dot net web service and have it return json to an iphone application.
At the moment I have
NSString * jsonres = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url];
What do I need instead in order to issue a blocking request ?
Hey guys, i ready many many questions about that point, but i really didn't get the right one yet.
So.. this is the problem..
This is my first project with cocos2d, so sorry for that.
I have one scene called Gameplay inside that i have one Layer with the name Grid and inside of this grid, have many many Block (Layer too).
I need chec...
I'm moving my initial steps in the Core Data realm (and I'm quite new to iPhone development, too) and I found a behavior I cannot explain.
I declared a subclass of a NSManagedObject and defined a few properties, some of them of type NSString *, MyObject.h is something like:
@interface MyObject : NSManagedObject {
@property (nonatomi...
I'd like to create a fairly complex row in my UIPicker. All of the examples I've seen create a view from scratch like so...
- (UIView *) pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView
forComponent: (NSInteger)component reusingView:(UIView *)view
CGRect cellFrame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 110.0, 32.0);
UIView *new...
Anyone want to share an Xcode project that has MGTwitterEngine in it? Mine won't compile. Are there certain project settings to set? I just made a stock tab bar app for iPhone and added the MGTwitterEngine files. Tons of compiler errors. What am I missing?
I have some data structures in my app that I need to persist upon receiving 'didReceiveMemoryWarning' notification. The data is kind of a running log of all of the actions the user has performed with the app (which is a game)
The data I have may not be a small amount (possible > few hundred KB) so plists don't seem to be the right solut...
Is there a way to achieve a blurry or glowing effect for the text? Or would I have to fetch the graphics context of the layer and then apply some kind of gauss algorithm on the pixels? I searched the documentation on this but it appears that shadows don't draw blurry and there's no method in NSString, UIFont or UILabel that could help to...
does anyone know, how I can create a Textfield, like the "To" Field in Mail?
I mean a field, where you can start typing the contacts name and all possible contacts appear in a List under your textfield. And when you select an entry, the entry is entered in your Textfield and shown as some sort of bubble.
Has anyone an idea how to...
I have some short text that I want to ship in the currently active language. What's the most easy way to do it? Example: I have the text "the cat", but when someone from spain uses the app, he/she wants to read "el gato". Is there a standard way to do it easily with UIKit? They're pretty simple texts only. I can imagine some kind of prop...
i have following buttons in my application.
Now i want to set equal spacing among all buttons.
Suppose If I am using corelDraw or Photoshop, there is always an option for align & distribute.
Here I need to distribute my objects vertically.
How is that possible in interface builder of iPhone?
Sample image is given below, in which dis...
I have a UILabel that displays some chars. Like "x", "y" or "rpm". How can I calculate the width of the text in the label (it does not ues the whole available space)? This is for automatic layouting, where another view will have a bigger frame rectangle if that UILabel has a smaller text inside. Are there methods to calculate that width ...
NSXMLParser has three types of init.
-> init
-> initWith Data
-> initWithContents of URL
=> But my xml file is stored at Application's Document directory, so how to parse a file which is stored at "Doc Dir"
Thanks in advance.