
Multiple overlay items in android

I seem to be having a problem with using ItemizedOverlay and OveralyItems in it. I can get the first overlayItem to appear on the map but not any items after that. Code sample is on: Quick overview here: public class Markers extends ItemizedOverlay { private Context ctx; p...

How would I go about highlighting an item in a JList?

I have a JList and I want to be able to highlight (change colour of text or something similar) the selected item. I know there are methods to set which item is selected but can I change the color of the text of that item etc? ...

how to template a listview item / wpf

I am trying to achieve this using Expression Blend 3. I need that every listview item to contain an image, followed by a text. ItemTemplate doesn't seem to work. Thanks ...

Access a custom ListView item

Hello, l'm new here so hope to follow guidelines as I'm a newbie for both the side and android. For my first app I'm trying to make a world clock. In order to check it the time is shown and update in seconds. (00:00:00) As the only thing I want to update every second is the time I don't want to use: ListView's notfiyDataHasChanged() I ...

Filtering content (jQuery)

HTML: <div class="filter"> <a href="#category-1">category 1</a> <a href="#category-2">category 2</a> </div> <ul class="items"> <li class="category-1">item 1</li> <li class="category-1">item 2</li> <li class="category-2">item 3</li> <li class="category-2">item 4</li> </ul> What I want is for example clicking on ...

Animate an Image after hovering an item a second

Hey, after some tries to get this to work, i ask you, if you know where my mistake is. This is my code until now: $(".menu a").hover( function () { $(this).data('timeout', setTimeout( function () { $(this).hover(function() { $(this).next("em").animate({opacity: "show", top: "-65"}, "slow"); }, function()...

Dictionary with single item

In the case where Dictionary<object, object> myDictionary happens to contain a single item, what is the best way to retrieve the value object (if I don't care about the key) ? if (myDictionary.Count == 1) { // Doesn't work object obj = myDictionary.Values[0]; } Thanks ...

MSBuild Working with ItemGroup and EXEC Command

I created the ItemGroup shown in the code snippet. I need to iterate through this ItemGroup and run the EXEC command - also shown in the code snippet. I cannot seem to get it to work. The code returns the error shown below (note - the Message is written 2 times, which is correct), but the EXEC Command is not running correctly. The va...

Method for SharePoint list/item locking across processes/machines?

In general, is there a decent way in SharePoint to control race conditions due to two processes or even two machines in the farm operating on the same list or list item at the same time? That is, is there any mechanism either built in or that can be fabricated via the Object Model for doing cross-process or cross-machine locking of indi...

Drupal menu item setting as active

Hi Guys, Here is my problem. I have a site in drupal and some menu structure. When the URL address is application/android/all android menu item is highlighted. However, when the URL address is application/android/16 android menu item is not highlighted. My question is how to make everything that starts with /application/android/ to hav...

SharePoint itemDeleting evert is not working

Hi! I have a site in SharePoint and I want to custom delete from a list. So, I'm creating the public class ListItemEventReceiver : SPItemEventReceiver { public override void ItemDeleting(SPItemEventProperties properties) { if (properties.ListTitle.Equals("Projects List")) { Projects pr...

WPF, TreeView bug, can't select root item after item removed from treeview

I have a very weird bug in a three level deep TreeView. It is intermittent and I can't find how to reproduce it consistently. After programmatically removing, adding then removing some third level items, when I click on the root item it isn't selected. It can still expand/collapse but can't be selected with a mouse click and it doesn't f...

Printing Work Items in TFS

Hi, I am looking for a fancy way the print individual work items in TFS. OK ... maybe not the work item directly but I need to produce printable forms based on data on a work item. And by fancy I mean: header, footer, formatting, tables maybe ... stuff like that. No, I am not trying to print a list of work items, read carefully, I need...

Beamer - make itemize (and space occupied) disappear

So I have two itemize's on one slide and a graphic underneath them both: \onslide<1>{ \begin{itemize} ... \end{itemize} } \onslide<2>{ \begin{itemize} ... \end{itemize} } \includegraphics[width=5cm]{abc.eps} So what I want is for the first itemize to be visible on the first slide, and the second itemize t...

asp repeater item retrieve and change property

yo, i have repeater <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server" DataSource='<%# Bind("Photos") %>' OnItemCreated="Repeater1_itemCreated" > <ItemTemplate> <div class="thumbs"> <a href='Images/Parts/Photos/<%# Eval("PhotoId") %>.jpg' rel="lightbox-parts"> ...

C# ContextMenuStrip item properties !!

Hello, how to set and get the colors value to text and/or Background of an item in a context menu strip based on the value? is this code right way? ContextMenuStrip1.Items.Add("this is an item").BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 179, 179); but I can not find out a way to get the color value! I did this: int i = ContextMenuStrip1.Ite...

android menu item text color

Hi.I am new to android.Can we change the color of the Menu item from default white to something else.Can you please send me a sample code. Thanks in advance ...

Android: ListView, Last item - Show more...

Hi! I have an issues, I want to show 20 items in the list. But there is a catch: if the user scrolls down to the bottom of the list, there will be an item that says: "Show more items", and when the users click on it, more items will be added to the list. My question is how is poosible to have a last item, that has a different style a...

Move an item inside a list? [Python]

In python, how do I move an item to a definite index in a list? Thanks in advance for the reply. ...

Sharepoint 2007: granting edit permissions to "Assigned To" user in a task list

Hi, I've recently begun developing for sharepoint. I've just written an event receiver for a task list in order to grant edit permissions for the item to the user who is entered in the assigned to field. Unfortunately my code doesn't work, and I think, I've also found the reason. The list grants by default contribute rights to all use...