
Why doesn't this "binding" code work as expected in JavaFX?

I am new to JavaFX. I am not able to understand why the code below doesn't work. import javafx.util.Sequences; def nums = [1..10]; var curr = 0; var evenOrOdd = bind if (nums[curr] mod 2 == 0) "{nums[curr]} is an even number" else "{nums[curr]} is an odd number"; for (curr in [0..(sizeof nums -1)]) { println("{evenOrOdd}"); } I...

Run JavaFX On Windows Mobile

Hi, I've a Samsung Omnia i900 that run Windows Mobile OS... beleive it or not but nowhere on the Internet I can find information on running JavaFX application on it. please advise. ...

JavaFX Bind/Loop question.

Ok, I'm taking the JavaFX with Passion course and have an issue that I can't seem to figure out. It's similar to this question - def numbers = [1..10]; var currentNumber = 0; for (currentNumber in numbers){ var evenOrOdd = bind if (n...

Which mechanism may be used to access Java methods which conflict with JavaScript keywords?

I've a Javascript source that uses a Java class that defines a "delete" method (using jdk6 scripting). Since delete is a keyword, I cannot invoke that method. In JavaFX script any sequence of characters enclosed in <> is treated as a lexical identifier. So you can use "insert", that is a keyword, as an identifier: var textField = new ...

Deep linking in JavaFX

Silverlight supports deep linking in the latest version. Does JavaFX? ...

Ads with a JavaFX applet based website

What is the best way to make a website based on JavaFX supported with ad revenue? Do you have to put the ads out side of the applet in the regular html space, or can you use JWebPane to render the add inside the applet? ...

JavaFX Design Preview Function in Netbeans

The Netbeans plugin has a little design preview window (Alt+Shift+P), every time you apply changes to the fx file it will be reflected in the preview window (as long it is compelete and executable). With the last version of the JavaFX Kit plugin (version 1.7) that does not work anymore. There is still the preview but it renders the previ...

javaFX as a webservice client?

I need to make calls to a webservice from a javaFX client. is there some sort of wsimport type tool that I can use to generate javaFX client stubs from a deployed WSDL. ...

Java User Interface Framework?

I am about to build a UI in Java and I am trying to determine what I should use. I definitely don't want to use vanilla swing. The one caveat is that it has to be added inside of an existing swing application. I am looking at JavaFX and Groovy Swing Builder. For the former it looks like there is fairly poor support for embedding into sw...

Anyone tried mixing JavaFx and JRuby?

Has anyone tried mixing JavaFx and JRuby? I've built a desktop JRuby application with a Swing GUI (100% JRuby) and I'm toying with the idea of replacing the GUI with JavaFx for a more slick feel. To fit with my current application I want to implement an MVC pattern with the View being JavaFX and the Controller and Model being Ruby. ...

JavaFX Designer

At the moment I'm using JavaFX only for fun and learning it. What I find annoying is designing the graphics by coding them and watching the result in a preview window - you know what I mean? Is there something for JavaFX like what Expression Blend is for Silverlight. ...

JavaFX bind, and var access modifiers

var width = 400; var height = 400; Stage { style: StageStyle.TRANSPARENT onClose: function():Void { System.exit(0); } scene: Scene { content: Scribble {} width: width height: bind height } } Why does the width work, but the height not? And, what can I do to fix this? Netbeans is ...

How do you make a smooth JavaFX LinearGradient over a large surface?

Why does the following code lead to a blocky gradient? i.e. the gradient is not smooth, you can see some of the rectangles that make it up. Is there a way to fix this? BTW I'm running this on Vista, but I've also experienced this on a Mac as well. var stage:Stage = Stage { title: "Louis' Photo Wall" width: 900 height: 600 scene: Scen...

Dealing with asynchronous control structures (Fluent Interface?)

The initialization code of our Flex application is doing a series of asynchronous calls to check user credentials, load external data, connecting to a JMS topic, etc. Depending on the context the application runs in, some of these calls are not executed or executed with different parameters. Since all of these calls happen asynchronousl...

JavaFX, Flex and not default languages.

Can I write programs in JavaFx or Flex with other languages (not ActionScript and JavaFX Script) like in Silverlight? ...

Converting Swing application to JavaFX

What are necessary steps for converting Swing application to JavaFX? It would be interesting to know also about best practices for performing such task (i.e. problems that can be encountered and resolutions). ...

JavaFX component that emulates JTable

I have a large dataset that needs to be displayed for users and looking for Swing's JTable like component in JavaFX. ...

Is data binding in javafx only possible during variable declaration?

Looking at the javafx tutorials and samples, bindings are always made during varibale declarations: def y = bind x; or def address = Address { street: bind myStreet; }; But what do I do, if I have an exisiting object - and hence don't declare it - and want to bind one of its attributes. In my case I load a SVGPath with the FXDLoa...

webinar application

Hi... I want to build webinar application (chat,live video, presentation, white boart and etc). Now, I trying to choose platform (flash/flex, javafx). Does anyone have experience in developing such applications? ...

can javafx print to dot matrix printer ?

Hi, I have clients who still using dot matrix for making copies of printed documents (like invoice, reports, etc). I did a development using grails (web application) for internal company only (so it doesnt matter to install / update all java re in all computers) I am still learning (just started) Javafx. can i use this javafx to print ...