
How to do late binding with jQuery?

I have a form which gets introduced via XHR and I need to be able to bind an event on it, for submit. I've downloaded the jquery.form.js plugin. What's the best way to perform a late binding so that I can do something such as: $(document).ready(function() { // bind 'myForm' and provide a simple callback function $('#m...

Controlling JW FLV player with jQuery

I'm trying to control an instance of the JW FLV player player using jquery. What I want to do is have a series of links which when clicked load an XML playlist into the player. By following the tutorial here I've gotten things working basically as I want them in terms of functionality, but even I can see that it's ugly as sin, as at t...

jquery logged domain account

How does one get the logged in user name using jquery? I am using ASP.Net and have been doing it in code behind like this: System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["AUTH_USER"].ToString(); I am trying to authenticate a user using the login domain name and use a web service to authenticate. <script type="text/javascript...

Html/Javascript: Add Attribute to an HTML Control

Need: Find a way to add a valid tag/attribute/property to a normal html control. What I have is some javascript/jquery adding a click event to a link that will show or hide a div. The idea is to do this using $(document).ready and an anonymous method to create the method called by onClick at the page load. When clicked, a div will be ...

Using 'offset' in jcarousel - via class name

I'm trying to set up jcarousel so the thumbnails are offset via a class name. Example: A list of twelve thumbnails where the one thumbnail with class="active" is shown as the first visible thumbnail in the jcarousel container. ...

Authenticate windows user using jquery

MyMasterPage.master <head runat="server"> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var userName = '<%# System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["AUTH_USER"].ToString() %>'; alert(userName); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "DemoWebService.asmx/GetFulName", ...

Append text to an attribute rather than replacing it?

I want to append some text to the title attribute of all elements of a certain class. This works to replace the text: $('.theclass').attr("title", "Replaced text."); It seemed logical that this would do the trick: $('.theclass').attr("title", $(this).attr("title") + "Appended text."); But instead I end up with an empty title attrib...

What is the correct way to detect Opera using jQuery?

Amazon.com recently updated their javascript, and it's causing problems with some Opera browsers. Their browser detection code looks like so, but it's faulty: function sitbReaderIsCompatibleBrowser() { if (typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined') { return false; } else { var version = jQuery.browser.ve...

creating dynamic form elements (with incremented name attributes)

How can I dynamically create a form element and provide it with dynamically incremented input name attributes? I'm working with jquery but am open to any solutions. I have a div that looks like this: <div> <input type="text" name="title1" /> <input type="text" name="body1" /> <select name="photo1" size="1"> <option value="0">foo</o...

Calling typeface.js on HTML fetched by jQuery?

I have a page where I'm fetching a Wordpress main index to handle my 'news feed', imported via jQuery.ajax. I'm also using typeface.js on the same page to have better typeface control. I want to call typeface.js on the elements in the Ajax'd HTML. The problem is that I'm not sure how to do that, since the structure of it is unfamiliar...

Fast Javascript Table sorter?

Hello, I have a table with about 250 rows (may double within 6 months), and 50 columns on this page (warning: slow with IE). I'm using the JQuery Table sorter. But it is too slow with IE 7: it gives a warning about a slow javascript, and ask if I want to stop it. I've spent a lot of time to improve performances, so it works fine for all ...

Should jQuery's $(form).submit(); not trigger onSubmit within the form tag?

I have the following: <script type="text/javascript"> function CancelFormButton(button) { $(button.form).submit(); } </script> <form onsubmit="alert('here');"> <input type="button" value="Cancel" onClick="CancelFormButton(this);" /> </form> When I click the "Cancel" button, the onsubmit from the form tag is not triggered. This l...

JQuery click() strange behavior

I want to make a simple photo gallery function. However, there are some strange behavior of JQuery's click(). After the user clicks the forward button, 10 next images should be shown. After the user clicks the backward button, 10 previous images should be shown. In the following code, 4 lines which works fine in my code are commented...

jQuery element selector issue

My problem is a little bit complex. I have the following code: $(document).ready(function() { var hash = window.location.hash.substr(1); var href = $('#nav li a').each(function(){ var href = $(this).attr('href'); if(hash==href.substr(0,href.length-5)){ var toLoad = hash+'.html #content'; $('#content').loa...

Jqmodal isn't working in the Updatepanel

I have a method named raise_alarm() which, show a message box based on jquery. But when I call this method from an event of a control(such as submit button) which is inside of Updatepanel, it isn't working. Related codes are below. How can I fix it? Public Sub Raise_Alarm(ByVal p_Page As Page, ByVal p_Message As String, Optional ByVal ...

How can I check whether a option already exist in select by JQuery

How can I check whether a option already exist in select by JQuery? I want to dynamically add options into select and so I need to check whether the option is already exist to prevent duplication. Thanks for any help. ...

jQuery Accordion and loading content through AJAX

I would like to load the content under each jQuery accordion header using the jQuery load command. Currently, I have set this up as the following $(function() { $("#accordion").accordion({ header: "h2", active: false }); $("h2", "#accordion").click(function(e) { var contentDi...

how to remove 'another in place editor' from a field (jQuery inplace.js plugin)

I am able to set up the inplace editor no problem, everything works great, but I haven't found a way to remove it once it is attached to a field, anyone know how? I am talking about this plugin here: http://www.davehauenstein.com/code/jquery-edit-in-place/ ...

Recently viewed DIV without page reload

Hi there, I have no idea how to solve this problem without hiring a coder, but figured it may be small enough problem to post here, and relevant enough to others for broader interest. I'd like to have a "recently viewed pages" div filled by a javascript script which adds the titles and urls of new pages as they are requested by a user t...

How do I interrupt an ASP.NET button postback with BlockUI and Jquery

I have an ASP.NET page with a number of ASP:Button instances on it. For some, I need to show a confirmation prompt and, should the user choose yes, the original postback method is called. Otherwise, the overall process is cancelled. I've got an example running but I get inconsistent results, mainly in FF3 where I get an exception thrown...