
rich:editor ruins html?

Hi, Strange behaviour. I use rich:editor with these attributes: (Irrelevant data removed) HtmlEditor editor = new HtmlEditor(); editor.setValueExpression("value", ve); editor.setTheme("advanced"); editor.setValueExpression("viewMode", viewModeValueExpression); panel.getChildren().add(editor); Now my proble...

how to hide jsf framework that used in application from users who browse my site?

when i view the source of application in browser i undrestand richfaces or trinidad or ... jsf framework used for developing this application for example in richfaces application.url/a4j/s/3_3_2.SR1org.richfaces.renderkit.html.Paint2DResource shown as src of img tag or in trinidad org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.faces.FORM sho...

JSF skips phases - How to debug that?

Hey fellows, I have to debug a foreign jsf application thanks god. The problem is, that I submit a form, but the values aren't carried over. With a phase listener I can see, that the life cycle doesn't run completely through, so to say it skips phase 2 -5: After the restore view phase, the render response phase is directly called. I mi...

Why do encodeXxx methods in UIComponent accept FacesContext parameter?

I haven't ever before created custom components in JSF so I've noticed only now that methods like encodeBegin(), encodeEnd() etc accept FacesContext parameter. FacesContext instance can usually be received with FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(). So, I wonder whether these methods have FacesContext parameter just for convenience or som...

Seam conversation ending suddenly when using Redirect

Hi all, Because I get some errors on conversations ending abruptly, I created in my project some test pages that reproduce the issue. The navigation takes place between pageA.xhtml and pageB.xhtml. Please tell me if I am using something in the wrong way. My configuration: Seam 2.2.0.GA WebLogic 10.3.2 (11g) Richfaces 3.3.2 JSF 1.2 Not...

I have a problem with a4j:commandButton and a reredering ...

The code below show whiche thing that is failing in my appliaction. It is a quick add information form, fill out the form and submit it add a new entry into a database and synchronize my a databasle.. This is all done with ajax. The first form submission happens correctly but the second one fails to run the desired ActionListener. The se...

Are there “server-side comments” in JSF / Seam / RichFaces?

With the JSF/Seam/RichFaces stack, is there a way to mark up comments (on XHTML pages) so that they will not be included in the HTML output? I.e., something like JSP's <%-- comments --%>, as opposed to normal <!-- comments -->. I heard that facelets.SKIP_COMMENTS context-param migth do this for normal HTML comments, but is there any oth...

Why do I get error "prefix [..] is not defined" when I try to use my jsf custom tag?

I created a jsf custom tag (I'm not sure that it's correct, I could miss something easily, so I attached code below). Now I'm trying to use this tag but I get an error: error on line 28 at column 49: Namespace prefix gc on ganttchart is not defined So, here is the xhtml-page: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 T...

Quick way to create JSF custom component

I know of two ways of creating custom JSF components: 1. Native JSF way: creating JSF component class, tag, etc. 2. Facelets way: defining component in a xhtml file and then creating appropriate decrption in facelets taglib. Currently I work on a project in which introducing facelets is unfortunately out of the question. On the other ha...

Request attributes in jsf / icefaces behaves strange (survive request end)

I have the following code in a listener method: FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestMap().put("time", new Date()); When a button is clicked the following code is executed System.out.println(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestMap().get("time")); One could except that "time" ...

java.util.Map with HtmlDataTable

Hi, I'm developing an application on GlassFish v3 which uses Suns-RI of JavaEE6 and JSF2.0, etc. And the bad thing is, that no changes/switches away from Suns RI can be made (to use MyFaces or something like that). Now, the problem is, that I want to build HtmlDatatable by hand ( in Java code). The datatable should represent a jav...

How to set focus to a textbox on page load event

I am trying to set focus to the text box on page load event. I tried many solutions by referring the element id, but couldn't able to focus the element. Later when I inspect the element using firebug I found for the same element the id changes in different execution. I am looking for the simplest solution using javascript or jquery to ac...

Richfaces, sortable datatable, sort icons

Hi there, is there a way to change the sort icons of the datatable? I know, it is possible to set the tag attribute sortIcon for the rich:column but this only replaces the icon which is set at the generated <img> tag. There seems no way to change the align of this img or the size. ...

Richfaces a4j:include loading two pages!?

I have this seemingly-innocent code on my main JSF page: <a4j:outputPanel id="sidebarContainer"> <a4j:include viewId="#{UserSession.currentSidebar}"/> </a4j:outputPanel> Here is how the sidebar changes: A jsFunction calls a backing-bean method which sets the page (like "sidebar2.jsp") in UserSession The jsFunction has "rerender...

How to implement custom JSF component for drawing chart?

I want to create a component which can be used like: <mc:chart data="#{bean.data}" width="200" height="300" /> where #{bean.data} returns a collection of some objects or chart model object or something else what can be represented as a chart (to put it simple, let's assume it returns a collection of integers). I want this component t...

The jsf2 h:outputText tag is not formating the h:outputText with the MessageFormat

The jsf2 h:outputText tag is not formating the h:outputText with the MessageFormat my faces config <application> <resource-bundle> <base-name>Messages_pt_BR</base-name> <var>bundle</var> </resource-bundle> </application> My resource bundle: ... EventPageTitle=Event: {0} ... My JSF2 XHTML: <h:outputText val...

A beginner's JSF question about form validation

Hello, I am having a form and many input elements in that. I want certain fields to be validated, so i keep validateLenth etc on those. And i want some fields to not be validated. For example, i have contact information and address information both on the same page. I want to treat contact information as one group. So if some fields are ...

Actions are not working when modifying the facet of a custom datatable

Hello, My application is using JSF 1.2 and Richfaces 3.3.2. We have implemented our own datatable component, which is based on the Richfaces datatable component. One of the features of our datatable is to modify the header to include some new components (such as a data scroller). What I do is that I modify the content of the <f:facet n...

How to pass variable from jsf managed bean to jsp page

How can I pass a variable from JSF managed bean to JSP page. PS: I'm in portal context (liferay). I tried this: in Managed Bean: HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest(); request.setAttribute("var", "someTxt"); in JSP: <% String var = (String)reques...

Using JSP 2.0 tags in Facelets

Is someone using Facelets with JSP 2.0 tags? How to add tag library to xhtml page? In JSP I used: <% taglib prefix="example" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/my" %> and : <example:sample/> How can I do the same in facelets with JSP 2.0 tags? ...