
JSF : able to do mass update but unable to update a single row in a datatable

I have a simple data object: Car. I am showing the properties of Car objects in a JSF datatable. If i display the properties using inputText tags, i am able to get the modified values in the managed bean. However i just want a single row editable. So have placed a edit button in a separate column and inputText and outputText for every p...

By using ejb3 and jsf do I still have to do jndi lookup?

I am not sure jndi lookup is necessary or not in terms of ejb3 technology advantages. Any help would be appreciated, thanks. ...

how to get data from HTMLDataTable in jsf?

<h:dataTable width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" style="border-collapse:collapse;display:block" styleClass="Header" value="#{adminBean.displayResults}" var="aResult" binding="#{adminBean.browseResultsHTMLDataTable}"> This is what i am trying to do. I have a dynamic list of data, which i try to display in the H...

Why do pages flicker in JSF 1.1 with struts for template

I am using JSF 1.1 with struts. Pages flicker while navigation. Is there any solution for that. I used the below code to avoid <meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="BlendTrans(Duration=.01)" /> <meta http-equiv="Page-Exit" content="BlendTrans(Duration=.01)" /> is it correct? ...

How to show data in horizontal direction using JSF dataTable

How to display data in horizontal direction like: lable: data name: srinu in multiple rows using h:dataTable in JSF? Right now I'm getting data in vertical direction like: | lable | data| data srinu I want it in this format: lable: data name: srinu Code which I used is: <h:dataTable id="fundInfo" value="#{clientFundInfo}" ...

Including a JSP page with Icefaces/Facelets

Hi, I have a requirement to allow a user to embed JSP pages into my website...I'm using IceFaces/Facelets to do the navigation menus etc. and would like to include a JSP page using ui:include Is there anyway of doing this (given that the JSP is not valid XML). Thanks. ...

JSF2 ResourceBundleLoader override?

I need to have resource messages that contain EL expressions be resolved when loaded from a ResourceBundle. Basically I have a number of properties files containing the text. Some of the text will look like the following: welcomeText=Welcome #{userbean.name} The only possible way I can see this working currently is implementing a custo...

Getter and Setter methods or any other methods are not getting called..

Hello All, I am doing small Project in JSF richfaces. I have specified getter and setter methods for member variables... Mbean created for the same. The Constructor getting called but all other methods which i have specified is not calling. i have specified bean in faces-config also please help me out Thanks, Jungle_Hacker ...

RichFaces Save File

I am using richfaces 3.3 I want my user to able to specify a location on the server where he can save the file. How do I do it ? ...

JSF/Icefaces RequestDispatcher

I am trying to write a component in JSF to read legacy JSP files. I am using RequestDispatcher.include to do this...The only problem is that externalContext.getRequest().getRequestDispatcher(...) returns an UnsupportedOperationException in Icefaces. Is there a way round this? Thanks. ...

Show/Hide RichFaces component onclick client-side? (without AJAX)

I'm looking for a way to show/hide an arbitrary RichFaces component. In this case, I have a <rich:dataTable> that contains several rows. Each row needs to have it's own, independent Show/Hide link, such that when you click "Show details", two things happen: The "Show details" link is re-rendered as "Hide details" The associated details...

How to show user-friendly error page instead of tomcat log with stack trace in browser when runtime exception is thrown?

I'm developing web-application with JSF. I tested it as I was able to but from time to time runtime exceptions are thrown. So, how to redirect user to special error page every time an exception is thrown (instead of displaying 500 Error with full tomcat logs)? ...

How to Disable components onClick of a Button in JSF?

In my application i have three buttons, If i click on one button I have to disable all the button till the operation on that button is finished. I dont know how to disable the other two buttons. Kindly help. ...

RBAC and Role based UI

Hi All, I am totally new to UI programming. I am designing a JSF web application and planning to use JAAS also. I am interested in knowing if there is a way to give on the fly UI for different roles based on the capabilities/permissions a particular Role has. From a brief look my understanding is that JAAS will throw exception if the pe...

JSF - Session Bean restart on logout and login

Hi, I have a web application with a backing bean which has the context of the current logged in user. It is implemented on JSF. When the user logs out he is forwarded to a login screen (in another JSP page). I would like the current session to be erased when that happens and a new one to be created the next time the user logs in and en...

JSF and jasper example

I am new to JSF, I want to integrate JSF with Jasper report. I am generating custom report from server side, that report should display into the UI using JSF components. How to do that? Could you please provide the JSF and Jasper Report Simple Program and required libraries. ...

Correct way to manage multiple h:inputText?

I've an h:dataTable to display my item information (in my case a customer support request) and for each row I'd like to put an h:inputText and h:commandButton to add a comment to the desired item. I've no problem with action, but my question is about the correct way to manage many h:inputText and related value on backbean. I'm not sure ...

Problem in JSF2 with client-side state saving and serialization

I have a problem in JSF2 with client side state saving and serialization. I have created a page with a full description and a small class diagram: http://tinyurl.com/jsf2serial. For the client-side state saving I have to implement Serializable at the classes Search, BackingBean and Connection. The exception that was thrown is: java.io...

How do i refer to any image in my java web application from root of my web application?

Hello, I have a folder named Common/Images/Photounavailbale.jpg. Is this right way of refering to a image from root? I want to refer this image from any page in any folder in my web application. private String getPhotoUnavailablePath = "/Common/Images/PhotoNotAvailable.jpg"; private String getPhotoUnavailablePath(){ return p...

How to dynamically change the content of a facet in a custom component?

Hello, Let's consider that I want to extend an existing JSF component, such as the <rich:datatable/>. My main requirement is to dynamically modify the content of a <f:facet>, to change its content. What is the best way to achieve that? Or where is the best place in the code to achieve that? In my faces-config.xml, I have the following...