
not inserting data into database from jsf web module connecting with ejb module..

hello.. in my application i had taken ejbmodule and web module seprately. in ejb module there is one entity and session bean with remote interface. in web module i had taken jsf and used managed bean for calling method of session bean. and used jsf page with .jsp extension where m had put 2 textboxes and one commandbutton.which mapped t...

JSF how to temporary disable validators to save draft

I have a pretty complex form with lots of inputs and validators. For the user it takes pretty long time (even over an hour) to complete that, so they would like to be able to save the draft data, even if it violates rules like mandatory fields being not typed in. I believe this problem is common to many web applications, but can't find...

JSF Turn off tags validation

Can you in JSF 1.2 turn off tag validation so that no exception would be thrown if given tag's attribute doesn't conform to tld definition? ...

JSF SSL Hazzard

In my application it is required that only certain pages need to be secured using SSL so i configured it security-constraint> <display-name>Security Settings</display-name> <web-resource-collection> <web-resource-name>SSL Pages</web-resource-name> <description/> <url-pattern>/*.jsp</url-pattern> <http-method>GET</http-m...

In JSF1.2 is it possible to redirect to a bean before a page is rendered?

Hi all, I know that in Seam, we could write an xml file (if my jsf page is named index.jsf -> index.page.xml) that we could add there action execute="#{loginAction.checkIfBlaBla}" so that JUST BEFORE the index.xhtml is rendered we could call a method of a Bean (Session or Managed, in seam it doesnt matter) I am wondering if it is al...

jsf, richfaces, popup window

Hi I would like to make a list-detail view with richfaces. There will be a link for every record in the list that should open a new window containing record details. I tried to implement the link this way: <a4j:commandLink oncomplete="window.open('/pages/serviceDetail.jsf','popupWindow', 'dependent=yes, menubar=no, toolbar=no, height=5...

Richfaces 3.3.2 is not working in Websphere7

I'm new to this rich faces and JSF. I have developed a sample app and it's working fine in Tomcat6. When I move this app to Websphere7, I'm facing a problem. Exception on console: Unable to locate the tag library for uri //richfaces.org/rich List of jars in build path: Commons-beanutils-1.8.3.jar commons-codec-1.4.jar commons-colle...

Between a jsf page and a managed bean, why the getter method is called twice

Hi, I have a jsf page with a form has an outputtext in it. The value of outputtext component is called from a backing bean (or managed bean). I know when I code it as #{MyBean.myString} Jsf rename it and calls getMyString() method. However the wierd thing is, when I put a breakpoint to the getter method of this component, I see it is ca...

Primefaces p:fileupload component problem

Hello, I am using Primefaces 2.0.1 but the FileUpload component is not working properly. It uses JQuery uploadify behind the scenes. This is my web.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app version="3.0" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://j...

How can i integrate jsf 1.2 with tiles?

How can i integrate jsf 1.2 with tiles? ...

How do I know which element is clicked in ui:repeat?

In JSF, we can bind HtmlDataTable to backing bean and get the row data. But ui:repeat doesn't even have a binding attribute. So, how do I know which row (element) is clicked in ui:repeat? ...

Java EE javax.xml.bind.MarshalException

Hi, I am getting javax.xml.bind.MarshalException error. I am sending List from my webservice to the backingbean and I have this error. WARNING: invocation error on ejb endpoint Login_webservice at /Login_webserviceService/Login_webservice : javax.xml.bind.MarshalException - with linked exception: [javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: class JP...

Which Web2.0 framework integrates best with JPA2?

Hi all My choice is between Tapestry 5 Vaadin JSF2 --- start EDIT 2010-05-13 18:04 -- Spring MVC (don't know why I forgot to mention this) --- stop EDIT 2010-05-13 18:04 -- I like Vaadin most, because it seems to come with all the look-and-feel features out-of-the-box, I wonder if anyone has experience with Vaadin and JPA2, pre...

Why does @PostConstruct callback fire every time even though bean is @ViewScoped? JSF

Hello, I am using datatable on page and using binding attribute to bind it to my backing bean. This is my code :- <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:h="h...

How to Prepopulate <rich:calendar> in JSF?

In My application I am pre-populating some data from the Server. When I assign the data for the <rich:Calendar> I am not able to see the date in the UI. I am trying to convert the string from the database to Date format. Kindly help. My JSF Code <a4j:outputPanel> <rich:calendar id="myCalendar" popup="true" mode="client" preloadDateR...

How JSF2.0 binds Managed Beans with xhtml?

i have very basic question about How JSF2.0 binds Managed Beans with xhtml? say i have inputtext with value="#{MymanagedBean.property}" how this MymanagedBean reference is resolved in JSF 2 ? please consider following points while answering. in ealier version i.e. with JSF 1.2 we have to write binding in faces-config.xml but with J...

FacesContext == null

Hi all! I have a problem - I am trying to get FacesContext by calling FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), but it returns null. I am using jsf with richfaces, here my web.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:we...

pagination in jsf

I would like your comments and suggestion on this. I am doing the pagination for a page in jsf. The datatable is bound to a Backing Bean property through the "binding" attribute. I have 2 boolean variables to determine whether to render 'Prev' and 'Next' Button - which is displayed below the datatable. When either the 'Prev' or 'Next' bu...

How does 'binding' in JSF work?

I've created custom component which shows chart. Now I need to make binding support for this component i.e. generated chart-image should be available (as array of bytes) to backing bean via binding mechanism. I'd like to know some general info about binding implementation techniques. Any links and examples are welcome as well. Thanks...

JSF validateLength question

I have a input field with validation to validate the max and min length <h:inputText id="LABEL_ID" styleClass="textboxsmall" value="#{sampleDatatableBean.accessionLabelId}" maxlength="5"> <f:validateLength minimum="4" maximum="5" /> </h:inputText> <br/><h:message id="LABEL_ID_MSG" styleClass="errorMessage" for="LABEL_ID" /> It val...