
JSF - An ajaxsupport question.

Hi, Specifically I refer to this example: <h:panelgroup> <a4j:support event="onlick" action="do1"/> <h:commandbutton id="1".../> <h:commandbutton id="2".../> <h:commandbutton id="3"...> <a4j:support event="onlick" action="do2"/> </h:commandbutton> </h:panelgroup> My questions - If I click one of the buttons in the pa...

Setting absolute position in prerender()

Hi, Im completely new to Java web stuff, but here goes my question: 1) How can I add new controls to a JSF page (webuijsf) in the prerender() function? 2) How can I change the position of elements already added using the visual designer? Also in prerender(). I have a number of input fields + labels to show, coming from a database. So...

Are there any JSF components for implementing breadcrumb navigation?

As far as I know there are two "kinds" of breadcrumbs. The static/hierarchy one Works like a stack Entries are pushed when a user goes "deeper" into the site Entries are poped when user goes "up" into the site Is the same for all users (for a given page) Shows location rather than history A simple Example would be HOME -> BIG CATEGO...

Form value not passed to Seam bean after a4j reRender

I'm making a webapp in Seam but ran into a problem I can't seem to fix. I have a JSF form where the customer can select a reservation type through a combobox. Based on the selected value, other form components gets rendered. For example: the customer selects Hours as reservation type, a panelGroup gets rendered where the customer can s...

Problem with HtmlPanelGrid.setRowClasses()

Hi all! I have one more question! I am trying to configure HtmlPanelGrid from bean. I bound panelGrid to this bean and want to set css row classes. Here is me stylesheet.css: .list-row-even { background-color: silver; } .list-row-odd { background-color: red; } my jsf page: <rich:tab label="Top-List" id="screenTop"> <h:pan...

[IceFaces] Why are validators of unchanged components called?

I have a IceFaces-form and several input fields. Let's say I have this: <ice:selectOneMenu id="accountMenu" value="#{accountController.account.aId}" validator="#{accountController.validateAccount}"> <f:selectItems id="accountItems" value="#{accountController.accountItems}" /> </ice:selectOneMenu> and this: <i...

Spring3 portlets with JSF2

Did anybody ever used the new Spring3 with JSF2 and portlets (JSR286) ? I used JSF1.2 with portlets (JSR168) we had some problems with stuff like file uploading, portlet intercommunication and other stuff. There aren't a lot of resources online on this topic. ...

Integrating JSF with Spring

I haven't implemented any code, I'm still working the overall architecture for a new application and this going to be the first time I use JSF+Spring. I need to put web services in front of the Spring service beans (business logic tier) since these beans could be accessed by other applications besides the presentation tier. While defini...

How to avoid page flicker in JSF 1.1 + Ajax4jsf?

I am developing a small application usng JSF 1.1, Ajax4jsf and Tiles. When I click the a4j:commandLink, the entire page is reloaded. I want to update only portion of the page. How to resolve that? ...

Need a scrollable tomahawk table with fixed header

I have used t:commanSortHeader in my table and i need that table to have a fixed header and that table should be scrollable. suggest me a solution ...

Running a background process

Hi all, I have a requirement where I am planning to run a background process. Once user logs in into application, I need to have two processes done. 1. authenticate user and go to homepage 2. Get some data and put it in session. If I do both at same time its going to take 10 minutes to get to homepage. Instead I want second process to...

Using a4j:support 's onchange event with h:selectOneMenu

<h:selectOneMenu id="selectOneMenu" value="#{Bean1.val1}" > <f:selectItems value="#{Bean1.selectItems}"/> <a4j:support event="onchange" action="#{Bean1.onSelectOneMenuChange}" reRender="textbox1 , textbox2 , textbox3, textbox4" /> </h:selectOneMenu> <h:inputText id="textbox1" value="#{Bean1.textbox1}"> </h:inputText> <h:input...

JSF: initial request and postback request?

Please take a look at this below line of code in JSF <h:inputText id="name" value="#{customer.name}" /> Quote from java.sun.com For an initial request of the page containing this tag, the JavaServer Faces implementation evaluates the #{customer.name} expression during the render response phase of the lifecycle. During this phase, the...

are there any attributes in h:outputLink to call backing bean method from jsp file

hi are there any ways to call backing bean method in h:outputLink thanks Sunny Mate ...

Can I add round cornres to HtmlPanelGrid in code or in page? If yes - how?

Hi all! I have a task - add round corners to HtmlPanelGrid. Now I am trying to do it with css (using 4 images for each corner - that css create our designer). I load css and try to do this in my code: this.grid = new HtmlPanelGrid(); this.grid.setStyleClass("toplist,toplist-top"); But no changes I could see in my page. I tried to loa...

Where is JBoss Seam most popular

Hi all, I have been using JBoss Seam now for over a year and still haven't seen much acceptance here in the US. My metrics are, the number of jobs that indicate JBoss Seam and number of people talking about JBoss Seam (Java groups / JBoss Seam groups, etc.). Is JBoss Seam more popular outside the US? Walter ...

JSF (and friends) tags vs. traditional html tags

So this question came up today and I didn't have a specific or scientific answer. What are the costs associated with using jsf (or tomahawk, faclets, etc., etc.) tags in place of traditional html tags. My gut reaction is that you should use jsf tags in situations where you need the additional functionality they provide, and use traditi...

Why does this expression not work? JSF

Hello, I have a simple problem on .xhtml page. This expression is not working :- <a href="Photos.jsf?albumId=#{item.albumId}&blogId=#{PhotoAlbumsCommonBean.blogId}"> photos </a> I get this error :- Error Parsing /Common/PhotoAlbums.xhtml: Error Traced[line: 20] The reference to entity "blogId" must end with the ';' delimiter. & is...

How will the ratification of HTML5 affect JSF, Struts, ASP.NET etc?

There is a lot of chatter about the improvements HTML5 is about to unleash on the web development world. How will this new standard affect web dev frameworks like Faces, Struts, or even ASP.NET? How long will it take them to 'catch up' in order to emit such code? Will controls get deprecated? ...

Conditionally display row using JSF Datatable

I have some JSF code that currently works (as shown below), and I need to modify it to conditionally suppress the display of certain rows of the table. I know how to conditionally suppress the display of a particular cell, but that seems to create an empty cell, while what I'm trying to do is to not display the row at all. Any suggesti...