
By using ejb 3 , jsf and jboss is it possible to call a ejb method from web module?

Even if I have different modules in my jee application including myproject-web and myproject-ejb; is it possible to call (or inject) my ejb session bean which is in the ejb module from a managed bean which is in the web module? When I asked before, I see the following declaration: @EJB private BeanInterface yourbean However, I wanna lea...

FacesMessages and rich:effect?

I'd like to be able to make an Ajax call using JSF/Seam/RichFaces and have the page update with the relevant h:messages component. That works with no problem. I'm able to perform the appropriate reRender. However, I'd also like to be able to make use of rich:effect to make it a bit prettier. Ideally, I'd like to be able to have the m...

How to register a custom renderer in JSF?

We have numerical values in our database, representing a two-value-state. Of course this would perfectly match a boolean, but oracle has no such datatype. The NUMBER(1,0) type from the database is matched to a java.lang.Short type in Java (sometimes they used a NUMBER(*,0) to represent booleans, which are matched to java.math.BigDecimal)...

How to add jsf components in javascript?

Is it possible to add JSF Components using javascript? In my case , on change of a select option , i need to display a different combination of input controls (like text box(s)). I thought i could use a element and innerHTML property to display the dynamic controls.But it seems to not work!!! <h:selectOneMenu id="browseType" class="Tex...

Localizing a JSF 1.2 application with UTF-8 resources

(WARNING: this is my first java application, coming from .NET, so don't bash me if I write too much garbage) I'm developing a simple JSF 1.2 web application which should support Russian, Chinese, and other languages outside ISO 8859-1, which is automatically used in Properties.load(). Is there a way to use the Properties loaded from XM...

Get all existing session beans from all users in Spring

Is there a way to get all existing session beans managed by Spring at runtime? Getting them for the current user is easy. Any suggestions? Thanks, XLR ...

How do I refer property of <ui:insert>'s managed bean?

I take <ui:insert> to be same as Masterpage in Asp.Net. In Asp.Net we can refer methods of MasterPage. How can I refer the managed bean's property of <ui:insert>'s page in managed bean of <ui:define>'s page? ...

How to map IceFaces <ice:selectInputDate> component on a java.util.Calendar field?

Does anybody knows how can component <ice:selectInputDate> be mapped on a java.util.Calendar field, not java.util.Date? I am using from IceFaces version 1.8.2, the component <ice:selectInputDate>. This component requires to be bound with a java.util.Date proeprty. For example, value="#{bean.myDate}", the myDate field must be of type jav...

JSf tags not being rendered

Hi, this is a question i've seen here but the solution posted didn't resolve my issue. Again i'm dealing with jsf 2.0 and i have 2 pages: login.xhtml and index.xhtml, i'm also using SpringSecurity for auth purposes. index.xhtml renders ok but login doesn't(page source shows jsf tags un-parsed). I already deactivated SpringSecurity to che...

Does the Eclipse IDE support JSF 2.0?

I have the WTP 3.1 plugin installed and have also installed the Glassfish v3 plugin. I am able to register my server. When I create a dynamic web project, I can see that the maximum dynamic web module version available is 2.5. I then choose the default configuration for Glassfish v3 but, when I look at it JSF, it is not selected by defa...

JSF/HTML - Add a Java applet to web page programmatically.

Theres a web page I'm making which content is very dynamic and so I'm building it from inside the backing bean. I would like to add a Java applet to the web page but I could not find the JSF component type to correspond to the <applet> tag. So My questions are - What is the JSF component type for an applet? How did you find it? (For...

JSF managed bean question

Hello, I have one page which uses <ui:insert> called master.xhtml which uses one managedbean named MasterBean.java and its of viewScoped. It calls webservice and has all useful data which will be useful in master.xhtml as well as page which is built using master.xhtml (which uses <ui:include>). When i visit data.xhtml (which uses templa...

How to create new messages properties file in JSF to add adeqate error messages

I am new to JSF. I do not understand how to create my own messages properties files and where exactly to put this file. Can anyone help me with this? ...

reRendering is not happening in jsf using data table

Rerendering is not working in my code: <rich:simpleTogglePanel id="bookIncomeHeader1" value="#{myBean.ftBoookIncomelst}" label="BOOK INCOME" bodyClass="STP" style="ReptxtBold Reptxt_LtPad" switchType="server"> <rich:dataTable id="bookIncome" value="#{myBean.ftBoookIncomelst}" var="item" rowKeyVar="row" first="0" widt...

How to change the suggestion made by the richfaces combobox ?

I'm currently playing with the richfaces comboBox. You can check is here: http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/comboBox.jsf?c=comboBox&amp;tab=usage I would like to know if there a way change how the suggestion are made in the combo box, instead of suggesting juste word that start with the same letter it would suggest wo...

Bookmarkable URL in JSF application - Trying to use Spring Webflow and JSF . Any suggestions ?

Our application is JSF , hibernate & Spring. Currently the url is in following format http://www.skill-guru.com/skill/login/testDetails.faces?testId=62&amp;testName=PMP-Certification-practice-test We want a clean url like http://www.skill-guru.com/urltitle?some parameter One of the ways we could do this is through integration with Sp...

Navigate to the Same Page After Action in JSF 2

I have a component done in JSF 1.x, this component has a command button as follows <h:commandButton ... action="#{templateController.next}" /> Where templateController was passed as an EL binding and can be any object that implements a certain interface. The generic implementation of next() was just executing code and then returning a...

Can someone explain facelets ?

I have been involved in JSF + Facelets dev for a month or so. I used composition, insert, define and other tags from facelets. I am finding it difficult to understand what facelets really give me? What are its alternatives ? What is that View Handler technology?I am not able to find good material / online notes on the same. Can someone e...

How to get selected row index in JSF datatable?

I have a databale on index.xhtml <h:dataTable style="border: solid 2px black;" value="#{IndexBean.bookList}" var="item" binding="#{IndexBean.datatableBooks}"> <h:column> <h:commandButton value="Edit" actionListener="#{IndexBean.editBook}"> <f:param name="index" value="#{IndexBean.datatableBooks.rowIndex}...

JSF question about communication between managed bean

Hello, It seems i am not clear on my previous question about managed bean. So, i am posting it again in a more systematic manner. I have one page :- <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www...