
Websphere 7 and JSF 1.2 - Application was not properly initialized at startup, could not find Factory

JSF 1.1 and websphere 6.1 was working properly in my case. Once I deployed that to a websphere 7 server, I received the following error - Application was not properly initialized at startup, could not find Factory: javax.faces.context.FacesContextFactoryat javax.faces.FactoryFinder.getFactory(FactoryFinder.java:270) at javax.faces.w...

why jsf is better than struts ?

someone said to me that jsf is better to share information within context, but struts 1.1 can't. In JSR168, if we need to develop a portlet, share information in context is critical. so jsf is better option. so what is share information within context ? Does that mean that different application deployed in the same container can share d...

References for better performance of newer JSF specifications

Dear fellows, I'm looking for a reference to cite, which states that JSF 1.2 performs better than JSF 1.1. Or JSF 2.0 over JSF 1.2 respectively. I'm quite sure that I've read something like this before but can't find it anymore. Maybe you can help. Or is this mischief and there are no official statements regarding the performance? ...

jsf and page fragment caching

Hi, Does jsf 2.0 + facelets supports page fragment caching, something similar to aps page framgent caching (example this tutorial http://quickstarts.asp.net/QuickStartv20/aspnet/doc/caching/fragment.aspx) Regards ...

How do I pass parameters between request-scoped beans

This is a question that has been bothering me for sometime. My application uses ICEFaces for our UI framework and Spring 2.5 for Dependency Injection. In addition, Spring actually maintains all of our backing beans, not the ICEFaces framework, so our faces-config is basically empty. Navigation is not even really handled through naviga...

Is it normal that conversationId keeps increasing after each page request?

Hi I'm building a Seam application and have a question: I got a stateless session bean (default seam scope) with a delete and a select method. A page which contains a datamodel loads and got links to select and delete each row (both links refer to the actionmethods in the bean). The delete method deletes the selected row from the list ...

jsf and huge web site

Hi All, I need to program a very huge web site. The site should contain public part with search engine, user registration forms, cart and all other stuff. The private part should contain administrative web application with a lot of data grids, complex edit forms, security checks, services and so on. Also I need very good support for htm...

JSTL c:forEach causes @ViewScoped bean to invoke @PostConstruct on every request

Hello, Again i see that the @PostConstruct is firing every time even though no binding attribute is used. See this code :- <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" x...

MyFaces vs. Sun's Reference Implementation - latter not free?

Hi all Just a stupid beginner's question, which will be quickly solved, but I am curious. http://www.irian.at/myfacesexamples/home.jsf says: "MyFaces - The free JavaServerâ„¢ Faces Implementation" Errr ... is Sun's implementation not free, then? Thanks & Cheers Er ...

Is there any problem when I mix JSF with plain HTML?

I have the next code: <li> <h:form rendered="#{!loginController.session}"> <h3>Inicio de Sesi&oacute;n</h3> <h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="7"> <h:outputText value="Usuario: " /> <h:inputText id="loginname" value="#{loginController.loginname}" maxlength="16" /> <h:outputText ...

Struts 2 or JSF?

I am just starting with web application. Which framework should I try : struts 2 jsf? Both seem pretty good. ...

transfer parameter to next request

I have a situation where clicking a link in one column on the datatable opens A update FORM in the same page. The problem is when I hit the submit button for update, the render is set to false again of that update panel which was previously set true by parameter passed clicking the link. I tried htmlhiddenInput and did setValue and get...

Problem in Rich : menubar

I'm using rich:toolbar with backing bean menuAction method.I'm facing one problem in menu link icons.Suppose if i ve child menu in my parent menu it is displaying "hand symbol" for that.else if i dont ve any child menu in my parent menu it is showing "I" this icon.While clicking parent menu(without having child menu) i want hand symbo...

How do I load an image from a DB inside a JSF page using managed beans?

I have a database with some images. Could anyone explain me how I could load an image in a JSF page? I already have a managed bean that converts an Image object into a streamcontent. This streamcontent is called from the page in a tag <h:graphicImage>, but when I check the source code of the page, there's no src where the image could be...

Managed bean property value not set to null

Hi! I'm new to JSF, so this question might be strange. I have an inputText component's value bound to managed bean's property of type Float. I need to set property to null when inputText field is empty, not to 0 value. It's not done by default, so I added converter with the following method implemented: public Object getAsObject(FacesC...

sql report link with rs:Command paramaters not opening in JSF page

I have a report that we need to link (which we've checked to be working) to in a JSF project, the link looks like the following: http://www.example.com/report/summary&amp;rs:Command=Render However when we try to load the page that links to it we get the following error: The reference to entity "rs:Command" must end with the ';' ...

JSF 2 Annotations with Websphere 7 (JEE5, JAVA 1.6)

Hey all, I'm currently writing a simple JSF 2 app for WAS 7. When I define the bean via the faces-config.xml, everything works great <managed-bean> <managed-bean-name>personBean</managed-bean-name> <managed-bean-class>com.prototype.beans.PersonBean</managed-bean-class> <managed-bean-scope>request</managed-bean-scope> </m...

Error with JSF2 and RichFaces

Hi, I'm trying to use RichFaces on a working JSF2 application. I incorporated the RichFaces jars, changed the web.xml but got the following error: 17:49:13,097 SEVERE [javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.application] Error Rendering View[/login.xhtml]: java.lang.NullPointerExcept ion at com.sun.faces.application.Applicat...

How can I get the package path of a JSF managed bean?

I'm trying to upload an external image and I need to save it in a folder where I have a managed bean. Any idea how I could do this? ...

Calling web services from your JSF code

Let's say that you have a presentation tier in JSF, and that your business tier is accessed using web services. How would you call your web services from JSF? I was considering to have my backing beans to call the web services, but I just though I could use Ajax with JSF in order to connect to the web services. What would you choose a...