
Form Authentication on Website

Hello Everyone, Here is how our Tomcat webserver is currently setup. We are using jsp for the webpages. /webserverpath/main (all public pages and the login page) /webserverpath/secure1 (private pages) /webserverpath/secure2 (private pages) /webserverpath/secure3 (private pages) I recently discovered that the authentication is very ...

How to check if a remote image meets certain specifications

Hi, I'm doing some coding in JSP/Java (without any framework, or other strange things) and I get stuck trying to find a way to check if a remote image (by URL) meets some specifications, like some defined height and width. Is there a way to do this in JSP/Java? It's quite easy in PHP, but I can't find the way here ... Thanks for your ...

Ensuring Users are Authenticated in Java Web App

My web app has a secure area which users log in to via a JSP. The JSP posts the user name and password to a servlet, which then checks to see if the users credentials are valid. If they are valid then the user is directed to the secure resource. How can I ensure that users can't just navigate to the secure resource without validating ...

How should I structure resource bundle property files which are used by jsps?

I am currently working on converting an existing web application to support an additional language (namely Welsh). My proposed approach is to extract all displayed text into property files and then access the text using JSTL fmt tags. My question is: how should these property files be structured? I know they need to be on the classpath ...

Lib to protect SQL/javascript injection for java/jsp

Anyone know a good lib where i can run the strings before they are inserted, that can strip out sql/javascript code? To be run in jsp pages. Idealy the lib would be: Free Lightweight Easy to use Thanks in advance to the SO community who will happily reply :) ...

Strange caching of .js file in firefox/tomcat/eclipse

I'm developing .jsp using eclipse and tomcat. My .jsp outputs html to pull in some javascript from a .js file. The jsp outputs the code which hooks up the function mapTool to the mousedown event. imfMapFunctions5101.js contains the mapTool(e) function. The changes I make to the .js file do not take affect when I run in firefox, alt...

creating immutable objects in JSPs

Hi, I know you can use the <jsp:useBean> tag to instantiate objects within JSPs without resorting to scriptlet code. However I'd like to instantiate an Integer who value is the result of an EL expression, something like: <jsp:useBean id="total" class="java.lang.Integer"> <jsp:setProperty name="amount" value="${param1 + param2}"/> <...

URL characters replacement in JSP with UrlRewrite

I am using UrlRewrite in a JSP project over JBoss. I have configured some rules, so that stuff like: http://mysite/parameter Is read as: http://mysite/index.jsp?parameter=parameter And so on. Now, what I would like to know if there's a way to replace certain characters submitted in the URL by the users with others. Something like wh...

How do I access init parameters from a JSP2 tag file?

I'm trying to create a jsp tag file but it fails to compile when I try to use pageContext.getServletConfig().getInitParameter("myInitParam") I'm using tomcat and when I try to view a page including the file I get a jasper compile error pageContext cannot be resolved. I've also tried just using getInitParameter but it fails also. I can u...

Html radio tag question

I have a jsp page with two radio tags. The page contains a struts2 form. When I submit the form one of two radio must be automatically checked. Is it possible to do that? ...

Mask urls in JSP

Related to this question: URL characters replacement in JSP with UrlRewrite I want to have masked URLs in this JSP Java EE web project. For example if I had this: http://mysite.com/products.jsp?id=42&amp;name=Programming_Book I would like to turn that URL into something more User/Google friendly like: http://mysite.com/product-Prog...

cookies vs session

Hi, I am in the training of web developement.Now i am learning jsp & servlet.I have some idea about HttpSession.I used HttpSession in some of my sample projects also.In browsers i have seen option "delete cookies".If i delete the cookies it deletes the HttpSession also. Is cookies and session are same? Can any one provide the good art...

In Spring/JSP, where should formatting be performed?

I'm using Spring, but this question applies to all JSP-controller type designs. The JSP page references data (using tags) which is populated by the corresponding controller. My question is, where is the appropriate place to perform formatting, in JSP or the controller? So far I've been preparing the data by formatting it in my controll...

html form fields as array elements in a struts form

What I would like to do is add dynamically HTML input fields in one page, and each one of them correspond to an element of a struts array property. Let's say I have a number of identical fields in an HTML page: < input type="file" name="myfile" /> and when the form is submitted, I want each field to correspond to an element in a Fo...

How to tell Java which StringEscapeUtils.escapeXML() to use???

I'm trying to use the StringEscapeUtils.escapeXML() function from org.apache.commons.lang... There are two versions of that function, one which expects (Writer, String) and one which just expects (String).... http://commons.apache.org/lang/api/org/apache/commons/lang/StringEscapeUtils.html#escapeXml(java.lang.String) I'm trying to use...

cant import simple class/package into a simple jsp page using apatche tomcat.

can some-one please walk me threw the procces of loading a class or package in jsp with tomcat? i think it might just be a tomcat setup issue :S my jsp file runs fine without importing or using dbpool or dbpooljar. ive tried many suggestions to other peoples similar issues without any luck. any help would be apreciated! //============...

Struts2 parameters between actions

I have to pass some parameter from an action to another action,for example to keep trace of an event. What is the best way to do that? I would not use session parameters. Thanks ...

Character encoding JSP -displayed wrong in JSP but not in URL: "á » á é » é"

I have this Web Application in JSP running on JBoss Application Server. I am using Servlets for friendly urls. I'm sending search parameters through my JSP's and Servlets. I am using a form with a text box, the Servlet The first Servlet uses request.getParameter() to get the text, and sends it to another Servlet with response.sendRedir...

How to iterate over Hashtable in JSP

Hi.. I m doing a stuf in JAVA, as it is working fine.. now i need it to display in a browser using JSP, the following is my code.. Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, Integer>> hash = categoryCountManager.getFunctionWithSubFunctionCount(1L); setCategoryDetails(categoryCountManager.getFunctionWithSubFunctionCount(1L)); ...

Spring MVC and JSP framework

What is a very good jsp framework to use with Spring MVC. Are the only candidates SiteMesh and Tiles, and others? ...