
Ajax for State and country combo box

Core Ajax for State and country combo box to be used in JSP. ...

What is JSTL and the different between the JSP?

Hi, everyone, I want to ask a question about the web programming. I learn the servlet and the JSP before, but I don't know what is the JSTL and the different between the JSP and the JSTL. Can anyone help me? Thank you. ...

What is the different between the JSP syntax and XML syntax in .jsp?

Hi, everyone I want to ask a question about the .jsp. What is the different between using the jsp syntax (e.g. <%! .. %>) and the XML syntax (e.g. <jsp:declaration>...</jsp:declaration>). Is there maintenance or some kind of advs by using one of the syntax? Thank you. ...

make automatic line break in html ?

I have a HTML text area in a JSP page. When I continuously press a button and the cursor reaches the line end it automatically goes to the second line. When I get this text and try to print it inside a <p> tag the line breaks disappears and the whole text appears in one line, not in separate lines like I entered any ideas how to corre...

Extracting a DIV's content using Sitemesh Decorators

I would like to know how I can extract the content of a specific DIV using decorators, instead of using <decorator:body /> which will fetch all the content inside the <body> tag. ...

Spring 3 bind obscures real values of command object.

I have a controller that allows users to add or edit an entity. I've removed myForm.myEntity.name from myForm but spring still shows it when the spring:bind tag is used. See the example below: The snippet below outputs a value: <spring:bind path="myForm.myEntity.name"> <h1>${status.value}</h1> </spring:bind> The snippet below doesn't...

send an e-mail to the text "e-mail" which is in the textbox

Hello All, I am having a textbox in my jsp and would like to send an e-mail to the receipent which his/her e-mail is entered in the textbox. Can you please guide me on how to do that. I have just checked out this code: <html> <head> <title>mailto Example</title> </head> <body> <form action="mailto:[email protected]" method="post" enct...

questions on database updation

I have a web application that is implemented using java,jsp,servlets . whenever i have updates in the database table, the arraylist in my DAO should be updated. is there any better solutions. Solutions create a thread in bean and query the database, if updates found then repopulate the arraylist. from client send an ajax request usin...

JSP newbie question

Hi All, I have asp.net background and got a project where the need is JSP, Servlets and DisplayTag library. I believe if I have asp.net experience and javascripting experience JSP programming wont be difficult so want to give it a try. can anybody suggest any site/video training/books etc to gain the knowledge in quick manner from JSP...

displaying available time slots for reservation in a web application

I am trying to implement a search feature of an instrument reservation table using JDBC and jSP, a reservation is identified by a date and a sequence number of the time slot on that date (if the time slot is 1 hour then there are are 24 possible sequence number) and a number of time slots. now a user should be able to search for the clos...

Struts2 form to update object in Session map?

In my build action, I have an object that I put into my session map. InputField testField = new InputField(); testField.setName("testName"); testField.setValue("testValue"); sessionMap.put("TEST_FIELD", testField); In the JSP, I want to build a textfield using this object. <s:textfield name="#session.TEST_FIELD.value"/> Upon sub...

JSP EL: dynamic creation of property name

I am trying to dynamically generate content using JSP. I have a <c:forEach> loop within which I dynamically create bean accessors. The skeleton resembles this: <c:forEach var="type" items="${bean.positionTypes}"> ${bean.table} // append 'type' to the "table" property </c:forEach> My problem is: I want to change the ${bean.table}...

Sending parameter with JSP bean accessor

I have a bean called EmployeeRoster: public class EmployeeRoster { protected List<Employee> janitors; protected List<Employee> teachers; } In JSP, I want to access the different lists of Employees by type. I know that I can do something like: ${employeeRoster.getJanitors} However, I have many different types of employees and ra...

What is the correct path I need to see my uploaded image?

In my web application one of my pages is uploading a photo to the path /usr/local/rac/picture-name-goes-here The photo is uploading fine, but I need to access it in another page and when I try to access it from my JSP, it will not show up, I am guessing my path to the photo is incorrect The code in my JSP to access the photo looks li...

running a word macro dynamically through java/html/jsp

Hi new to running macros through coding . Please help me if it is possible to do it through either of html/jsp/java... ...

Javascript Arrays - Consolidating Multiple Arrays Help

Hi Guys, I wonder if anybody could provide me with any assistance to the following problem I am having with my JS project? I basically have information about a product being pulled from out from 3 different JSP lists: A Product's Details A Products's Ratings A Products's Retailers What I am trying to a do is loop through the JSP th...

Hide JSP page from direct access, but how do you access to the target page?

The URL below, the first content in the chosen answer describes JSP hiding. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2523430/hidden-features-of-jsp-servlet/2525995#2525995 I so far understand that I can put jsp files under /WEB-INF directory. So that it prevents a user from direct access like http://test.com/WEB-INF/register.jsp (return 404)...

Reference interface constant from EL

How do you reference an interface constant with EL on a JSP page? I have an interface Addresses with a constant named URL. I know I can reference it with a scriplet by going: <%=Addresses.URL%>, but how do I do this using EL? ...

java.util.EmptyStackException and org.apache.jasper.JspC

I try to manually compile JSPs using org.apache.jasper.JspC from my application. After setting the JSP and invoking execute() to compile it, I get an java.util.EmptyStackException without any further notice. Does anyone know what it means in the given context? ...

Some of my jsp pages not working in Firefox but these pages works perfectly in IE?

I have made web based applications in java these applications does not work in Firefox but these application run perfectly in IE. I dont know whats the problem i have tried everything but still not working in the firefox. If anybody have any idea plz let me know i will be thankful. ...