
How to send shortcut to another application in c++ in MS Windows?

My question is how to send shortcut from c++ to another application. Let's say for example that the notepad is open, and I want send to them shortcut like CTRL+P, or more complexive shortcut like CTRL+SHIFT+HOME, or ALT+F4, I find many good tutorials that explained how to send one key like 'A' or 'ALT', but I did not find how to send it ...

keyboard-shortcuts in c# wpf

how can I make short cut key in mainwindows in WPF example when I press ctrl+f to open new window ? ...

call shourtcut in c# in wpf

how can I assign a keyboard shortcut to open new window or make any function ? ...

How to remove the 'Design' tab from an xml document within Eclipse

The standard eclipse xml editor has a 'design' tab at the bottom. The problem with those bottom tabs is that when using the shortcut 'CTRL PAGEUP / PAGEDOWN' to scroll through the open editors it will always get stuck on xml files. Any of you have an idea to remove the design tab or have a workaround so it won't stop on that tab? ...

How do I design my software for remappable short-cut keys?

I've just started on a GUI application which will feature several distinct modes and a large number of keyboard shortcuts. Ideally I'd like to support letting the user remap these, like in eclipse. What is - if any - the standard solution to this situation? I can imagine the main window captures all key-presses and translate them to key-...

VB.NET Winforms menu item shortcuts overriding default shortcuts?

In a VB.NET Winforms application, I have a form that contains both a datagridview and a textbox. I have some menu item entries that have shortcuts of Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C, and Ctrl-V that operate on the datagridview. However, these override the default cut, copy, and paste shortcuts for the textbox. How can I make the menu shortcuts only ap...

eclipse keyboard shortcut to indent source code to the left?

I've looked in the keyboard shortcuts list in eclipse but can't find keyboard shortcut to indent source code to the left. Surely there is one? ...

How to display pressed keyboard shortcuts on screen during presentations or screencasts?

There are tools that monitor what keyboard shortcuts you just pressed and display them on screen. That is very handy during presentations or screencasts. To see an example, have a look at these Mac OS Quick Tip videos or this video (hardly visible black box in the right bottom corner of the screen). Question What tools are there for Wi...

Multiple Key Detection in Javascript

I'm working on a way to make keyboard shortcuts. Initially I had done this: function clicking(e) { var code; if (!e) var e = window.event; if (e.keyCode) code = e.keyCode; else if (e.which) code = e.which; var character = String.fromCharCode(code); if(character == 'X' && e.ctrlKey) { window.l...

git-gui: Moving keyboard focus to "changed files"

I'm trying to use my computer with keyboard only, without touching the mouse. In git-gui, how do I move the keyboard focus to the list of changed files, so I can stage them (Ctrl-T) one-by-one? I know I can stage all changed files with Ctrl-I, but it doesn't work for staging newly created files. ...

Keyboard shortcut for Visual Studio code editor Members and Types combos

I wonder what is the keyboard shortcut for these two combo boxs and specially the right part which list all the members of current class and is very handy for navigating a large class. I tried to figure it out myself but I do not know the exact names to search for it. ...

Why won't the following keyboard shortcut work for a Resharper action on VS 2010 ?

Although it most likely doesn't have anything to do with resharper... here's my setup VS2010 Ultimate 10.0.31319.1 JetBrains Resharper 5.1 (C# Edition 5.1.1727.12) I've configured the shortcut via VS2010 Tools > Options > Keyboard > C# Scheme Command Resharper_UnitTestSession_RunAll Shortcut Ctrl+Alt+\ (Global) Use...

writing lisp emacs key binding and cannot specify the <delete> character

Hello, For some reason I got the default M-del key binding for backward-kill-word mapped to a scan for matching brackets and resetting is not working, so I am trying to set the global key binding in lisp. So I wrote in ~/.emacs.d/init.el the lisp commands: (global-set-key (kbd "M-h") 'backward-kill-word) (global-set-key (kbd "M-<\dele...

Eclipse ternary operator shortcut?

Hello friends, In Eclipse (3.4+ upwards), I was searching for shortcut which converts the if {} else {} condition block to the java ternary operator[or the ?: operator ] can you guide me, how to do i do this ? Thank you! ...

How to make make syntax highlighting and keyboard behavior identical for VB.NET and C# in Visual Studio 2008?

C# Types have their own color (cyan by default). Enter completes the auto-complete suggestion. Visual Basic Types use Identifier color (black by default). Enter completes the auto-complete suggestion and adds a "()" and a newline. These and other seemingly minor differences are so enraging I can't get any work done. How do I make...

How to create keyboard shortcut in windows that call function in my app?

How can I create an application that performs an action with keyboard shortcut (App must be unvisible). For example Shows MessageBox when user press Ctrl+Alt+W. Please write example code ...

Move between variables using keyboard shortcuts

Is it possible to move quickly from one place in code to another where variable is used? For example I have variable String strResponse and it used in several places in code. I want to get from one place where variable used to another quickly using keyboard shortcuts. Is it possible? VS has "Find all references" option but that's not w...

How to make keyboard shortcuts in .net

I have a windows application in I need to make some keyboard shortcuts to navigate between different forms. How to make keyboard shortcuts in .net. ...

Ctrl+- (Ctrl+Hyphen-Minus) as ShortCut Key?

It might seem natural to use Ctrl++, Ctrl+-, and Ctrl+0 as shortcuts for an application's zoom in, zoom out, and restore default zoom (typically 100 %) actions. Now, in Delphi, I am able to assign Ctrl++ and Ctrl+0 as shortcuts. The former, though, requires that the plus sign of the main part of the keyboard is used; the plus sign of the...

what's the keyboard shortcut to toggle breakpoint in pydev using eclipse

I think i'm missing the elephant in the room but for the life of me i can't find the keyboard shortcut to setting a breakpoint in eclipse when using the pydev plugin. Things that i've already tried: Ctrl-Shift-B: does nothing. Ctrl-F10: brings up the breakpoint context menu where you can select to add breakpoint, remove etc... i don't...