
GData for my own API?

Hi StackOverflow! Im currently planning to build an API for my service. I want to use GData because it fits the application scheme and there are libraries for many programming languages available. The first question that rose: Am I allowed to do that? I mean, Google put lots of work into the GData specification and have some sort of cop...

Explaining the AdaBoost Algorithms to non-technical people

I've been trying to understand the AdaBoost algorithm without much success. I'm struggling with understanding the Viola Jones paper on Face Detection as an example. Can you explain AdaBoost in laymen's terms and present good examples of when it's used? ...

Devaluation of knowledge over time

I read somewhere the following statement: In Information Technology related jobs 60% of learned knowledge is not useful after one and a half years. I'm not sure if I remember numbers correctly (but I think they are close to original) and the author of this theorem. Also I'm not sure if this was about general IT knowledge or domain...

Finding Common Sets within noisy data

Context: Consider each set within G to be a collection of the files (contents or MD5 hashes, not names) that are found on a particular computer. Suppose I have a giant list of giant sets G and an unknown to me list of sets H. Each individual set I in G was created by taking the union of some unknown number of sets from list H, then add...

What are the extensible languages people are using today?

Wikipedia says: Extensible programming is a term used in computer science to describe a style of computer programming that focuses on mechanisms to extend the programming language, compiler and runtime environment. For example, Tcl lets you write your own control structures. See here. I'm interested in compiling a list of extensib...

How to layout form elements

Are there any good resources for the layout of elements in a form? Possibly large forms as they are common in applications for highly specialised users. I am talking about choices like: go down in columns first, then right to the nex column vs. go right in rows first, then down to the next row what to do in the presence of especially ...

Best Config File Format

I'm starting a new multi-language project completely without cruft. I have to choose a format for config files. These will be: Written by humans (developers, not end users) Read by machines Maintained by humans Worked with by text editors (not a tool) I have many different uses, like: List of modules to run Module execution order ...

Human Readable GUID

I'm writing a small system that will allow me to sell my band's music at gigs by generating vouchers that can be redeemed for MP3s at our website. The vouchers will need a code that the user types in. The code needs to have the following qualities: Some level of human readability in terms of length and content, to prevent user frustr...

Clever algorithm to find times where the sum of digits equals the number of segments in the digital dispay

So, my friend sent me a puzzle this morning: Find the number of distinct times of the day (using 24-hour display and assuming that morning hours are presented as 8:15 as opposed to 08:15) where the number of segments are equal to the sum of the digits. Eg. 8:15 has 7+2+5=14 segments in electronic format and the sum of t...

What's the standard algorithm for syncing two lists of objects?

I'm pretty sure this must be in some kind of text book (or more likely in all of them) but I seem to be using the wrong keywords to search for it... :( A common task I'm facing while programming is that I am dealing with lists of objects from different sources which I need to keep in sync somehow. Typically there's some sort of "master ...

How to reduce calculation of average to sub-sets in a general way?

Edit: Since it appears nobody is reading the original question this links to, let me bring in a synopsis of it here. The original problem, as asked by someone else, was that, given a large number of values, where the sum would exceed what a data type of Double would hold, how can one calculate the average of those values. There was sev...

why memoization is not a language feature?

I was wondering... why memoization is not provided natively as a language feature by any language I know about? Edit: to clarify, what I mean is that the language provides a keyword to specify a given function as memoizable, not that every function is automatically memoized "by default", unless specified otherwise. For example, fortran ...

Linked List insertion running time confusion...

I've tried to confirm the running time for the insertion for Linked List and it seems like there are two different answers. For inserting an element at the end of a Linked List, I would think that it would take O(n) since it has to traverse to the end of the list in order to access the tail. But some of the answers I've seen says O(1)?...

How can I learn to scale in my spare time?

I really would like to learn how to attack problems of scale. Of course, the best way to tackle this is to get a job where I can deal with those sorts of issues. But they're apparently not terribly easy to get. Obviously, I don't have any way to make any services that are going to handle millions of requests a day without a large inve...

Imposing an order on related (via a foreign key) objects

Ok, imagine a typical scenario, - there is a thread object and comments, attached to it. It can be expressed in django ORM's terms very roughly like this: class Thread(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) name = models.CharField(max_length=255) class Comment(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key...

Strategy for handling parameter validation in class library

I got a rather big class library that contains a lot of code. I am looking at how to optimize the performance of some of the code, and for some rather simple utility methods I've found that the parameter validation occupies a rather large portion of the runtime for some core methods. Let me give a typical example: A.MethodA1 runs a l...

Project Euler #75: ways to optimize the algorithm

I'm looking at ways to optimize my algorithm for solving Project Euler #75, two things I have done so far are, Only check L with even values as this can be easily proved. Store L values that have been verified to have only one way to form an integer sided right angle triangle. Later on, when checking a new L value, I look for L's divis...

Yahoo invisible

Some friends with the help of various sites check and know when i'm invisible on yahoo messenger and keep bragging about this. Being curious about this I've tested lots of sites that check if a user is invisible on yahoo messenger and all of them sent me a C1 packet type. From what i've tested I'm(my ymsgr client) not sending anythi...

Constructor: Full fledged or minimal?

When designing classes you usually have to decide between: providing a "full" constructor that takes the initial values for all required fields as arguments: clumsy to use but guarantees fully initialized and valid objects providing just a "default" constructor and accessors for all necessary fields: might be convenient sometimes but d...

Voice Communication over TCP/IP

Hello, I'm currently developing application using DirectSound for communication on an intranet. I've had working solution using UDP but then my boss told me he wants to use TCP/IP for some reason. I've tried to implement it in pretty much the same way as UDP, but with very little success. What I get is basically just noise. 20% of it is...