
Design pattern to use instead of multiple inheritance

Coming from a C++ background, Im used to multiple inheritance. I like the feeling of a shotgun squarely aimed at my foot. Nowadays, I work more in C# and Java, where you can only inherit one baseclass but implement any number of interfaces (did I get the terminology right?). For example, lets consider two classes that implement a common...

How do you reproduce bugs that occur sporadically?

We have a bug in our application that does not occur every time and therefore we don't know its "logic". I don't even get it reproduced in 100 times today. Disclaimer: This bug exists and I've seen it. It's not a pebkac or something similar. What are common hints to reproduce this kind of bug? ...

What features of interpreted languages can a compiled one not have?

Interpreted languages are usually more high-level and therefore have features as dynamic typing (including creating new variables dynamically without declaration), the infamous eval and many many other features that make a programmer's life easier - but why can't compiled languages have these as well? I don't mean languages like Java th...

Automatic testing of GUI related private methods

When it comes to GUI programming (at least for web) I feel that often the only thing that would be useful to unit test is some of the private methods*. While unit testing makes perfect sense for back-end code, I feel it doesn't quite fit the GUI classes. What is the best way to add automatic testing of these? * Why I think the only m...

Should client-server code be written in one "project" or two?

I've been beginning a client-server application. At first I naturally created two projects in Eclipse, two source control repositories, etc. But I'm quickly seeing that there is a bit of shared code between the two that would probably benefit from sharing (in the same project or in a shared library) instead of copying. In addition, I've...

Socket Sessions For Persistent Connections

I am developing a socket server where a client will be bound after being authenticated similar to SMPP. Is there support for cookies in this regard? How do you maintain a session for socket client that is "logged in"? ...

How long should it take for someone to be able to type code from memory?

Hi, I understand that this question could be answered with a simple sentence and that it may be viewed as subjective, however, I am a young student who is interested in pursuing a career in programming and wondered how long it took some of you to get to the level of experience you are now?. I ask this because I am currently working on ...

Is it good practice to name variables differently when defining more than one function?

For example, in this simple function where fun1 takes as input two numbers, adds them together and passes them to function 2 for printing the output. var1_in is local to each function, so is it OK to use the name var1_in in both functions, or is it better practice to call them different things? fun1 <- function (var1_in, var2_in) { va...

Should I use registry or a flat file to save a program's state?

Hi All, We have a lot of products that are saving their "states" on the registry. What is the best practice on saving program states? What are the advantages/disadvantages of saving program states as a registry entry or saving program states to a flat file such as XML? Thanks! ...

Does a garbage collector collect stack memory, heap memory, or both?

I read lot of articles about garbage collection and almost all article tells about heap memory. so my question is "garbage collection collects stack memory or heap memory or both". thanks Kalpesh ...

Random access gzip stream

I'd like to be able to do random access into a gzipped file. I can afford to do some preprocessing on it (say, build some kind of index), provided that the result of the preprocessing is much smaller than the file itself. Any advice? My thoughts were: Hack on an existing gzip implementation and serialize its decompressor state every,...

Code Golf: Connecting the dots

You may remember these drawings from when you were a child, but now it's time to let the computer draw them (in full ascii splendour). Have fun! Description: The input are multiple lines (terminated by a newline) which describe a 'field'. There are 'numbers' scattered across this field (seperated by whitespace). All lines can be consid...

Communication between layers in an application

Hi guys! Let's assume we have the following method in the business layer. What's the best practice to tell the UI layer that something went wrong and give also the error message? Should the method return an empty String when it was OK, otherwise the error message, or should it throw another exception in the catch code wrapping the caugh...

Opinions on collision detection objects with a moving scene

So my question is simple, and I guess it boils down to how anal you want to be about collision detection. To keep things simple, lets assume we're talking about 2D sprites defined by a bounding box. In addition, let's assume that my sprite object has a function to detect collisions like this: S.collidesWith(other); Finally the scene is m...

Program Structure Design Tools? (Top Down Design)

I have been looking to expand my methodologies to better involve Unit testing, and i stumbled upon Behavioral Driven Design (Namely Cucumber, and a few others). I am quite intrigued by the concept as i have never been able to properly design top down, only because keeping track of the design gets lost without a decent way to record it. ...

What is the difference between nested and cascaded if-else

What is the difference between nested and cascaded if-else? ...

Basic client/server programming

I am new to web programming...I have been asked to create a simple Internet search application which would allow transmit to the browser some data stored remotely in the server. Considering the client/server architecture (which I am new to) I would like to know if the "client" is represented only by the Internet browser and therefore th...

How to choose the right web application framework? Since we are ambitiously aiming to be big, scalability is important, and so are globalization features. Since we are starting out without funding, price/performance and cost of licences/hardware is important. We definitely want to bring AJAX well present in the web in...

tfidf, am I understanding it right?

Hey everyone, I am interested in doing some document clustering, and right now I am considering using TF-IDF for this. If I am not wrong, TFIDF is particularly used for evaluating the relevance of a document given a query. If I do not have a particular query, how can I apply tfidf to clustering? ...

What happens if two COM classes each without a threading model are implemented in one in-proc COM server?

Consider a situation. I have an in-proc COM server that contains two COM classes. Both classes are marked as "no threading model" in the registry - the "ThreadingModel" value is just absent. Both classes read/write the same set of global variable without any synchronization. As far as I know "no threading model" will enforce COM to disa...