
How to store a symmetric matrix?

Which is the best way to store a symmetric matrix in memory? It would be good to save half of the space without compromising speed and complexity of the structure too much. This is a language-agnostic question but if you need to make some assumptions just assume it's a good old plain programming language like C or C++.. It seems a thin...

How to reduce code duplication in this example

I need to loop through a number (xx). xx always starts at zero. My problem is that if the moveDirection variable is +1 then xx increases until it reaches the positive of range. If moveDirection is -1, then xx decreases until reaching the negative of range. In the code below, I have done this by having an if statement test for moveDirect...

Graph Hamiltonian Path with DNA Computing

I recently found a "DNA Computing" Algorithm (not genetic programming or genetic algorithms) that attempts to find the Hamiltonian Path in a graph, but I'm a little confused by the pseudo code... note that the notation is a little messed up because I copied it from a PDF paper on DNA computing: Input: for each node v and edge (u; v), ...

Code Golf: Pig Latin

Challenge: Take a sentence of input of any length and convert all the words in that sentence to pig latin. If you do not know what pig latin is please read Wikipedia: Pig Latin. Specifications: Assume all words are separated by spaces and all sentences either end with a exclamation, question mark or period. Do not use the variant for...

Date Range Overlap with Nullable Dates

I'm looking for an extended answer to the question asked here: where any of the dates in either date range can be null. I've come up with the following solution, but I'm not sure if it can be simplified further. (StartA == NULL || StartA <= EndB) && (E...

how can i write a script to find the latest updated file and copy to certain directory

i have a process that downloads a file from a webbrower. it has the same name always (can't change that) so each file gets downloaded as file([latestnumber]) so in this directory i have: joe.pdf joe(1).pdf joe(2).pdf etc . . . I now would like a script to take the "latest file" (joe(2).pdf in this case) and copy it to another direc...

Bare-minimum text sanitation

In an application that accepts, stores, processes, and displays Unicode text (for the purpose of discussion, let's say that it's a web application), which characters should always be removed from incoming text? I can think of some, mostly listed in the C0 and C1 control codes Wikipedia article: The range 0x00-0x19 (mostly control char...

Need help with credit expiration algorithm

So I'm stuck. I am working on a credit system with expirations. Similar to credit card miles but not exactly. By the way I am sorry for the book ahead but I needed to add enough detail to help get the whole picture. What I need is a system where a user accumulates credits for doing activities. But they can also spend these credits on ac...

How to design a language binding to a web api?

If you were trying to design a language binding to a restful web api, how would you do it? What would you take into consideration? What resources would you consult first? Would you try to mock the web api interlace 1:1 or would you try to use your language idioms instead? How would you prevent making excessive HTTP requests? Etc I've be...

Algorithms for Directed Cyclic Graph Traversal (JavaScript)

I have a connected, directed, cyclic graph. The task is to discover every single node in the graph without falling into an infinite loop, as a regular tree traversal algorithm will do. You can assume that I already know what node to start at so as to reach all points in the directed graph, and that for each node I have a function that w...

Do you print your source code? If so why?

Possible Duplicate: Why print your code? For the first time in probably over 10 years I printed some source code. The reason why was so my non-programming wife could use it as a reference for a novel she's writing. Twenty years ago when I worked for a major bank we had to print the source code of every major release. Do you ...

What is the generic data structure/format for a (geo) location and how do you compare them?

What is the structure of a generic (or device independent) physical location? My guess is it might be a struct with two long fields, or something similar. Also, given one destination location, and two candidate locations, is there a simple algorithm for determining which candidate is closest to the destination? I'm not really looking ...

Where to start to build a real codebase from scratch?

Hi, Currently, I have a more or less organized set of projects I work or worked on. Some are refactored, documented and unit-tested, others are not. When I want to reuse a code I've written before, I spend a few minutes searching for the project where I've written this code, than copy-paste this code to a new one, refactoring, document...

"Independent" GUI window launching

I'm fairly new to GUI programming and I'm trying to write a plotting lib in D to use with some otherwise console-based scientific apps. I'm using DFL as my GUI library. Assume my plot form has a method called showPlot() that's supposed to display the plot on the screen. I would like to be able to have any thread in my app throw up a p...

I need a language dictionary

I need to add dictionary facilities to an MVC app. Does anyone know a library that I could use? Where can I get word definitions from? Any help is appreciated. ...

How many combinations of k neighboring pixels are there in an image?

I suck at math, so I can't figure this out: how many combinations of k neighboring pixels are there in an image? Combinations of k pixels out of n * n total pixels in the image, but with the restriction that they must be neighbors, for each k from 2 to n * n. I need the sum for all values of k for a program that must take into account th...

Range intersection / union

Hello, I'm developing a programming language for which I want to provide a Range data type which for now is, not as usually, a list of pairs of int values (x,y) with the constraint that x < y. I say not as usually because usually a range is just a pair but in my case it is more than than, allowing to have for example 1 to 5, 7 to 11, 13...

"Reverse" statistics: generating data based on mean and standard deviation

Having a dataset and calculating statistics from it is easy. How about the other way around? Let's say I know some variable has an average X, standard deviation Y and assume it has normal (Gaussian) distribution. What would be the best way to generate a "random" dataset (of arbitrary size) which will fit the distribution? EDIT: This ki...

Elegantly check if a given date is yesterday

Hi, Assuming you have a Unix timestamp, what would be an easy and/or elegant way to check if that timestamp was some time yesterday? I am mostly looking for solutions in Javascript, PHP or C#, but pseudo code and language agnostic solutions (if any) are welcome as well. ...

Can ++ (increment) be called atomic?

Possible Duplicate: Ive heard i++ isnt thread safe, is ++i thread-safe? Hi all, Yesterday I did interesting investigation on behavior of ++ operator in multithreaded environment. I knew for a long time that this code is not thread safe: (C-like pseudocode) int i = 0; thread() { for (int j = 0;j < 1000000;j++) { ...