
Effective Version Control for Slides

I have to maintain a huge set of training material in forms of slides. At a first glance, I've noticed there's no support for version control in OpenOffice OOImpress (but I might be wrong on this). Which tool should I use to easily maintain my training material? I thought about using LaTeX + Beamer so that I can easily put under versi...

Convert latex to html in Java or C++?

There are many tools for converting latex into html. I'm looking for a Java or C++ program to do this. It will need to run on multiple operating systems. The solution will be used on academic papers, so it should ideally also be able to interpret things like bibtex. I found htmltolatex which is a "Java program for converting HTML pag...

How to number nonconsecutive addenda in LaTeX without disrupting original Theorem numbering?

I am writing a thesis heavy with Definitions, Theorems, Lemmas and the like. I need to give a basic definition of a concept, and then later in the thesis expand on this definition as more parameters add to the complexity and thus to the definition. So I need something which would look (structurally) like this: Definition 1 Definition 2...

Problem with rendered latex file's pictures comes out after section that preceeds it in the latex file.

So I have a Latex file with some plots. However there's a problem with the figure floats in the image. I have a picture right before a page break, and latex pushes the to big plot down to the next. Fine enough. But then it decides to go smart and push up the section after the plot, to the free space that was left when the picture was pus...

How to create a new LaTeX command that behaves something like \verb?

I have been using LaTeX from sometime now, but have never actually gotten my hands dirty declaring a new command, as I try to avoid that. However, I need to add monospace text often in my document and I use \verb for it which is fine, except that the verb font size is bigger than the normal text font. So I need to change the font size ...

Converting Array of Java Strings into LaTeX table

I have an two dimension array that contains strings and want to create a LaTeX table with them. The problem is that they could be longer and there has to be line breakes after 15 characters. The Say it's a 2x2 array with contains {{"String11.......String11", "String21"}, {"String12.......String12.......String12.......", "String22.........

Lyx: Can I beautify JSON inside a document?

I was wondering if anyone knew how to beautify or format JSON inside a Latex document. I am using Lyx as a front-end for writing the latex file. Are there any addons that people use? I tried to search but am not able to get anything relevant. ...

Developing ebooks- software?

I've written a few documents for friends or blogs on software testing, job hunting and android development. I've been toying with the idea of producing some programming-related ebooks. However, developing these in Word or OpenOffice seems too amateurish compared to some of the fantastically produced books out there. I'm proficient in ...

Replace all "\" characters which are *not* inside "<code>" tags

First things first: Neither this, this, this nor this answered my question. So I'll open a new one. Please read Okay okay. I know that regexes are not the way to parse general HTML. Please take note that the created documents are written using a limited, controlled HTML subset. And people writing the docs know what they're doing. They ...

How to force two figures to stay on the same page in LaTeX?

I have two images that I want to display on a page as figures. Each eats up little less than half of the space available so there's not much room for any other stuff on that page, but I know there is enough space for both of the figures. I tried to place the figures with [ht] and [hb], both [h] and both [ht] but still I can't get those t...

Icelandic, utf8 and utf8x in LaTeX

First of all, what's the difference between utf8 and utf8x in \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} when used in LaTeX? Secondly, what packages are required when writing an article in Icelandic using LaTeX? I found: \usepackage[icelandic]{babel} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} after experim...

What is the best way to learn texmacs?

I currently use Kile to edit LaTeX documents. I don't like kile for a couple of reasons so I was thinking of trying to learn how to use texmacs. I have been through a tutorial for emacs which I am now getting to grips with. The documentation for texmacs and auctex are pretty weak in terms of explaining how to install and how to use those...

Latex Letter: From Address Left aligned

This is my first time using Latex to write a letter. I am using the letter class. When I use: \address{100 From Address \\ City, State \\ Pin} The from address becomes right aligned. Is there someway I can make this left aligned. The format of the letter I am looking for is: the from address left aligned, followed by the date left al...

LaTeX Optional Arguments

How do you create a command with optional arguments in LaTeX? Something like: \newcommand{\sec}[2][]{ \section*{#1 \ifsecondargument and #2 \fi} } } Then, I can call it like \sec{Hello} %Output: Hello \sec{Hello}{Hi} %Output: Hello and Hi ...

Replace strings in LaTeX

I want LaTeX to automatically replace strings like " a ", " s ", " z " with " a~", " s~", " z~", because they can't be at line end. Any suggestions? ...

LaTeX tabbing overlap

Hello, I'm having some frustration with the LaTeX tabbing environment. For example, in this code the who-GEN friend-PL end up overlapping: \begin{tabbing} Aarude \= suhrthukalanu \= ayirunnathu? \\ who-{\sc gen} \> friend-{\sc pl} \> happy-{\sc past}? \\ `Whose friends were happy?' \end{tabbing} So what I've been doin...

latex command reflection

Hello *, I have the following use case: A table have a section, subsection or subsubsection heading like: \section*{Table name} \begin{tabular*} ... \end{tabular*} Because the table can appear in section, subsection etc. I thought I could define the table header and footer as macros and additionally pass the type of table...

Multiline equation in a table

Is there a way to make very long equation multiline so it doesn't stretch the table very long? ...

latex floats and consecutively numbered equations

I have a few equations that appear in a floating figure. Unfortunately, the corresponding equation numbers are assigned assuming that the float (and hence the equations) appear in the position that the float was defined. Conceptually, a page will appear like this: equation #1 figure begins equation #2 figure ends equation #3 But if ...

LaTeX: How to create left aligned paragraphs and right aligned authors of paragraphs

Please help me in creating LaTeX document with the following structure Text Author Text Author Where Text is a block of 2-10 lines left aligned and Author is one line aligned to the right, and I need these Text+Author blocks to always appear on the same page. ...