
In LaTeX, how does one get a colon instead of a full stop after a theorem?

I want to know if there is some way to change that full stop after Definition. to a colon, i.e. to get Definition: (and for the other environments in the "definition" theoremstyle). ...

Getting R plots into LaTeX?

I'm a newbie to both R and LaTeX and have just recently found how to plot a standard time series graph using R and save it as a png image. What I'm worried about is that saving it as an image and then embedding it into LaTeX is going to scale it and make it look ugly. Is there a way to make R's plot() function output a vector graphic an...

a bib style to capitalize book titles but not paper titles

I've heard that title capitalization in bibliography is the bibliography style's role (the bst file). Is there a bibliography style file that capitalizes book titles but not paper titles? For example, a paper title should be like Hello world and hello kitty a book title should be like Hello World and Hello Kitty bib style p...

How to write below/above the text in LaTeX?

I want to have text above text (not superscript - x^2) but a \overbrace and text above it. (same for below the text) thanks ...

Open Source LaTeX environment for educational books?

Fully aware of the LaTeX features to define new environment allowing me to do about anything, I was wondering if there are Open Source packages that allows me to do book branding by predefining environments for examples, excursions, listings, question sections, etc. For example, have an example environment with a blue-ish background, sec...

Coloring notes in Lilypond by height

lilypond can color notes in a arbitrary way using \override NoteHead #'color = #red c with the default color is black. But I like to color all notes by height, so that my kids can more easily learn to recognize the notes as the c, d, e, f, ... are associated with its own color. The above allows me to do this, but is rather verbose. I...

How to define in LaTeX a new counter that includes the chapter number too?

Given I have defined a new environment for which a counter is maintained: \newcounter{bioclipse} \newenvironment{bioclipse}[2][]{ \begin{shaded}\refstepcounter{bioclipse}\par\medskip\noindent% \textbf{Bioclipse Excursion~\thechapter-\thebioclipse #1: #2 \vspace{0.1cm} \hrule \vspace{0.1cm}} \rmfamily}{\medskip \end{shaded} }...

How to generate a document like this in Latex I want to write a document that has the style like this one. Like having a light colored background on a page, having a big header (like the EXTRACTION) shown in this link. Do you think it is possible to something like this in Latex? I am comfortable with doing normal things in...

Query regarding drawing TikZ figure

In this sample code, the author does the following \draw ($(closedStart.south) + (-.5em,0)$) edge[stateEdge] node[edgeLabel, xshift=-3em]{\emph{Passive open}} ($(listen.north) + (-.5em,0)$); What irritates me most about these markup based drawing tools is that I've to measure a value and specify. In this case, the author...

Centering Text within a Multirow Cell in LaTex

This is probably best explained with an example. I have the following table, where the "A" cell spans two rows, and the "B" cell spans two columns. \begin{table}[htdp] \begin{tabular}{l|r|r} \multirow{2}{*}{A} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{B} \\ & B1 & B2 \\ a & b1 & b2 \\ a & b1 & b2 \\ \end{tabular} \end{table} _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |A ...

QED symbol in latex

How do I type a QED symbol - I want a full box and not an empty box like \qed gives you. (I'm not using \begin{proof}) ...

How to make cheat sheets in Latex?

I want to make cheat sheets for my personal use. I want to use this opportunity to get a good hand on LaTeX too. (I am already comfortable making simple documents math related in LaTeX.) Now I want to try making cheat sheets in LaTeX. But I don't know how to do it. In cheat sheets, usually the page is split into multiple rectangular sec...

Add/Find Style files in/to latex

Question 1 I am getting the following error in Latex: ! LaTeX Error: File `fancybox.sty' not found. Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed, or enter new name. (Default extension: sty) Enter file name: However, the file fancybox.sty is actually located in the folder from where I am running the pdflatex command. Why is not able to fin...

Making PNG|jpeg from LaTeX in C or C++

I'm looking for a library (or a cleverer solution) in C or C++ that would make an image file (PNG|jpeg) from LaTeX code. The use of packages is a prerequisite. For now I'm thinking of compiling a .tex file into a .dvi and using dvipng to get a .PNG. There's also the possibility of compiling a .tex file into a .ps file and then convert...

How would you put a small graphic in your latex document source?

I have a small graphic that is part of my document. It's PDF, is 193 lines, and has some binary data mixed with its postscript. I'm currently using the graphicx package and including the pdf as a separate file. Is there a way I can inline it directly in my latex source? ...

automated line breaks in LaTeX tables

In my dissertation, I have a glossary that explains some abbreviations I use. I put this in a table to make it look nicer. However, LaTeX does not break lines at the end of the page. I know that I could force a line break at any point in the table, but it is a long table (much work!) and manual line breaks make the text look jagged and ...

Why wont \marginpar wrap it's text [Solved]

I'm using miktex 2.8 on windows. For some reason, the \marginpar command has stopped working. It used to work as expected, but not the lines will not wrap. I have set marginparwidth to 1in and still the lines will not wrap, they just go right off the page (or right into the text for margin pars on the odd pages). If I change marginparwid...

How do you put a period after the section number using the article class?

I am using the article class with the code: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \begin{document} \section{Foo} This is an example of foo. \section{Bar} This is an example of bar. \end{document} This produces: 1 Foo 2 Bar What I want is a period after the section number: Foo Bar I cannot change away from the article class. How w...

Texments package not working on Ubuntu

I am trying to use the Texments Latex package on Ubuntu to do syntax highlighting. Texments is a wrapper around Pygments. I installed Texments and followed the steps to add the style file to the path. But when I try to compile the .tex file, I get the error. !Undefined Control Sequence and then it prints out a bunch of wierd characters...

How to right justify on the same line in LaTex?

I am trying to define the layout for a thesis approval page. So the institute layout has something like "name ..... affiliation _" on one line where "..." is a horizontal fill and affiliation is right justified. How to create such a layout in Latex/Tex? ...