
LaTex: Possible to include large block of Regex?

Hi, is it possible to include a large block of a regex (like this one: without escaping all colliding characters first? i think of something like \begin{following_section_will_not_be_parsed_by_latex} (a+?b) \end{...} thank you! Andrew ...

Is it possible to write own "packages" for LaTeX?

As a programmer, I wonder if I could create my own package for LaTeX. I need something like that famous "listings" package, but something that is much more capable for my needs. I look for a listings solution that would watch out for a comment line like // BEGIN LISTING 3122 // END LISTING 3122 No syntax highlighting, but intelligent...

Is it possible to develop functions for LaTeX?

Okay, I'm a real LaTeX noob. But I will have to use it. And a friend who knows it (as a student who writes his diploma with it) said, there is a Listings package to put source code into a document. Well, after I saw that listings package, I realized that's not really what I want. So I'm curious if it's possible to develop something like ...

Can you recommend a book for programming functionality for LaTeX?

As a LaTeX newbie I want to start using it and extending it with my own stuff. I have some ideas for solutions for technical writing, which aren't solved until now. So I need a good book on LaTeX which looks at it from a programmers point of view. Like how does LaTeX actually work internally, how does all the stuff fit together, and wher...

What's the starting point to write functionality for LaTeX?

I'm new to it but know it can't handle something special I need. I want to develop functionality for LaTeX. Problem: There's something called just TeX. Then there's LaTeX. And then there's KOMA-Script. So: Which of these three is actually the "underlying engine" that drives all this stuff? ...

If TeX is a programming language, how could I start programming in TeX?

I use a Mac. But I also have a PC with Windows 7. So when I want to start programming functionality for LaTeX using TeX, what's my starting point? Is there an SDK and documentation? I couldn't find any book on TeX programming. ...

TeX Hyphenation patterns : What do they represent

If you scroll down this page a bit, you'd see UK English hyphenation patterns like: \patterns{ % just type <return> if you're not using INITEX .ab4i .ab3ol .ace4 .acet3 .ach4 .ac5tiva What do these patterns like .ab4i mean? ...

Maximum nesting level of lists in Latex

Is there a way to increase the maximum nesting level of lists (enumerate, etc) in Latex? I need five levels for a class, and Google isn't finding me anything... ...

Latex: how break a line when summing over two things

Lets say I want to sum over i \in S and i \in T. Currently I use: \displaystyle \sum_{i \in S, i \in T} i But this will display the sum-overs one after the other and not one above the other like I want. How can I do this? thanks ...

Latex: how to break a line inside $$-s

I want to manually break a line inside $$: $$something something <breakline> something else$$ I tried "//", "\newline", and "\linebreak[]" but none work. Ideas? ...

Lightweight markup language for math

Is there an easy markup language for math equations? I am developing an application for undergrads and I was looking for something less complex than LaTex and easier to write than MathML. ...

Customizing MWD for math equations

HI, I want to customize the WMD editor (or wmd-new) to convert TeX equations like $\frac{2}{3}$ to Google Charts API images () Is it possible to customize how the HTML is generated? ...

How to check if a latex package has been installed?

Hi, under Ubuntu, just wonder how to check if a latex package has been installed? When installing, I followed the methods mentioned in and Thanks and regards! ...

getting two matrices in one line

im trying to get these to appear in the same line without any success, my coding is \begin{equation} P^+=\[ \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 1 & 0\\ 0 & 0\end{array} \right)\] P^-=\[ \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1\end{array} \right)\] \end{equation} any hints or suggestions would be welcome ...

Adding full page figures in Latex, how?

I have a full-page figure that LaTeX keeps putting at the end because of its size. I would like it to be integrated on a separate page in the flow of text. How can I do it? ...

LaTeX: Line breaking of long lines, how to mark these?

Hi everyone I have a Latex code similar to the following: \usepackage{listings} \lstset{ breaklines = true, numbers = left, stepnumber = 5, } \begin{lstlisting} for (int i = 0, j = 0, k = 1; i <= 10, j < foo; i++, j *= factor, k--) { // a comment here % something code here ... } \end{lstlisting} The lon...

Source code highlighting in LaTeX

I need to highlight source code in LaTeX. The package listings seems to be the best choice for most use-cases and for me it was, until now. However, now I need more flexibility. Generally, what I’m looking for is a real lexer. In particular, I need (for an own language definition) to define (and highlight!) own number styles. listings d...

latex template or example for personal statement

Hi, I am writing a personal statement in latex. I don't want the big margin at the top of the page not big title taking a lot of space. I just like to make the layout compact but still clearly spaced with title, name and other necessary information, since there may be restriction on the number of pages. One example would be http://www.h...

Why does LaTeX "Table of Contents" leave gaps for missing items?

I have set tocdepth to a lower number, so that other subsections are not included in the list. But instead of just removing these items, LaTeX leaves a gap. How does it happen? How could it be prevented? ...

How can I change the margins on a PDF document created by Doxygen?

Hello, I am using Doxygen to generate a PDF of my code documentation. The PDF has very big margins when using PAPER_TYPE = letter. It looks ok when using a4wide but I would like to have more control over it. I want to use a package called geometry but can't figure out where to add code like this: \usepackage[top=2.9cm,left=2in,bottom...