
LaTeX symbol under nabla

In LaTeX, with \displaystyle , if I do something like: \sum_{i=0} then the i=0 appears under a giant Sigma. This is good. Now, if I do (also in \displaystyle) \nabla_{x} the x does not appear under the nabla. It appears to the lower right. How can I make it appear under the nabla instead? ...

Library to convert latex to png in Java

What is the best library to do this? I am surprised this question has not been asked before. Is it impossible? That would be surprising too. Thanks for your help. ...

\ref Chapter Name in LaTeX

Is it possible to use \ref{chap:conclusion} to refer to the actual name of the chapter instead of the chapter counter in LaTeX? So that I can do this: See the \ref{chap:conclusion} chapter for more information See the Conclusion chapter for more information instead of: See Chapter \ref{chap:conclusion} for more See Chapter 6 for mo...

How to prevent latex memory overflow

I've got a latex macro that makes small pictures. In that picture I need to draw area. Borders of that area are quadratic bezier curves and that area is to be filled. I did not know how to do it so currently I'm "filling" the area by drawing a plenty of bezier curves inside it... This slows down typeseting and when a macro is used multi...

LaTeX -> dvi/pdf/ps -> list of (x, y, font_name, character_id)

Input: I have a LaTeX file, with plain text & math formulas. Desired output: I want a list of elements, where each element is: x-coordinate y-coordinate font_name character_id Basically, I want to take a LaTeX file, r"render it", but instead of printing it / getting an image, I want it to say "okay, you have a Sigma symbol here, then ...

reference suggestion in latex windows (multi-file structure)

There is some editor of latex that managed the labels for a multifile document?. I tried with TexMaker and LED, and they offers me suggestions about the labels present in the actual document and in the "Master" document but not the labels present in other files of the structure. I made a script to find those other labels but it will be r...

PDF thumbnails in TeXShop (LaTeX)

How can i create PDF thumbnails in TeXShop using LaTeX and thumbpdf? I have \usepackage{thumbpdf} in my preamble, ran LaTeX twice, ran $ thumbpdf report.pdf from a Terminal (I'm on a Mac), then ran LaTeX again, but the PDF has no thumbnails? Am I missing a step? The thumbpdf command created png files but then deleted them again, a...

The way to find out whole picture width in PGF (Latex)

I've got a latex macro that draws a picture using PGF and Tikz according to given parameters. The width of picture drawn depends on these parameters. PGF automatically calculates the resulting width of any picture drawn so the user does not have to set it explicitly(like for example when using latex build in picture environment). Howe...

LaTex: how does the include-command work?

I supposed the include-command copy-pastes code in the compilation, it is wrong because the code stopped working. Please, see the middle part in the code. I only copy-pasted the code to the file and added the include-command. $ cat results/frames.tex 10.31 & 8.50 & 7.40 \\ 10.34 & 8.53 & 7.81 \\ 8.22 & 8.62 & 7.78 \\ 10.16 & 8.53 & ...

Wrong figures numbering - Package caption Error: Continued 'figure' after 'table'

Hello I am having a problem with the numbering of figures using Latex, I am getting this error message: Package caption Error: Continued 'figure' after 'table' This is my code: \begin{table} \centering \subfloat[Tabla1\label{tab:Tabla1}]{ \small \begin{tabular}{ | c | c | c | c | c |} \hline \multicolumn{5}{|c|}{\textbf{Tabla 1}} ...

Is there a programmatic way to transform a sequence of image files into a PDF?

I have a sequence of JPG images. Each of the scans is already cropped to the exact size of one page. They are sequential pages of a valuable and out of print book. The publishing application requires that these pages be submitted as a single PDF file. I could take each of these images and just past them into a word-processor (e.g. Open...

How to set any font size (e.g. 32pt) with \setbeamerfont?

I want to set font size for frametitle with \setbeamerfont. How to set any font size (e.g. 32pt) with \setbeamerfont? ...

Capital in Bibtex

Hi, I want to show some letters in Bibliography as capital. For example: @misc{libsvm, abstract = {LIBSVM is an implbmentation of Support vector machine (SVM).}, author = {Chang, Chih-Chung}, howpublished = {\url{}}, keywords = {svm}, posted-at = {2010-04-08 00:05:04}, priority = {2}...

linebreak in url with Bibtex and hyperref package

Why is this item not shown properly in my bibliography? @misc{ann, abstract = {ANN is an implbmentation of nearest neighbor search.}, author = {David M. Mount and Sunil Arya}, howpublished = {\url{}}, keywords = {knn}, posted-at = {2010-04-08 00:05:04}, priority = {2}, title ...

braces for Math in LaTeX

Hi, Is there any convenient way to type in braces in Math in Latex? Especially when I have already typed in a lot of "(" and ")" instead of "\left(" and "\right)", how can I do a quick replacement? similarly for "{" and "}" and "[" and "]"? Is it important to make such changes? I am writing a thesis. Thanks and regards! BTW: I mainl...

How do I sanitize LaTeX input?

I'd like to take user input (sometimes this will be large paragraphs) and generate a LaTeX document. I'm considering a couple of simple regular expressions that replaces all instances of "\" with "\textbackslash " and all instances of "{" or "}" with "\}" or "\{". I doubt this is sufficient. What else do I need to do? Note: In case t...

Latex - Is it possible to have text on top of images?

I want to create something like a leaflet/magazine using Latex. Is it possible to place text on top of an image and style the text freely? Any links to examples of something like this? ...

No page number for divider pages in LaTeX

I have a report in LaTeX, and i have used the following commands to create my Appendix, however, my lecturer states that any divider pages should be unnumbered. \documentclass{report} \usepackage{appendix} \begin{document} \include{chap1} \include{appendix} \end{document} Then in appendix.tex \appendix \pagesty...

Left align block of equations

Hi I want to left align a block of equations. The equations in the block itself are aligned, but that's not related at all to my question! I want to left align the equations rather than have them centered all the time, because it looks dumb with narrow centered equations. Example, I want to left align this \begin{align*} |\vec a| ...

Latex Beamer Command to make Image Slides

Hi, I am using the following beamer command \newcommand{\imgslide}[2]{ {\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{ \includegraphics [width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight]{images/#1}} \begin{frame}[plain] \txtonimg{#2} \end{frame} } } And I get errors repeatedly. The same c...