
Add a version number to the title of a LaTeX document.

Hi. The title section of my LaTeX documents usually look like \title{Title} \author{Me} %\date{} %// Today's date will appear when this is commented out. \begin{document} \maketitle I'd really like to add another line in the title section for a version number: \title{Title} \author{Me} \version{v1.2} %\date{} %// Today's d...

How to Add an Auto Version Number in Latex?

This question spurred my curiosity: How do you add an auto-version number in Latex? ( So one is not doing this: {\bf Version:} 1.2 and then later {\bf Version:} 1.2 1.3) ? ...

LaTeX - Changing the font size for a document, but in the preamble, not the document class?

I have a LaTeX document. I want to change the font size of all the text, to make it smaller. Normally I would just change the documentclass part. However I am generating LaTeX files from another programme, and it is setting the documentclass, I can't change that. However I can put things in the preamble. Is there anyway to change the f...

Zed Notation in LyX

Is it possible to create Zed Notation schemes in LyX? How can it be done? ...

URL latex linebreak problem

Hi everyone, Having a small issue with long url's in latex. When a url is over a line wrong and goes onto a second like, the hyperlink only uses the first line. Is there a way to get around this and yet still have the URL on multiple lines? Cheers, Laurence ...

Code folding for LaTeX in Emacs

Is there an Emacs minor-mode (or piece of elisp code) that lets you selectively hide/show environments while in LaTeX mode? For instance, I would like to move to the beginning of a long \begin{figure} block, hit a keystroke, and have the contents of that figure environment hidden from view. Similarly with \begin{proof} and so on, and ide...

How to add footer in latex without the page number

Hi, I have a 2 tex file which I am converting to pdf and then merging the 2 pdf. My problem is I want to define footer for each pdf without the page numbers. \thispagestyle{fancy} \rfoot{text} but it gives me the page number. ...

Latex editor for windows that works with unicode

Hello, I need to write Hebrew text in Latex. I am currently working on Windows with TeXnicCenter. I was pretty happy with this tool, up until the time when I needed to write Hebrew text. My regular alt-shift just won't change the language (I even downloaded the last alpha version, which was supposed to solve the problem, but it didn't)....

Why would LaTeX ignore the font size in the documentclass

I have a LaTeX file. I'm experimenting with trying to reduce the font size (this is related to my other question here ). The LaTeX file is generated from another programme. I have edited it to start with \documentcla...

different overlay specification in different beamer modes?

I have a beamer frame with about 150 slides on it. I want article and handout mode to only show frame 92. Reading section 8.6.2 of the beamer manual it seems like I should be able to do something like \begin{frame}<handout:92> ... \end{frame} but that seems to have no effect--all 150 slides are set in handout mode, overlaying (mak...

docview in emacs: refreshing dvi content automatically

Hello: Is there a way Emacs can automatically refresh the buffer showing the dvi right after my LaTeX compilation? Thank you. ...

Undefined control sequence

Hi, I am making my Master's Thesis with LaTeX, but I can't get the provided style to work. Specifically, I get the error 'Undefined control sequence' when using the function makeformaltitlepages, which is defined in mscthesis.sty. On the internet, the only answer I could find is the straightforward 'you probably made a typo', or 'you pr...

Does LaTeX have an array data structure?

Are there arrays in LaTeX? I don't mean the way to typeset arrays. I mean arrays as the data structure in LaTeX/TeX as a "programming language". I need to store a number of vbox-es or hbox-es in an array. It may be something like "an array of macros". More details: I have an environment that should typeset songs. I need to store some s...

Variable font height via tables in LaTeX

I've been looking for a more elegant solution to the following typesetting problem. Consider those banners found in print media where the text is aligned like: B I G T E X T small text small text small text m o r e m e d i u m t e x t The font sizes are adjusted so that the height is scaled down for longer line...

thesis in LaTeX without memoir

Hi, I'm preparing a thesis report in LaTeX. I don't want to use the memoir class as I would like total control. I have two questions: My thesis consists of an introduction and then a series of articles pasted one after the other. Thus each article has its own abstract, introduction, etc... and a bibliography at its end. I understand th...

pdflatex document to html

I need to convert a bunch of pdflatex only documents (because of graphics-- .pdf's jpgs & pngs) to html. tex4ht is giving a bunch of garbage output. the documents are built using the \input command. Is there anything I can do to help tex4ht with a pdflatex document? I've looked at many converters (pandoc, hevea, tth, latex2rtf) but none ...

How to reset lstset settings for listings?

At the top of my tex document, I set my sourcecode listing format by \lstset{language=java} \lstset{numbers=left, numberstyle=\tiny, numbersep=5pt, breaklines=true} \lstset{emph={square}, emphstyle=\color{red}, emph={[2]root,base}, emphstyle={[2]\color{blue}}} because I merely list Java source code. At one point in my document, I h...

remove the <++> in the Vim-Latex

Hi all I am using the Vim-Latex now. But I have a question, when everytime I type the {*}, it would append <++> automatically? How can I disable it? Best Regards, ...

Typesetting LaTeX fraction terms to be larger in an equation

I have the following formula in LaTeX, based on Fisher's Exact Test. (NOTE: requires the use of the amsmath package for \binom.) \begin{equation} P(i,j) = \sum_{x=|N(V_i) \cap V_j|}^{\min\{|V_j|, |N(V_i)|} \frac{ \binom{|V_j|}{x} \binom{|V - V_j|}{|N(V_i)| - x}} {\binom{|V|}{|N(V_i)|}} \end{equation} This renders the fract...

Unix: how to have delimiter as "\t&\t" in paste-tool?

Results are in clean files. I want to get them to latex-table format with paste. So how can I have a delimiter "\t&\t"? or is there some Latex tool? Pasting Columnwise to have \t&\t delimiter $ paste -d'\t\&\t' d d_powered_-2 rad 5.0 400.0&384.5 7.5 204.1&184.5 10.0 100.0&115.5 15.0 44.4&58.2 20.0 25.0&45.0 25....